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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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    TF4               FF7          
Day Yuan % +/- % BO -OW Total $ Tot   Yuan % +/- TF4 vs FF7 Total $ Tot % Cume TF4 Mltplr DayxM +OW $Proj
Fri 195     195 32                    
Sat 223 14.4%   418 69   51 - MN              
Sun 213 -4.6%   631 103   347   63.1% 398 64 -37.9%      
Mon 123 -42.1% 9.07 754 124   184 -47.0% 49.5% 582 94 -24.0% 11.03 2,421 390
Tues 112 -8.9% 8.25 866 142   167 -9.2% 48.8% 749 121 -14.9% 12.12 2,416 389
Wed 95 -15.7% 6.97 961 157   137 -18.0% 44.8% 886 143 -9.3% 14.35 2,358 380
Thur 84 -11.0% 6.21 1045 171   114 -16.8% 35.4% 1000 161 -5.8% 16.10 2,228 359
Fri 87 3.4% 6.42 1132 186   142 24.6% 63.0% 1142 184 -0.7% 15.58 2,604 419
Sat 130 48.8% 9.55 1262 207   225 58.5% 73.6% 1367 220 6.6% 10.47 2,748 443
Sun 118 -9.0% 8.69 1379 226   184 -18.2% 56.1% 1551 250 10.6% 11.51 2,509 404
Mon 54 -58.33% 4.02 1433 235   72 -60.9% 33.3% 1623 262 11.4% 24.85 2,181 351
Tue 53 -1.85% 3.95 1486 244 Ptoj 71 -1.9% 33.3% 1694 273 12.1% 25.32 2,181 351
Wed 43 -18.87% 3.20 1529 251 Ptoj 57 -18.9% 33.3% 1751 282 12.6% 31.21 2,181 351
Thu 39 -9.30% 2.91 1568 257 Ptoj 52 -9.3% 33.3% 1803 291 13.1% 34.41 2,181 351
Fri 42 7.69% 3.13 1610 264                    
Sat 62 47.62% 4.62 1672 274                    
Sun 58 -6.45% 4.32 1730 284                    
                            AvePro 392
    Str8 Up       TF4     1st Week FF7     2nd Week
TF/FF Day TF4 FF7 %Cume   Day Yuan % Ch Total $ Tot Yuan % Ch vs TF4 Total $ Tot
F/Su 1 195 398 104.3%   Fri 195   195 32 142   -27.2% 142 23
S/M 2 223 184 39.4%   Sat 223 14.4% 418 69 225 58.5% 0.9% 367 59
S/T 3 213 167 18.8%   Sun 213 -4.6% 631 103 184 -18.2% -13.5% 551 89
M/W 4 123 137 17.5%   Mon 123 -42.1% 754 124 72 -60.9% -41.5% 623 100
T/Th 5 112 114 15.5%   Tue 112 -8.9% 866 142          
W/F 6 95 142 18.9%   Wed 95 -15.7% 961 157          
Th/S 7 84 225 30.8%   Thu 84 -11.0% 1045 171          
F/Su 8 87 184 37.0%                      
S/M 9 130 72 28.7%         Fri to Thu        
S/T 10 118 71 22.8% P   Yuan $$$ +/- Yuan $$$ +/- TF v FF    
M/W 11 54 57 22.2% P Wk1 1045 171   1000 161   -4.3%    
T/Th 12 53 52 21.3% P Wk2 524 86 -49.9% 803 130 -19.7% 53.4% Partial Proj
  Total 1486 1803 21.3%   Wk3 256 42 -51.1%            
  Tot $ 244 291 19.3%   Wk4 81 13 -68.4%            
Proj$ 30 319 381 19.3%   Wk5 42 7 -48.1%            
            Tot 1947.4 319   1803 291        


After running mostly between 45-70% stronger, this large drop, albeit typical for nearly all films, put a damper on the run. Only 33% more than TF4s 2nd Monday. I assume it will run similarly the rest of the midweek. Hopefully it will show a bit more strength on the weekend or 400m is in jeopardy. If so, it still has a wild card with May holiday if it can keep enough showtimes.

Edited by No Prisoners
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TF4 is much bigger blockbuster in terms of gross, of course. The Last Samurai is much smaller movie, even R rated. 

I didnt want to compare those movies, i meant that last samurai was first propper expensive movie to make more in one single country than it made in US.  by expensive i meant that it was not small indie or art movie, which only makes few milions in US so it is not hard to beat it outside US.

on the other hand, TF4 made about 250M in US, which is a lot. but still, for such a movie it was not satisfactory. FF7 US gross will be much bigger than expected. even so, chinese gross will be bigger. this is the first time when this happens in china. it happened only once before, in japan 12 years ago with last samurai.   



You are using a very arbitrary definition for blockbuster, TF4 made much more than The Last Samurai even adjusted for inflation, and was the highest grosser in May-June-Jul


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TF4 is much bigger blockbuster in terms of gross, of course. The Last Samurai is much smaller movie, even R rated. 

I didnt want to compare those movies, i meant that last samurai was first propper expensive movie to make more in one single country than it made in US.  by expensive i meant that it was not small indie or art movie, which only makes few milions in US so it is not hard to beat it outside US.

on the other hand, TF4 made about 250M in US, which is a lot. but still, for such a movie it was not satisfactory. FF7 US gross will be much bigger than expected. even so, chinese gross will be bigger. this is the first time when this happens in china. it happened only once before, in japan 12 years ago with last samurai.   


I'm pretty sure this has alreasy happened in China with Pacific Rim

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I'm pretty sure this has alreasy happened in China with Pacific Rim

yes but pacrim was a disappointment in Dom and therefore easy to beat.

TLS wad a bit of a feat for Japan to beat DOM but it was a modest hit not a blockbuster TF$ was big, but underperformed for the franchise.  This will however be the first over performing dom blockbuster to get beat.

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TF4 is much bigger blockbuster in terms of gross, of course. The Last Samurai is much smaller movie, even R rated. 

I didnt want to compare those movies, i meant that last samurai was first propper expensive movie to make more in one single country than it made in US.  by expensive i meant that it was not small indie or art movie, which only makes few milions in US so it is not hard to beat it outside US.

on the other hand, TF4 made about 250M in US, which is a lot. but still, for such a movie it was not satisfactory. FF7 US gross will be much bigger than expected. even so, chinese gross will be bigger. this is the first time when this happens in china. it happened only once before, in japan 12 years ago with last samurai.   



How much a film made relative to pre-release expectations in that country is not relevant when you are comparing it to other countries, actual numbers do. Different countries have different tastes and when people are predicting a films gross they already take this into account. The actual important statistic is that FF7 will be the highest grossing film DOM to be beaten by an overseas territory.

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yes but pacrim was a disappointment in Dom and therefore easy to beat.

TLS wad a bit of a feat for Japan to beat DOM but it was a modest hit not a blockbuster TF$ was big, but underperformed for the franchise.  This will however be the first over performing dom blockbuster to get beat.


ok, i see your point now

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