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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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  1. 1. Grade The Dark Knight Rises

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I guess that's the best I'm going to get.I don't really have anything to add to what I've already said about TDKR. But please tell me what was so bad about the ending of Avengers? It's pretty much your standard 'tune in next time for further adventures'. This certainly doesn't make it the best ending ever, but I fail to see how it's horrible either. Don't get it twisted...all our heroes survive because heroes always survive is a far cry from Bruce Wayne's My Little Pony ending.

Jackson speech was cheesy and the whole "A" thing was stupid. The ending was like a cartoon ending.
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I think your posts in the 'The Avengers vs. Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Dark Knight Rises (OFFICIAL SHOWDOWN DISCUSSION)' thread pretty much prove that you were predisposed to like TDKR no matter how it turned out, and debate BO often enough. But anyways...

Yes....I'm saying he doesn't deserve the mega happy Scooby Doo ending despite what he has accomplished in all three films. I think you could say that in TDK his 'dramatic sacrifice' is losing Rachel and his taking the fall for Dent and becoming 'the hunted'. But yet when we get to TDKR we find that he never was hunted and that thoughts of Rachel are pretty far from his mind (he hooks up with one woman and retires with another). Sure if he was a real person he'd deserve a medal for all he has been through. But I believe good drama requires a higher standard. We should be shown how their sacrifices affect a character, and Bruce Wayne seems to suffer no ill effects from his adventures. His physical issues are gone at the end of the movie (he manages to defeat Bane easily enough). His money is gone but he still gets the girl (who he hardly knows) and manages to vacation in Europe. And if the ending is 6 months to a year later it's just another example of how poorly the film handles time in general. Basically instead of becoming Batman he could have gone to therapy to get over his parents death and a fear of bats for all it mattered. His Batman experience had no lasting effect on him.

The ending of Avengers fits the tone of the film. The TDKR ending does not.

And as far as my last comment and your TF2 suggestion....sorry if you're so pompous that a Billy Madison reference went over your head. I was amused by it. :)

    [*]Oooh congrats, you can use the search function, have a cookie :) That search function also shows how little I post in that forum. But you are probably right, I am definitely taking out my frustration at TDKR only making ~1 Billion at the BO out on you. I am a terrible terrible human being

    [*]Yes I am a big Nolan fan, I have no shame in saying that. He makes movies that are targeted at someone like me. TDKR is not my favourite film of his but its still, IMO, a damn fine film.

    [*]Bruce Wayne clearly suffers throughout the movie - greatly. He overcomes these sufferings, defeats the bad guy and gets over his absolute need to become the batman. I would think most people would think that he has earned himself some lunch in a nice restaurant with Selina. Obviously you don't, whatever

    [*]It didn't go over my head, it was just friggen retarded use of the quote when there are soooo many other movies out there more deserving of that particular piece of prose.

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    [*]Oooh congrats, you can use the search function, have a cookie :) That search function also shows how little I post in that forum. But you are probably right, I am definitely taking out my frustration at TDKR only making ~1 Billion at the BO out on you. I am a terrible terrible human being

    [*]Yes I am a big Nolan fan, I have no shame in saying that. He makes movies that are targeted at someone like me. TDKR is not my favourite film of his but its still, IMO, a damn fine film.

    [*]Bruce Wayne clearly suffers throughout the movie - greatly. He overcomes these sufferings, defeats the bad guy and gets over his absolute need to become the batman. I would think most people would think that he has earned himself some lunch in a nice restaurant with Selina. Obviously you don't, whatever

    [*]It didn't go over my head, it was just friggen retarded use of the quote when there are soooo many other movies out there more deserving of that particular piece of prose.

