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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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My online mistress made a couple of good points.How did Bruce make his way to Gotham after crawling out of the pit which was in India?And how exactly did Blake discover Bruce was Batman? Surely he couldn't have gleamed that much when he went to his house.

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I absolutely loved it. It's just an amazing, epic film. I went in with expectations that I would like it but not as much as TDK, but as it stands for me at the moment, Joker > Bane, but TDKR > TDK. Anne Hathaway made me love Catwoman for the first time. I never minded the character before, but I never loved her either...until now. JGL was OUTSTANDING! Everything was perfect in this movie. I did have a couple of small nitpicks, but nothing major. I never liked Cotillard's character at all in the movie, and I wished Bane's death wasn't so sudden. But I loved everything else. At the time I am having trouble deciding which is my favorite superhero movie, so until further notice, it is a 3 way tie between Spider-Man 2 (2004), The Avengers, and The Dark Knight Rises.A

Edited by Cheesy Poofs
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My online mistress made a couple of good points.How did Bruce make his way to Gotham after crawling out of the pit which was in India?And how exactly did Blake discover Bruce was Batman? Surely he couldn't have gleamed that much when he went to his house.

"Online mistress" :wub:Some people have suggested that Bruce became some sort of expert considering he was broke but got around fine in the flashbacks in BB. But Gotham was completely sealed off.
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My online mistress made a couple of good points.How did Bruce make his way to Gotham after crawling out of the pit which was in India?And how exactly did Blake discover Bruce was Batman? Surely he couldn't have gleamed that much when he went to his house.

The pit was in Mexico.I think Blake said when he was a kid he saw Bruce Wayne and noticed that his smile was fake and he knew he was hiding something or some crap like that.
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That was SM3 level writing there.

That's quite an insult, but kinda true.I really need to see TDKR again, but I sort of wish they had just kept it as a duology. TDK had the best ending of all time and they should have left there instead of making this mess.
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"Online mistress" :wub:Some people have suggested that Bruce became some sort of expert considering he was broke but got around fine in the flashbacks in BB. But Gotham was completely sealed off.

There were ways to get into Gotham though, similar to how the Special Forces made it. In the end though, it's a shortcut for the sake of time purposes...which is why the movie could have actually been longer.As for Blake, he said he recognized his fake Bruce persona...how he was hiding the pain of losing his parents (similar to himself), and I think it can be assumed combined with the technology that Batman had, it made sense for Bruce Wayne to be Batman, as he had the resources and rage to be that person. I wasn't aware of this, but this is somewhat similar to how Tim Drake became Robin.
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Spoliers whited out.

The Good

-I like how Nolan tried to add more emotion, especially with Caine.

-Bane was no Joker, but he was a solid villian

-Amazing visual effects and cinematography, as always

-A satisfying last 30 minutes, especially at the Cafe scene

-The Star Spangled Banner sequence was really well done.

-Cast was great overall, especially JGL.

-Catwoman was fantastic. I was surprised at how well Hathaway pulled it off.

The Bad

-Bane's death felt anticlimactic and could have been done better.

-The film introduces too many plot points that don't always go somewhere.

-The stuff with Talia at the end wasn't as great.

-JGL as "Robin" kind of made me roll my eyes.

-The pit seemed like a pretty blatant metaphor, IMO.

Overall: B/B+

It was a solid film, but It wasn't the epic finale I was hoping for.

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I found a very excellent write-up of the ending and some explanations:

So the ending went like this...

Batman used the Bat to take the nuclear bomb out to sea to let it explode there so he could save Gotham City. Which would make people think he died but in reality he didn't because that one scientist told Lucious Fox that Bruce Wayne fixed the Bat himself 6 months ago so that's how the Auto-Pilot thing worked. Then we see James Gordon looking surprised because while the city was now hailing Batman as a hero by building him a statue, there was no purpose to owning a bat signal if there is no Batman to come. By leaving John Blake the coordinates to the Batcave and restoring the bat-signal, he was gesturing to Gordon that if ever the city needs Batman, he'll be there. It's obvious that he's looking around for Batman after finding it restored. We also see before hand ...Alfred, James Gordon, Fox & Blake at his burial an Alfred starts crying and saying that he failed bruce's parents in which in he didn't which he later found out.

