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Wednesday (7/25/12) Numbers: TDKR @ $13.77m

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71-75 Million does seem like the saturation point for these modern "uber blockbusters"...even avatar is said to be around 75 Million right?

Avatar's first run was around 76 million, so about 5 million above TDK and Avengers. Shrek 2 is probably in the neighborhood of 75 million as well.
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Personally I think the number of prints theaters start sending back will be the game changer. It's the psychological effect that will take hold. If theaters continue to have these epidosdes of people acting out at Darkknight viewings, they may consider pulling more than they normally would because of fear the film will simply scare off all their business. The more stories you get of people running out of theaters, the more theaters will want this to end. Translation: An early grave for this movie. I think if EVER a film's second weekend truly means something it will be this one. Below expected totals will likely mean a quick exit for this movie. Theaters have to protect whats left of their summer investment. And they can't be worried about this film's individual gross if families are afraid to attend the theaters because this movie is playing. This has really been something else to watch. Never have I seen a film more suceptiable to the actions of one person and then a handful of others. It's odd for people to actually believe they would somehow get hurt or killed attending a movie. I've seen this movie twice already and I have to say it never entered my mind once.

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I'm not very interested in box office anymore. It's like being a Christian after finding out God died.

This doesn't make any sense. There are disasters that effect the box office for movies all the time. Yet the movie business continues to survive and it always will.If you're not interested in following the BO anymore, that's totally understandable. But nothing has changed. The BO is the same as it always was. The same way that 9/11 didn't stop people from flying or building skyscrapers.In fact, over the past 2 days, 3 different friends have asked me to see TDKR with them. But I already saw it on opening day, in REAL IMAX.
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If you're not interested in following the BO anymore, that's totally understandable. But nothing has changed. The BO is the same as it always was. The same way that 9/11 didn't stop people from flying or building skyscrapers.

Well, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 flight sales drastically decreased. But I agree with your broader point.
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Since the Aurora tragedy, this forum is an episode of the Twilight Zone were the same people re live the exact same day reapeating countless times the same arguments over and over again.

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Having seen the movie, I don't think it would have even without the shooting. The movie is too heavy for families. But a month ago no-one knew that.

Not to be a prick, but I and a few others predicted that it would be. Maybe not the "too heavy for families" like you say, but we did say that the law of averages means the quality or likability or wow factor would not be there for TDKR. The logic is that it is damn near impossible to make three beyond brilliant films in a trilogy. And with TDK being so loved and because the Joker is so revered and because Heath gave a performance of a lifetime and because his death was so close to the release, TDKR was cooked before it's opening weekend. There is just no way it could live up to TDK's brilliance and becasue of that it was inevitable that it fell from TDK. That's the reality of this. TDKR was affected by the shooting. But when this ends up making between 410 and 450 you can't say that 100 mill was lost because of the tragedy.
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Since the Aurora tragedy, this forum is an episode of the Twilight Zone were the same people re live the exact same day reapeating countless times the same arguments over and over again.

That's most threads leading up to most movies. I can quote the arguments against TA and the ones for TASM by heart. The same people saying the same thing over and over. Edited by Walt Disney
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That's the reality of this. TDKR was affected by the shooting. But when this ends up making between 410 and 450 you can't say that 100 mill was lost because of the tragedy.

No. But that's because I also accept that TDKR was bleaker than I thought it would be. In the end I think it's to the movie's credit, but as soon as it was over I knew how divisive it would be.
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That's most threads leading up to most movies. I can quote the arguments against TA and the ones for TASM by heart. The same people saying the same thing over and over.

Yeah but the "what if" thing makes it really tiring ...
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Not to be a prick, but I and a few others predicted that it would be. Maybe not the "too heavy for families" like you say, but we did say that the law of averages means the quality or likability or wow factor would not be there for TDKR. The logic is that it is damn near impossible to make three beyond brilliant films in a trilogy. And with TDK being so loved and because the Joker is so revered and because Heath gave a performance of a lifetime and because his death was so close to the release, TDKR was cooked before it's opening weekend. There is just no way it could live up to TDK's brilliance and becasue of that it was inevitable that it fell from TDK. That's the reality of this. TDKR was affected by the shooting. But when this ends up making between 410 and 450 you can't say that 100 mill was lost because of the tragedy.

Yep, been saying for four years that people should not underestimate the Joker effect. In TDK's case, it was exaggerated even more by Ledger's death. Below is a link for the admissions of the Batman franchise. Notice the huge gap between the Joker movies and all the others? TDKR is going to end up selling around 20% more tickets than Batman Returns and Batman Forever, even though it had a national tragedy during an opening night screening. To me this is a pretty solid performance for a non-Joker, nearly 3 hour film where Batman is barely in it, especially considering the shootings.http://boxofficemojo.com/franchises/chart/?id=batman.htm&adjust_yr=1&p=.htmNow take into account that this film will likely beat TDK's gross worldwide and I think that's a pretty good achievement for the franchise. Finally Batman is bigger overseas than domestic, and not because its domestic total failed to reach its budget (Batman & Robin).
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Haters busy having a circle jerk over a normal number. Box office analysis just went out the window.