Last word.
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So I finally got to watch this and write a review - I wanted to see it as innocently as possible so I didn't read any reviews here or elsewhere so please excuse if I repeat other people's observations. Just some thoughts in random order:- Foremost, I found it entertaining. I never grew bored despite the long running time.- Bane was great. There were discussions about him being hard to understand; well the only thing I had difficulties with was Batman's voice :). Hardy played him in a very laconic way, not really caring - nice! I didn't understand why he was used solely as a pawn in the endgame - should have played a bigger part.- Spectacle was spectacular. This really has to be seen on the big screen. Fine effect and camera work - you can see where they put the money.- Catwoman was good even if we learned very little about her motivations.- Michael Caine was the single most endearing thing about this film.- What a noisy film. There were I think 2 or at the most 3 scenes where it was silent - man, I enjoyed those. Hans Zimmer may be a fine composer but the soundtrack is not original and FAR TOO LOUD (ok, not Zimmer's fault).- Apart from Michael Caine, I had the same experience as with many Nolan films: I felt emotionally disconnected. They tried to build emotions by turnig the volume up where it would be better to have silent interaction and looks.- I liked the ending.- As a final verdict, this is perfect entertainment but not on the same level as "The Dark Knight" (which really is a milestone). One of the differences - maybe the most important one - is the antagonist. Superheros tend to fight against Super-Villains. Now, you have to understand the villain or else the story makes no sense. In the case of the Joker - well, he's simply CRAZY and so his crazy actions are justified by that; we can take him serious even if we can't predict him. Bane? He's just a pawn, and the players' motivations (Ra's al Ghul) are murky indeed. That was the weak point in Batman Begins too; the Shadows storyline just didn't work for me. I mean, seriously, what have they got against Gotham? The whole concept of this shadow organisation was just declared to be by the writers but never explored. And so TDKR is a film which I can enjoy but I don't really get what it's about. A terrorist group pulling a similar stunt but with political goals I could understand; the Shadows not.Will buy this on BluRay!

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Movie was good but kind of messy. The first hour or so just seemed to plod along, but once Bane broke Bats it got a lot better.But I have three major issues:Wayne giving up being Batman just because Rachel died. BULLSHIT. If anything that would reignite the fire to go out and kick more criminal ass.Also, Alfred leaving Bruce: NEVAH!And lastly, Blake finds out Bruce is Batman...by looking in his eyes? Wut?I give it 8/10

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The article is ok but the subtitle "Do you need an airtight reason to dislike a movie?" is just plain stupid. I mean, are there actually people who disliked TDKR? Its only real fault is that it's not as good as TDK. If that's a reason to dislike it than we're completely spoilt. Come on, most people agree that "Empire Strikes Back" is the best SW film but I actually like "Return of the Jedi", Ewoks and all. BTTF3 is surely not as good as the first but what's not to like about it?

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The article is ok but the subtitle "Do you need an airtight reason to dislike a movie?" is just plain stupid. I mean, are there actually people who disliked TDKR? Its only real fault is that it's not as good as TDK. If that's a reason to dislike it than we're completely spoilt. Come on, most people agree that "Empire Strikes Back" is the best SW film but I actually like "Return of the Jedi", Ewoks and all. BTTF3 is surely not as good as the first but what's not to like about it?

I didn't like it. TDKR's existence doesn't lessen the other films (at least not any more than the introduction of midichlorians) but IMO it takes Batman/Bruce Wayne into a bit of a 'whimpish' direction that doesn't fit the other films: Batman as a quitter....Alfred as a crier....more than enough 'woe is me' to last a lifetime. Someone else mentioned it earlier...all the 'Gotham must suffer' nonsense is a bit much as well. I guess the League of Shadows hasn't been keeping up with current events, but if the crime rate is way down and the cops have been turned into librarians why is Gotham still considered such a cesspool that it needs to be wiped out? Maybe the LoS needs to open a Twitter account to see that Gotham's WoM is no longer mixed! I mean wouldn't you start to have a little more faith in a addict that had been clean for 8 years?
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An article just posted at the AV Club seems to mirror a lot of what this thread has discussed:http://www.avclub.com/articles/plot-holes-and-politics-do-you-need-an-airtight-re,83219/