Later on we see they left something for Alfred when they're dividing up Bruce Wayne's assets, they note that Martha Wayne's pearl necklace is missing. If you recall, there's a tracking device on it. I've read that it's implied that Alfred followed the transmission, leading him to that cafe in Italy. Only then he notices Bruce along with Selina Kyle at a table an gives him the head nod as if the image he had in his head from earlier in the movie were true because bruce came thru in the end an saved everything himself. Though to the public eye bruce was dead and so was batman until Gotham needed him again. Funny thing is most people forgot the device he gave to her to wipe her identity and crime records from the system entirely so nobody would know about her anymore.

If people ask you why or how can Joh Blake become Batman/Robin/Nightwing without training ...the answer is simple an it came from when Ra's Al Ghul said this to Bruce in the Batman Begins movie....""The training is nothing, the will is everything. The will to act."

Edited by riczhang
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Saw it. If there are movies so bad they are good than this movie is so flawed it`s flawless. or so unperfect it`s perfect.Proposterous, pretentious and ridiculous beyond measure with total disregard for logic, sense of georgraphy and passage of time, wallowing in self-importance and ultra seriousness yet allowing such LOL fiction tropes as the underground or other unescapable prison only the chosen one can escape from, that has an obligatory healer prisoner with a heart of gold figure (didn`t IM have such shit? But it didn`t take itself seriously). :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:And yet I was throuroughly entertained in the "lets see where all this is going" way and teared up at the end so I guess Nolan did something right. I liked this a lot, flaws, pretention, nonsense and all. And can`t wait to see it again, on IMAX this time. Hopefully, sans LMAO terrible BD2 trailer. Geez, what a turkey that was.OK, some bulletpoint thoughts:Catwoman kicks the shit out of BW. BW was good but not that good. This is the real deal and boy does Anne delivers. Also, Nolan`s camera loves her ass in tight catsuit spread over a motorbike. Very Bay of him. :wub:There was less Batman than in previous movies heck, less Bruce too. It really felt like a JGL movie.Bane was shit. Not the shit but shit. His speech had me bite my hand so I don`t start laughing out loud. That was the only moment that I completely 100% disliked. It felt like Nolan was wanking behind the camera. Really bad wank-job.I love it that he was unceremonially dispatched the moment it was revealed he wasn`t the biggest gun in town. It was like, now that the audience knows you are not important, move.I was moved by Talia`s pit story although it that trope didn`t fit into the "OMG this scenario can become real this is so real OMG" rest of the movie. It`s a lso a missed opportunity. I mena, why kill her when she was mother of Batman`s son in canon? Just send her back into the pit but with Wayne J twist so when he comes out it`s ambigous whether he is spiritual Talia or Bruce. or something. Since Nolan is all about full circles and paralels and shit.Still in the pit, the flashback wasn`t hard to descern to be Tate`s because a) kid has huge blue eyes and tate was the only character who had blue eyes, B) her protector`s face was covered in rags, cue there`s some reveal ahead and c) nobody in the pit ever called the child by any name let alone Bane although bruce kepts saying Bane,Bane. So those should be good enough clues that child was not Bane.Orphan kids were totaly superflous.First chase after Wall Street break-in was fantastic. Loved bombastic score.Exile on thin ice was aces.Crane got a fond applause. Should have been used more.Sorry anti-BatCat shippers but ending means they were married because Alfred specifically said he fantasized of Bruce and his wife in the cafe. And they both wanted clean slate. Cue Here`s Comes the Bride.TA is a better movies because it was about TA. This was not about DK but about whatever it was about. What was it about again?

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I need to see the movie again, but I have a question. And feel free to point out the error in my logic. But what purpose did Selina Kyle serve anyway? To get a thumb print? For a man who worked for Bane? Who was partnered with a woman who spent a lot of time with Bruce Wayne? And had access to things Bruce touched?

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The pit was in Mexico.I think Blake said when he was a kid he saw Bruce Wayne and noticed that his smile was fake and he knew he was hiding something or some crap like that.

Noctis is closer to the mark. Although never stated, except as a more ancient part of the world, the pit was either northern India but more likely one of the "stan's". Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan. Why would we need to see his journey back to Gotham? Of course he would be able to get back unseen. He's Batman/Bruce Wayne. He spent 7 years living off the grid. Regards to Blake. Blake explanation was a little cute. Blake said that as a kid he was always very angry after both of his parents were killed(his father more then likely in front of him) that's why he was sent to the boys home. He said that it took him to long to put on a mask to the world to hide his true emotional state. He said that when Bruce visited the boys home Blake saw that same mask on Bruce. From that he deduced that Bruce Wayne was Batman. I thought I must have missed something on my first viewing so I paid more attention to that bit on my second. That's all the explanation the Blake realising Bruce is Batman.
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