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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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Yeah...I noticed that.   Bleh... :(


Oh I know that characters in the show praise her and think she is awesome.


But that's my problem with it....why?    She's a drama queen, openly defiant of rules, has no SHIELD training, and was actually against them when they met her.




She pretty much ruins the show for me by herself.   I really like just about everything else about it.   Unfortunately it sometimes feels like the show is about her.


I completely and totally agree with you. Skye has stuck out like a sore thumb from the second she appeared in the pilot episode. She has no business being on that plane with the others because she is a rank amateur who actively refused training. Her "rad hacking skillz" amount to nothing that a teenager with a laptop and smartphone couldn't accomplish. SHIELD really is crappy if they don't have anyone who can match Skye's supposed expertise.


The writers have dropped some of the stuff they were doing with Skye as the season progressed and my theory is that they've been trying to figure out how to make her popular. Her "hacktivist" organization has totally evaporated, likely so that we can all forget how she betrayed the team and got a man killed so she could have a booty call with her BF. She has cooled down on the anti-SHIELD rhetoric and suddenly considers the sinister spy organization she reviled as her pseudo-family.


The writers know that Coulson is/was popular, which explains why Skye has been made into a surrogate daughter for him. They have to hope some of his popularity will rub off on her the more they're shown bonding. The problem with that strategy is that proximity with Skye is actually making Coulson less likable and believable as a competent SHIELD official. He brought an unqualified civilian on his team for no justifiable reason, failed to train her properly and has allowed her to blunder into danger repeatedly. Having her get shot was the one believable thing they have done with that character. And it's down to Coulson's ineptitude with her. 


Like you, I find that Skye sours me on the whole show. The other characters work well together but she drags the whole thing down.  Once I realized that they had her get shot simply so they could make her even more central to the show I nearly gave up on it. The way they wasted Bill Paxton in the poorly-written return episode almost sealed it for me. The last episode was somewhat better, mainly because of Jaime Alexander. The focus is now going to shift to Skye again, not that it ever left, as the tail continue to wag that SHIELD dog. 

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The writers know that Coulson is/was popular, which explains why Skye has been made into a surrogate daughter for him. They have to hope some of his popularity will rub off on her the more they're shown bonding. The problem with that strategy is that proximity with Skye is actually making Coulson less likable and believable as a competent SHIELD official. He brought an unqualified civilian on his team for no justifiable reason, failed to train her properly and has allowed her to blunder into danger repeatedly. Having her get shot was the one believable thing they have done with that character. And it's down to Coulson's ineptitude with her. 

Great point and something I forgot to point out.   The whole Skye thing makes Coulson look bad to me.   May was the one with the good instincts.   I could see it on her face,,, "Um....really Coulson?  You do realize this is SHIELD, right?"    But then they just had to get May onboard the Skye love-train too as she believed that Skye was their best hope with her super computer hacking skillz.   Double bleh....


Ahhh...I know I'll keep watching for now.  I want to like it. :P

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Great point and something I forgot to point out.   The whole Skye thing makes Coulson look bad to me.   May was the one with the good instincts.   I could see it on her face,,, "Um....really Coulson?  You do realize this is SHIELD, right?"    But then they just had to get May onboard the Skye love-train too as she believed that Skye was their best hope with her super computer hacking skillz.   Double bleh....


Ahhh...I know I'll keep watching for now.  I want to like it. :P


Coulson comes off like a truly clueless, inept leader on this show. Not just with Skye, mind you, but with Fitz & Simmons as well. The three of them should never be allowed into the field because they don't know what the hell they're doing. They act like idiots, don't have any idea how to do undercover work, can't protect themselves and almost always end up being liabilities to the agents who are competent. The train episode had the three of them at their worst, with predictable results. The fact that Coulson, May & Ward became terrified when they realized that the Three Stooges were alone on that train speaks to how ridiculous it was to take them along in the first place. Seriously, Coulson should leave them on that damn plane to act as support staff, but I guess there isn't enough ginned-up drama in that.


I want to love the show, too. I'm the sort of person this show should have as a dedicated fan because I've loved SHIELD since I read the Lee/Kirby books and Steranko's run. The problem for me is that the SHIELD in the show isn't anything like that in the movies or even the old comic books. Even with their campy elements and dated mid-60s style, the comics portrayed a spy agency that was far more professional and skilled than Coulson's crew. The producers have said that the team was deliberately stacked with untrained rookies so that we could follow their progress. That was the wrong strategy, IMO, because I'm sure that a lot of the people who checked it out at the start of the season were turned off by the characters and the writing. Viewers expected the cool, efficient SHIELD of the film universe, not a high school version stocked with pretty, bland actors. 