That's such a bullshit statement. Who here is a hater? Certainly not me. I loved TDK and it's in my top 25 films of all time. I just had different and more muted expectations for it from the beginning. That does not make me a hater it just means that IMO, it had no chance of reaching some of the lofty expectations that some of you had.
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Not to be a prick, but I and a few others predicted that it would be. Maybe not the "too heavy for families" like you say, but we did say that the law of averages means the quality or likability or wow factor would not be there for TDKR. The logic is that it is damn near impossible to make three beyond brilliant films in a trilogy. And with TDK being so loved and because the Joker is so revered and because Heath gave a performance of a lifetime and because his death was so close to the release, TDKR was cooked before it's opening weekend. There is just no way it could live up to TDK's brilliance and becasue of that it was inevitable that it fell from TDK. That's the reality of this. TDKR was affected by the shooting. But when this ends up making between 410 and 450 you can't say that 100 mill was lost because of the tragedy.

But by the same token you can't dissect what percentage applies in that difference. In truth no one will ever know. For those who didn't like the film, it will be simple to say the difference favored their reasons for not liking it and the tragedy had a minmal effect. Then you'll have the reverse argument as well which states the film could have been a mega-hit minus the shooting. But neither can be proved. The only difference is one type of reasoning is sadly comforting for those who didn't like the film, while the rest are simply left disappointed for all the reasons involved.
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Personally I think the number of prints theaters start sending back will be the game changer. It's the psychological effect that will take hold. If theaters continue to have these epidosdes of people acting out at Darkknight viewings, they may consider pulling more than they normally would because of fear the film will simply scare off all their business. The more stories you get of people running out of theaters, the more theaters will want this to end. Translation: An early grave for this movie. I think if EVER a film's second weekend truly means something it will be this one. Below expected totals will likely mean a quick exit for this movie. Theaters have to protect whats left of their summer investment. And they can't be worried about this film's individual gross if families are afraid to attend the theaters because this movie is playing. This has really been something else to watch. Never have I seen a film more suceptiable to the actions of one person and then a handful of others. It's odd for people to actually believe they would somehow get hurt or killed attending a movie. I've seen this movie twice already and I have to say it never entered my mind once.

I couldn't disagree with this statement more. TDKR is the one film right now that is making theaters gobs of money. When you have a film making 25 mill one day, 18 mill the next, 13 the next and then 19 mill the next and so on, that is the mega revenue the theaters need to stay profitable. This sells $6.00 popcorn and $5.00 cokes and $4.00 chocolate. TDKR is not going anywhere.
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This doesn't make any sense. There are disasters that effect the box office for movies all the time. Yet the movie business continues to survive and it always will.If you're not interested in following the BO anymore, that's totally understandable. But nothing has changed. The BO is the same as it always was. The same way that 9/11 didn't stop people from flying or building skyscrapers.In fact, over the past 2 days, 3 different friends have asked me to see TDKR with them. But I already saw it on opening day, in REAL IMAX.

When the Grandaddy of them all underwhelms to this degree, it kind of kills interest in everything else. I don't care about The Hobbit or Avatar, or The Hunger Games for that matter, it doesn't feel as if there's anything compelling me to stick around for that. And I'll be busy with college and wrestling school next time a mega blockbuster comes out anyway. That said, I'm not being dramatic here, I just felt obligated to further explain my somewhat in jest post from earlier. I'll be around.
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When the Grandaddy of them all underwhelms to this degree, it kind of kills interest in everything else. I don't care about The Hobbit or Avatar, or The Hunger Games for that matter, it doesn't feel as if there's anything compelling me to stick around for that. And I'll be busy with college and wrestling school next time a mega blockbuster comes out anyway.That said, I'm not being dramatic here, I just felt obligated to further explain my somewhat in jest post from earlier. I'll be around.

You set yourself up for disappointment by ignoring the patterns of the Batman franchise over the previous 23 years. However, you should check out the International results. I think you will be very happy to see that this film is kicking way more ass overseas than any of the other Batman films.
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When the Grandaddy of them all underwhelms to this degree, it kind of kills interest in everything else. I don't care about The Hobbit or Avatar, or The Hunger Games for that matter, it doesn't feel as if there's anything compelling me to stick around for that. And I'll be busy with college and wrestling school next time a mega blockbuster comes out anyway. That said, I'm not being dramatic here, I just felt obligated to further explain my somewhat in jest post from earlier. I'll be around.

Agreed, it feels like my interest in domestic box office in general is going way down as well
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most disappointing moment/week in BO history, stick a fork in this thingI haven't even been able to think about the movie and fun without thinking of the shooting, those saying its not affecting attendance are cluelessI'm a pretty big Nolan/Batman fan and I haven't rushed to see it twice yet when I thought for sure I would have by now

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