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CAYOM Year 6 Advance Schedule

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Everytime I choose a release date there is always someone tell me I am wrong and I have to change it.And don't even get me started with that Uncharted bullshit that someone that abandoned the game still has the rights.

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CJohn buddy, there are lot of date changes in real life as well. Don't take it personally, I really don't mind to have Uncharted at December, I just don't think it fits there. I had the same battle with Alpha over Red Pyramid and in the end it worked out well for the both of us. That's what happens with studios in real life as well. Debate and agreement. When they don't agree, they go on war, but only if they are super confident with their release, Spellforce vs Oblivion is a good example. As of the rights, you should have it IMO. If the person who has it thinks otherwise, he/she better show up.

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Such hostility these last few pages. Chill guys.On Planeswalkers, I should think it has a lot of negative stigma it must overcome before it can be a huge success like Alfred is pandering it to be. I don't mean that the first movie was poorly received (although it didn't get glowing reviews or anything of the sort, and was mostly forgettable), but it did make only 115 million at the box office domestically. That's a form of negativisim that it must overcome, because that shows a limited box office appeal, at least the first time around, and unless it's a very, very well-received film, the second entry wouldn't double that amount. It's not an easy task to pull off, and as the first Planeswalkers ended on a cliffhanger, it seems rather more challenging for the second to break out when it would require viewership of the first. Of course, it is possible Planeswalkers was a smashing hit on DVD/Blu-Ray, but that's hypothetical.And by no means does this reflect the type of performance I will be giving it at the box office next year. These are just factors to consider about the movie's potential.

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I know that Planeswalkers wasn't a huge critical success, but neither got it bad WoM. I think it was underestimated. We saw films increasing a lot if quality improved and it's sitting on the holiday spot, so giga OW isn't requiered. I'm happy for it to get competition, I just don't think that the same genre film would make sense. Uncharted seems okay to me, but I think many would agree that it should be released in the summer. If MI:GP and Sherlock Holmes 2 had been CAYOM films, everyone would call the person having Mission stupid for sticking to the December spot after the disappointing MI3 and see how real life surprised us.

Edited by Alfred Unchained
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The summer isn't full yet at all. If you want to release your Indy type film in winter, go ahead, but it will lose its OW to Planeswalkers and drop 60+% against Bond.

No offense, but I don't undrstand why you're being so cocky over a sequel to a film that only did 115m and didn't even place on the Critical Consensus. Edited by Hunch
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Good news everyone! My main laptop is perfectly fine! Even better: I STILL HAVE ALL MY CAYOM STUFF FROM ALL TIMESo a mega catastrophe was averted!The only thing this will change for my Year 6 plans is I will finally *super fingers crossed* finish First in the Nation and I will finish the Liam Neeson mystery film I had intended for Year 5. I might bump 24 Hours back a year because of that. None of those films need to be posted in this thread since they aren't aiming for box office really.First thing I did once I saw my main laptop was in good shape and turned back on was I saved every CAYOM file to a flash drive and I am going to email copies of the documents to myself for an extra level of security.

Edited by 4815162342
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I think it was just a weird power surge thing. What I did back close to 2 weeks ago was unplug the laptop and just let it sit there because I had no time to get it checked out. A couple times I would try to see if it would turn back on since the battery light was still green but nothing happened. Well about 10 minutes ago on a whim I took a look and saw that the battery light was now off. So I plugged my charger back in, pressed the power button, and it turned back on like normal.So I think it was just some weird power fluctuation that it needed to charge down from.

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but i agree with you this "move it because of blabla" sometimes getting ridiculous. on the other hand for example dominion and planeswalker would havebeen the same genre. wasnt it sci fi too right . and sry again im posting with my tablet again

What is Dominion? Edited by Hunch
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I think it was just a weird power surge thing. What I did back close to 2 weeks ago was unplug the laptop and just let it sit there because I had no time to get it checked out. A couple times I would try to see if it would turn back on since the battery light was still green but nothing happened. Well about 10 minutes ago on a whim I took a look and saw that the battery light was now off. So I plugged my charger back in, pressed the power button, and it turned back on like normal.So I think it was just some weird power fluctuation that it needed to charge down from.

Sometimes the battery moves and you have take it out, put it back in again and then it works fine.
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No offense, but I don't undrstand why you're being so cocky over a sequel to a film that only did 115m and didn't even place on the Critical Consensus.

The film was underestimated and I made mistakes with the first one, no doubt about that. It was a big disappointment to me, I won't hide it. It's normal for me to fight for my spot and have faith in my film, that's what studios do, so in a way we're all a bit cocky I guess. ;)I think we should have this debates every year, an advance schedule without issues would be boring and wouldn't be realistic at all. We should remain civilized at all times however. And as I said before I didn't say CJohn to move his film, because of Planeswalkers, I said it because I honestly think it doesn't suit it there.
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I have one suggestion for CJohn about L.A. Noire:Why not have Francis Ford Coppola direct it? Yeah, he's directed only small films for the past 10 years, but this could be his big comeback. Plus, if you stamp his name in marketing (From The Director Of The Godfather), then you could get tons of money.

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