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You do realise Skye is on the plane because she has been connected with SHIELD since birth?It's a story arc that's clearly been there from inception and has nothing to do with any kind of fan reaction to her character. Not that I care much either way.

Edited by DeeCee
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Coulson comes off like a truly clueless, inept leader on this show. Not just with Skye, mind you, but with Fitz & Simmons as well. The three of them should never be allowed into the field because they don't know what the hell they're doing. They act like idiots, don't have any idea how to do undercover work, can't protect themselves and almost always end up being liabilities to the agents who are competent. The train episode had the three of them at their worst, with predictable results. The fact that Coulson, May & Ward became terrified when they realized that the Three Stooges were alone on that train speaks to how ridiculous it was to take them along in the first place. Seriously, Coulson should leave them on that damn plane to act as support staff, but I guess there isn't enough ginned-up drama in that.


Another good point.   I think Skye bothers me so much that I don't notice things like that as much.   :D    Plus...I like the two lab geeks!   :)


You do realise Skye is on the plane because she has been connected with SHIELD since birth?It's a story arc that's clearly been there from inception and has nothing to do with any kind of fan reaction to her character.Not that I care much either way.

I know she is on the plane and I know she has been connected with SHIELD since birth.   ...But I don't know how those two things are related.   There are a lot of people connected with SHIELD I'm thinking....they don't put them all in a field unit without training and without knowing for sure they can be trusted, do they?


Plus...didn't Coulson just find out a lot of that stuff about Skye?   That doesn't explain his behavior toward her in the beginning.

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Ehh, I think the show is a mess, but I watch it anyway. Right now, I give it a C+. Anyway, the only characters I care about are the scientists, mainly because I like their accents and chemistry. I don't think there will ever be an episode I truly think is amazing, but I continue to watch because I am a MCU junkie.

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that marvel universe special was pretty rad 


think it was a great idea explaining behind the scenes stuff and how they were building the scale of that universe !


plus you know i'm mad for tony stark/RDJ  lol so any mention of him  :wub: aww!


i didnt follow pre-production on iron man , i went to see the film because of RDJ not because of comics or the hero( clueless on both count)


cool to know that stuff about nick fury , had no idea fury use to be white !


even then since i wasnt following that i had no idea that there was a plan in place for a movie verse


i didnt even catch on that nick fury and coulson were movie hopping , and the whole mid-credit and end credit extra scene thing , once i caught on in thor , i made it my business not to move my butt at the end of a marvel movie 

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i didnt follow pre-production on iron man , i went to see the film because of RDJ not because of comics or the hero( clueless on both count)


cool to know that stuff about nick fury , had no idea fury use to be white !



It's just colorblind casting.  Not really a big deal, IMO.  David Hasselhoff played Fury in a TV movie once.  That wasn't cool. :lol:



Edited by mulder42
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it was, it was nice to see the comic-con footage , and how media went from meh movie with B-heroe in it , to wow in space of an afternoon !


about samuel jackson , its more that clearly he was use as model for new reincarnation of nick fury! 


also didnt know about the short films that expand on characters 

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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So the show wants us to think that Victoria Hand is the Clairvoyant or connected to him/her.


I'm not so sure since SHIELD has to tie into Captain America 2, so it's just as likely IMO that Hand overriding the plane might have something to do with blowback from events in Cap 2.


Unless the Clairvoyant is connected to the baddies of Cap 2.

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I've got a theory but it involves very major spoilers for CA:TWS.


Victoria Hand is a HYDRA agent. I guessed as much when she told Sitwell to return to the Limurian Star (the ship that got hijacked). But I think Zola could actually be the Clairvoyant. It makes sense that he'd know apparently everything, him being a computer and everything. Add that to the high levels of tech used and it seems pretty logical.

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I've got a theory but it involves very major spoilers for CA:TWS.


Victoria Hand is a HYDRA agent. I guessed as much when she told Sitwell to return to the Limurian Star (the ship that got hijacked). But I think Zola could actually be the Clairvoyant. It makes sense that he'd know apparently everything, him being a computer and everything. Add that to the high levels of tech used and it seems pretty logical.

I thought about it, and while it have much sense 

it will be really awfull ending for TV show. Clairvoyant is dead, and then don't even aknowledge who he was. Seems wrong.


It was interesting watching the episode the wrong way around.

Goodbye Sitwell. We barely new thee.

Heh, hey, I knew him from Marvel One-Shots!


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