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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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You know what I mean. It doesn't matter what that animal was. Look at those girl's last tweets. That is a TDKR fan. That is a girl that was beautiful and full of life that isn't here anymore because of that freak.

Yes. "All men are created equal. They are endowed by their creator are certain inalienable rights. That among these are LIFE...."I think we all agree that life is sacred and its tragic. I'm sure that there will be WAY more than 12 people killed in car accidents today. That is tragic, too. It just so happens that this incident is also very interesting. It's kind of macabre to acknowledge that this is, for those of us without family or friends involved, just interesting "entertainment", but to be truthful, it is.It's interesting to think about the motives of a man who we all agree is a murderous animal. One possible motive that was reported and makes sense is that he was doing it to try and make the movies seem real. We're discussing this. It's fair.
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Most likely this will be something similar to Columbine, a nutcase opportunist(s) who saw an occasion with maximum number of people gathered together in a confined place and used it for his/her perverted plan.

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People who want to do crazy shit are going to do it.

You think individuals are the sole focus of responsibility in situations like this? The media is NEVER going to report the truth about this. No one wants to hear about the complex individual history, personality/mental disorders, societal/cultural/political/religious/socioeconomic/environmental conditions, and how they all interact to result in a tragic situation . The herd like a black and white either/or answer so they can make quick sense of it and move on.
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Right, and when a dozen commercial fishermen, farmworkers, or other good men working in the private sector are killed, you really care, right?No, you don't.Dude, stop posing. None of this effects any of us, unless our family or friends happened to be among the victims. We're far more likely to lose loved ones to car accidents, cancer, or other things than this.(FYI: Of the ten most dangerous jobs in the U.S., all 10 are in the private sector. Being a cop isn't even close to one of the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. http://www.huffingto..._b_1619725.html)

WhoTF are you to tell me to stop posting. You and a bunch of other people are overreacting towards the situation. Like I said, just because it happened during the premiere of a movie or in AMERICA itself does not mean it should be more important that anywhere else in the world. But I guess that third world citizens are expendable so who gives. We have stories like this on the news(body count) all the time. Now if it was 100 plus people killed i could understand the reaction, but smaller(not less tragic, but less important) are not going to ruin my day. I've already accepted that we live in a fucked up world for the most part, with small glimmers of hope for a new age renaissance, ascension, enlightenment what have you.
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Human lives have lost their value, that such horrific event occurs and people are over in few hours. :( :( :(

It happens every day. 20 people were killed or injured in Toronto at a picnic. No one really talks about it anymore and that just happened a few days ago. People' are too busy with their lives to care for very long.
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If the murderer just wanted to do this in a theater, then he would've likely done it on ANY random Friday night when it would be jammed. The fact that he chose the opening night for TDKR suggests - does not prove, but suggests - specific intent, there.And the fact that this was not a typical murder-suicide also seems to suggest something very distinct. I really would not be surprised if it is revealed that he watched BB and TDK religiously. Again, Fox News reported Batman fandom as a potential motive citing the police, who are talking with him, so don't yell at me!

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It depends, how easy it is for the individual to get a gun

As easy as it is to get a crossbow. State laws vary but accessibility isn't the issue. Never has been.Crazy motherF&*kers will find a way to do something.Guns are allegedly hard to obtain in Mexico, doesn't stop the drug cartels from essentially running the country. Prohibition for handguns....yeah, that's a real winner of an idea right there.
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Girl looks like an angel.


Of course we're seeing Dark Knight. Redheaded Texan spitfire, people should never argue with me.Maybe I should get in on those NHL talks...



:( :( :(

This is fucked up.

Surreal. That was her last tweet. :(

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It happens every day. 20 people were killed or injured in Toronto at a picnic. No one really talks about it anymore and that just happened a few days ago. People' are too busy with their lives to care for very long.

And I think thats fine. We shouldn't wallow in misery for too long because of these things.
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WhoTF are you to tell me to stop posting. You and a bunch of other people are overreacting towards the situation. Like I said, just because it happened during the premiere of a movie or in AMERICA itself does not mean it should be more important that anywhere else in the world. But I guess that third world citizens are expendable so who gives. We have stories like this on the news(body count) all the time. Now if it was 100 plus people killed i could understand the reaction, but smaller(not less tragic, but less important) are not going to ruin my day. I've already accepted that we live in a fucked up world for the most part, with small glimmers of hope for a new age renaissance, ascension, enlightenment what have you.

What? This happened at midnight screening and quite few of the posters from the site went. To act like, this is insignificant is ludicrous.
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It happens every day. 20 people were killed or injured in Toronto at a picnic. No one really talks about it anymore and that just happened a few days ago. People' are too busy with their lives to care for very long.

I think it hits home because we all go to theaters and specifically midnights for big premier. I agree people will move on but my care for BO right now is nil.
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You think individuals are the sole focus of responsibility in situations like this? The media is NEVER going to report the truth about this. No one wants to hear about the complex individual history, personality/mental disorders, societal/cultural/political/religious/socioeconomic/environmental conditions, and how they all interact to result in a tragic situation . The herd like a black and white either/or answer so they can make quick sense of it and move on.

They should be the sole focus and the media might dive into his background. They don't always do the probing necessary but in Columbine they did. Both boys were on meds for A.D.D., brain altering drugs. They dove into the background of the shooter of that Arizona Senator last January '11, not that they found anything of merit really. The shooter of the Virgina Tech shooting, the upstate NY army base...so yeah, they do dive in on the bigger ones. Maybe you just aren't paying attention.Until the day a gun jumps up on it's own and kills people, then yeah the individuals should be the foucs.Should guns gain autonomy we are all screwed cause I kick my washer to get it started, probably some built up tension there.Got to get to work, I'm sure this thread will jump 50 pages before I get back to it at lunch.
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If the murderer just wanted to do this in a theater, then he would've likely done it on ANY random Friday night when it would be jammed. The fact that he chose the opening night for TDKR suggests - does not prove, but suggests - specific intent, there.And the fact that this was not a typical murder-suicide also seems to suggest something very distinct. I really would not be surprised if it is revealed that he watched BB and TDK religiously. Again, Fox News reported Batman fandom as a potential motive citing the police, who are talking with him, so don't yell at me!

You're getting your source from Fox News. How reliable. Stop making these connections until you are sure of the facts. What difference would it make if he was a Batman fan? Should Nolan apologize? Should the films have been less violent? Should all comics be less violent in their content? What exactly are you suggesting here? Whether he was a fan or not makes no difference. He may have been a fan of Michael Bolton for god sakes. Would you like to make an analysis of all his interests and obsessions, and create a solution of what to do with similar unhinged folk?
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