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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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They should be the sole focus and the media might dive into his background. They don't always do the probing necessary but in Columbine they did. Both boys were on meds for A.D.D., brain altering drugs. They dove into the background of the shooter of that Arizona Senator last January '11, not that they found anything of merit really. The shooter of the Virgina Tech shooting, the upstate NY army base...so yeah, they do dive in on the bigger ones. Maybe you just aren't paying attention.Until the day a gun jumps up on it's own and kills people, then yeah the individuals should be the foucs.Should guns gain autonomy we are all screwed cause I kick my washer to get it started, probably some built up tension there.Got to get to work, I'm sure this thread will jump 50 pages before I get back to it at lunch.

But then why even run the risk of allowing guns in the first place?
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You're getting your source from Fox News. How reliable. Stop making these connections until you are sure of the facts. What difference would it make if he was a Batman fan? Should Nolan apologize? Should the films have been less violent? Should all comics be less violent in their content? What exactly are you suggesting here? Whether he was a fan or not makes no difference. He may have been a fan of Michael Bolton for god sakes. Would you like to make an analysis of all his interests and obsessions, and create a solution of what to do with similar unhinged folk?

Why the hell would Fox be biased on this? Do you expect them to say that this was some pissed off pyschopathic liberal? ROFL.
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If the murderer just wanted to do this in a theater, then he would've likely done it on ANY random Friday night when it would be jammed. The fact that he chose the opening night for TDKR suggests - does not prove, but suggests - specific intent, there.And the fact that this was not a typical murder-suicide also seems to suggest something very distinct.I really would not be surprised if it is revealed that he watched BB and TDK religiously. Again, Fox News reported Batman fandom as a potential motive citing the police, who are talking with him, so don't yell at me!

Yes, even if there is no 1:1 Batman connection the media will try to construct it, which won't help the box office of course. You don't feel comfortable at a movie theatre if you have the idea some loonies might use it to promote their crazy ideas by killing people and so on.
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Now FOX is reporting possible copycats and that security is being beefed up at theaters showing TDKR.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: Numerous moviegoers reported that there were MANY police at the theater before the shooting. (Not just security, but police.) So if "a police presence" could stop these freak acts, then we wouldn't be having this discussion last night. THERE WERE ARMED COPS THERE.
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Yes, even if there is no 1:1 Batman connection the media will try to construct it, which won't help the box office of course. You don't feel comfortable at a movie theatre if you have the idea some loonies might use it to promote their crazy ideas by killing people and so on.

If I'm going to be honest, I'm surprised it's taken this long for a disaster at the movies. There's no security to speak of.
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Morbid fascination? Maybe its just on the news and he had no choice but to listen to them?

We all have a choice to turn the TV on or off. If one of us listens to something, it's because we chose to. Period.He listened to the 911 calls for the same reason we're all talking about this: because it's interesting.
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If I'm going to be honest, I'm surprised it's taken this long for a disaster at the movies. There's no security to speak of.

Dead wrong. There were many cops at the theater before the shooting, according to many moviegoers interviewed.So there goes that one.
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Hey guys just woke up to the news about the mass shootings in my own home city and am in complete and utter shock and sadness. I am so incredibly grateful to report that no one I know was present at the Century 16 theater when it occurred. The truly scary thing is although it's not a theater I or the majority of my friends or family frequent often, it is one am definitely familiar with. One of my sister's does live in that area and often goes there with her husband and I thank god they are not midnight movie people. I did however attend the midnight showing of DH2 there last year, so I have indeed been to an event midnight there before myself. You can drive yourself crazy with what ifs I suppose but I just am so thankful that my world isn't in pieces today over some idiot that has to make you be fearful over something as fun as a midnight movie now. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost loved ones and the injured.

Edited by MovieMan89
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Dead wrong. There were many cops at the theater before the shooting, according to many moviegoers interviewed.So there goes that one.

Apparently he burst in through the emergency exit, and there may have been no security there.
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If some psycho wants to kill a lot of people, they're going to kill a lot of people. It's sad but there's no real way to stop it

This. Just the same as tens of thousands of people will die in car accidents, evil spouses will murder their husband/wife, impulsive people will push people in front of subway trains........It sucks, but evil acts are a part of life (or death, I guess). Please let's not call for more government. Please.
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