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Just watched it and my question is this:Maybe I'm getting something wrong, but how does he post-events-narrate the story if he kills himself? "lalalalalala circle loop lalalala so I changed it BAM" What? Was there something I missed or was that some major deus ex machina?

It's just narration.
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Just watched it and my question is this:Maybe I'm getting something wrong, but how does he post-events-narrate the story if he kills himself?"lalalalalala circle loop lalalala so I changed it BAM"What? Was there something I missed or was that some major deus ex machina?

I'm going to go ahead and let Kick-Ass answer this question:"And if you're reassuring yourself that I'm going to make it through this since I'm talking to you now, quit being such a smart-ass! Hell dude, you never seen "Sin City"? "Sunset Boulevard"? "American Beauty"?"
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Just saw really thought it was very well done. I was a little distracted by the make up on JGL. I know the intention was to make him look like a younger Bruce Willis but it didn't really work for me. Still that's a minor nitpick. A-

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this movie was decent, but nothing spectacular, no where near as good as it was hyped up to be in my opinion. No surprise to me it is only doing average numbers at the BO

I don't think the expectations were really high for this box office wise so it really did better than expected
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I'm a bit at a loss as to what people see in this. It's not a bad film, certainly, but I have no idea why people think it's one of the best of the year. I sort of think it was a mistake for Johnson to direct his own script. He had a compelling premise, but he blew it. He had no idea where he wanted his film to go tonally. In the end, it plays out like a typical "save the world" sci-fi with some artificial and shallow emotional elements thrown in. The actors didn't really do justice to their characters either. I really didn't buy young Joe's sudden epiphany. Why the sudden maturity and change of heart, which 30 years apparently never triggered in the alternate timeline? The rainmaker is also a woefully unexplored character, since we never really get the chance to learn how his upbringing affects him in the future. I don't think this is the fault of the script as much as that of the direction. The story is a compelling blend of sci-fi and drama, but Johnson's relatively flat filmmaking didn't really pull it all together as well as it should have. There's a lot to like though, and I was enjoying it very much until what felt like a rushed and hamfisted final act. I don't know if I'm compelled ever to see it again, and it feels like a bit of a missed opportunity, but I didn't feel like I wasted my time. It at least contains an original story and some interesting thematic material.6.5/10, B-

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Solid film but too reverential to the Terminator films without getting the key emotional element of what makes T2 brilliant and iconic. 
Looper basically takes the T2 plot to explore nature vs nuture.  Instead of terminator vs terminator, we have looper vs looper. The "protector" terminator/looper bonds with a boy, who is bound for some to be determined greatness, good or evil (John Connor/Cid). The protector terminator/looper develops humanity due to the boy's love and influence and sacrifices himself in the end for the boy. 
Where Looper misses though and where T2 was just spot on, was taking the time to develop John Connor himself and his relationship with the T-800, making T2's ending with Connor begging the T-800 not to go and Arnie's line "I know now why you cry"  have more emotional realism and weight. In Looper, I don't know Cid, I feel like I barely know or like young Joe. I called the ending before it happened but I cared more for Bruce Willis and his dead wife. 
I like the director though, from what I've seen on breaking bad and this film is a step in the right direction. Watching Looper I got the same feeling I got when watching Abrahm's Super-8 (though I loved Super-8 a tad more), their influences are as clear as day so I can't help but root for them. Looper is not quite up to my expectations for great sci-fi but I definitely want to see more from the director.
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Having recently re-watched it, still hasn't lost its amazing qualities to me, the film has only grown on me with time.


Still one of the best films of 2012, and one of the best films of the last few years in my mind.


I simply can't wait to see what Rian Johnson does with Star Wars Episode 8 and 9!

Edited by ACCA
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A really good action scifi thriller with good action scenes, and great visuals Looper kicks ass. I like everything about Looper from the action scenes to the makeup effects to the Joseph Gordon levitt turning into Bruce Willis to the very last scene of the movie. Rian Johnson is a very good director as well, and overall grade wise Looper gets an A-

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Looper is a weird movie. The first hour is great, and the climax is fantastic, but the middle portion set on a farm is dull... yet, the climax can only work with the portion set on a farm. I can't really say if there's a way to fix that, but the world set up is interesting, but a tad overstuffed. I wonder if Rian could've done a draft without TKs. Speaking of him, his direction is stellar and I'm very happy Steve Yeldin is joining him on his venture in the Star Wars franchise, because this movie looks phenomenal. Everyone is great except for JGL, who is just decent, but it's an entertaining pulpy sci-fi with interesting themes. Good enough for me. B

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On 10/5/2012 at 4:47 PM, Blankie Cochran said:

A note: I've always had protective parents, and I turned 17 in July. This was my first "hard-R" movie, so I'm still kind of reeling from the various deaths and honestly the most disturbing scene I've ever seen in a movie so far in my life (how they ended Seth's loop.)


That said, I liked it. The action was good, and it was very tense throughout the entire movie. Great performances around. I loved the premise going in, and I feel like the way Johnson explored his themes were very satisfying. I liked the ending, but on the way back home, my brother and I started pointing out the paradoxes. Overall though, it was great.



Just found this post and it's crazy to think that Blanks was the same age as people like Ethan and I not too long ago!


Anyways, I guess cause this is the Looper thread, I should at least say I really, really enjoyed it. 8/10

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