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Weekend Estimates: #1-TED 54.1m; #2-MM 39.16m; #3-BRAVE 34m; #4-MADEA 26.35m; #5- MAD3 11.82m

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TLB was garbage. KK was unnecessary exercise in self-indulgence that overspent the budget but didn`t thrill. Post-0LOTR PJ is crap. fact. Now he`s back to prequelling LOTR cause non-LOTR shit didn`t turn all that well. Talk about dusting off a franchise when going gets tough. And yes, it`s a career-saving move since he was very loud about not wanting to direct TH because he didn`t want to "repeat himself." Lmao! Don`t want to repat yourself? Than stop extracting emotional response with slo-mo and close-ups and stop overstuff your movies with SFX and stretch them beyond reasonable running time.

Considering how risky a King Kong remake was (doubly so given the huge budget), it did very well. I liked it personally, not a great film, but very good, and a fun watch.

Excerpt from Wikipedia:

'While the film performed lower than expectations, King Kong made domestic and worldwide grosses that eventually added up to $550 million,[1] becoming the fourth-highest grossing movie in Universal Pictures history. It also generated $100 million in DVD sales upon its home video release.[2] The film garnered generally positive reviews from film critics and appeared on several 'top ten' lists for 2005, though some reviewers also criticized it for its 3 hour, 7 minute running time. It won Academy Awards for Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Sound Editing.'

All in all a successful film. So you can't use that to bash PJ.

I can't comment on TLB as I haven't seen it, so that may be bad for all I know.

In any case I will always love PJ for giving us LotR, such a monumental achivement. It's easy for haters to look back now and criticise, but as a huge fan of the book, I (and many, many other people) were exceptionally worried about how the films would turn out, it was an incredibly difficult ask that the films would even be acceptable, let alone good or brilliant.

/end PJ defence

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King Kong is only so expensive because of the near-hour of super costly super irrelevant tedium PJ filmed. I like PJ but King Kong is a perfect example to use against him. One of the more self-indulgent movies I've seen

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KK wasn`t risky at all because it was a brand name. Risky is oriignal property not something with built-in fandom. Also, Wiki entries are interpretation of whoever submitted the entry. Was Uni happy with the result? No. How do I know? cause they flatly rebuffed PJ`s proposal to make Hallo for $250 mio budget. And don`t even try to spin this as it was because Blomkamp was to direct. Uni never even suggested PJ should have been the director so obviously after he squandered KK budget they drew the line. You know how successful or not something was by what studio does right after.Anyway, I`m not a type to blindly worship someone just because he or she made one movie or movie series that I like. Be consistant or eff off. Credits should not last forever.It`s also hilarious how PJ fanboys all claim to not have seen TLB so they cannot comment of its shitness. Convenient.

Edited by fishnets
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The whole hour they spent on the fucking ship was tedious and unneeded.. they could have chopped most of that out.

And most of the T-Rex fight which clearly cost a fortune Edited by Chewy
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Ship tedium + neverending action that became boring and stale as it kept going without furthering the plot. Trully an A grade example that more is less. The script was an utter fail and so was casting of Brody (paycheck-collecting sleep-walk) and Jack Black (playing himself again). Plus totlaly extranous characters who only boated the screen time without giving any pay off (Jimmy and his mentor).

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KK wasn`t risky at all because it was a brand name. Risky is oriignal property not something with built-in fandom. Also, Wiki entries are interpretation of whoever submitted the entry. Was Uni happy with the result? No. How do I know? cause they flatly rebuffed PJ`s proposal to make Hallo for $250 mio budget. And don`t even try to spin this as it was because Blomkamp was to direct. Uni never even suggested PJ should have been the director so obviously after he squandered KK budget they drew the line. You know how successful or not something was by what studio does right after.

Anyway, I`m not a type to blindly worship someone just because he or she made one movie or movie series that I like. Be consistant or eff off. Credits should not last forever.

It`s also hilarious how PJ fanboys all claim to not have seen TLB so they cannot comment of its shitness. Convenient.

Any movie with a $200m+ budget is 'risky'. Furthermore the majority of what is stated in that wiki extract is factual, not something somebody pulled out of their arse like your comments. But whatever, I say the movie was successful, you say it isn't, we could both argue about it forever and not persuade the other, so we will have to agree to disagree.

I find you 'fanboy' comment insulting and baseless. To call me a PJ fanboy is to suggest that I illogically support and love everything he has done, which is simply not the case. I do not like his work pre-LotR, and I have said that whilst I liked KK I did not find it be anything more than good/enjoyable.

Oh, and I haven't seen TLB because the subject matter and the way the story is told (I'm assuming it is similar to the book?) does not interest me in the slightest. You should avoid randomly accusing people of lying, it makes you come across as a bit of a dick.

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Ship tedium + neverending action that became boring and stale as it kept going without furthering the plot. Trully an A grade example that more is less. The script was an utter fail and so was casting of Brody (paycheck-collecting sleep-walk) and Jack Black (playing himself again). Plus totlaly extranous characters who only boated the screen time without giving any pay off (Jimmy and his mentor).

When you see films like KING KONG, you appreciate Cameron even more. Notice how KK's length was all padded with "cool" scenes that added nothing to the plot. Cameron, on the other hand, never wastes any time; every scene in his films is a vital piece of the whole, and furthers the plot. That's why three-hour films like AVATAR and TITANIC don't drag and feel like they are much shorter...storytelling at its best. KK was visually awesome, and I loved the primal emotional gravitas of the whole Beauty and the Beast thing, but boy, did that film need a good editor or what?
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When you see films like KING KONG, you appreciate Cameron even more. Notice how KK's length was all padded with "cool" scenes that added nothing to the plot. Cameron, on the other hand, never wastes any time; every scene in his films is a vital piece of the whole, and furthers the plot. That's why three-hour films like AVATAR and TITANIC don't drag and feel like they are much shorter...storytelling at its best. KK was visually awesome, and I loved the primal emotional gravitas of the whole Beauty and the Beast thing, but girl, did that film need a good editor or what?


P.S. Edited for you.

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I liked 21JS but he was only slightly better than his usual wooden self. I think my biggest problem with his acting is the way he speaks. The guy really needs some lessons on how to enunciate.

I also need Soderbergh to stop putting him in all his movies

He's the new Matt Damon, lol. But seriously, Tatum produced this film. So technically this is his film.
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