Interesting article, but it focuses on 'plot holes' too much IMO. Of course this is probably because the general public does (hell I do too because it's a fun way to get a rise out of people). I probably don't say it enough (but I HAVE said it)...My biggest problems with this film involved overall tone, pacing, lack of coherent theme that is utilized well (All the Hope-y Change didn't work out for me) and bizarro character motivation decisions that make beloved characters mere puppets having their strings pulled by a poor plot.
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I didn't like it. TDKR's existence doesn't lessen the other films (at least not any more than the introduction of midichlorians) but IMO it takes Batman/Bruce Wayne into a bit of a 'whimpish' direction that doesn't fit the other films: Batman as a quitter....Alfred as a crier....more than enough 'woe is me' to last a lifetime. Someone else mentioned it earlier...all the 'Gotham must suffer' nonsense is a bit much as well. I guess the League of Shadows hasn't been keeping up with current events, but if the crime rate is way down and the cops have been turned into librarians why is Gotham still considered such a cesspool that it needs to be wiped out? Maybe the LoS needs to open a Twitter account to see that Gotham's WoM is no longer mixed! I mean wouldn't you start to have a little more faith in a addict that had been clean for 8 years?

Crime in Gotham might have been cleaned up, but corruption was not. Even Gordon and Batman were guilty of lying to put up a facade.
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I loved this exchange from the comments section of that article:tiredandwired :Is it wrong that what bothered me the most was figuring out how Bane ever ate food? Judas Booth: Probably through a straw. Maybe even a silly straw when he feels like cutting loose.Nathan Ford's Evil Twin: A really complicated straw.E.Buzz Miller: I assume the mask fed him somehow, or he could take it off and he did , just not in front of people. Hell, how did Darth Vader eat?Some Kind of Ironic Hipster: Well, Darth Vader had his little breathing ball chamber in Empire, so maybe he could bring some food in there with him.Madvillain: There's a deleted scene where Bane eats a bowl of cheerios in excruciating pain.Rainbow Sherbert: I was thinking injections, but can you get that buff mainlining banana smoothies?

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I like how the article questions the notion of why movie blogs felt the need to takedown TDKR in the week after it came out after many of them posted solid reviews the week before. I listened to the /Filmcast- hosted by three guys who are usually pretty well spoken about their film opinions- but they spend their podcast time asking stupid questions like ''Why is Joseph Gordon-Levitt Robin? It doesn't make any sense!'' There are some valid nitpicks of the film but these sites got too whiny too fast.

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I like how the article questions the notion of why movie blogs felt the need to takedown TDKR in the week after it came out after many of them posted solid reviews the week before. I listened to the /Filmcast- hosted by three guys who are usually pretty well spoken about their film opinions- but they spend their podcast time asking stupid questions like ''Why is Joseph Gordon-Levitt Robin? It doesn't make any sense!'' There are some valid nitpicks of the film but these sites got too whiny too fast.

Honestly I think that comes down to the need to feed the beast...the fanboys that drive those sites. Then you get another author to post at the same site with a 'second opinion' to drive page hits through debate. I agree that any critic worth the title should be honest in his review. But people hedge their bets all the time..even in this thread. I strongly dislike the film, but there are reviews in this very thread where people point out more flaws than I do but still manage to give the movie a very positive review score. It's very odd.
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Maybe the flaws bothered them less than they bothered you? I don't know what they're doing posting them, then. Honestly whether its TDKR or whatever I think quibbles over plot threads prevent us from having any real critical discussion about the art of the film itself. People tend to make lofty statements about a movie without really expanding the conversation.

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Bruce "I don't kill!" Wayne has murdered 100 ninjas + Talia, Rhas by omission, and Dent out of necessity.GG Nolan :P

This reminds me of the scene where Blake is being attacked by those construction workers, so he takes out his gun and shoots behind them and the bullet "accidentally" bounces off the truck and hits/kills the guy. I guess because he's going to become Batman (or Robin) he can't have directly killed someone :rolleyes:
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This reminds me of the scene where Blake is being attacked by those construction workers, so he takes out his gun and shoots behind them and the bullet "accidentally" bounces off the truck and hits/kills the guy. I guess because he's going to become Batman (or Robin) he can't have directly killed someone :rolleyes:

In fairness there is a moment just after he realises the guy's dead that he looks rather mortified at what he's done, but it's probably more subtle than intended.The films do play a bit fast and loose with the whole 'not killing' mantra - after a certain point I guess it corners a lot of Batman writers with no way out - but thankfully there are never any BR-esque moments where Batman appears to get off on taking a life.
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