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Most overrated films of 2012

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Hey guys, feel free to submit your own RT score. What you think the Rotten Tomatoes score should have been for such and such movie.


I wouldn't put any weight on armchair internet posters that pretend like the tomatometer works like a letter grade system. It doesn't work that way at all.
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The Avengers- very entertaining but the dialogue was the only thing that separated it from Transformers, really.Looper- Good movie, but not near the memorable one that my expectations had been set for.Cabin In The Woods- Again, very good movie, but it reached the point where it became so "meta" and "in" that it lost its impact.The Master- The only movie on my list that I didn't like. Pretentious, artsy fartsy film that tried so hard to say something that it really said nothing at all. This movie screamed "look how smart and artsy I am!" in the attempt to get awards attention. In a year where Argo, SLP, Pi, Lincoln, Django, and Les Mis proved that you can be a smart, awards caliber film and also a highly entertaining blockbuster, this tried WAY too hard.

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:unsure: Basically everyone but me think TA is overrated.

Not really, most everybody loved it. There is a few obnoxious Nolan lovers and Harry Potter loonies who litter this board. They hate anything that beats their "baby." The Avengers is better than any Batman or Harry Potter movie to come out. Ever.
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Not really, most everybody loved it. There is a few obnoxious Nolan lovers and Harry Potter loonies who litter this board. They hate anything that beats their "baby." The Avengers is better than any Batman or Harry Potter movie to come out.Ever.

I watched The Avengers and I can say that I enjoyed it. The movie progresses to slow at the beginning but I really don't see a reason to say that this is over Harry Potter or The Dark Knight Trilogy. You must the thoroughly mad to say that.The only thing that The Avengers had was mass destruction and many special effects - the story was barely there (The main story was boring - Ooh, Aliens attack Earth (so original)). The acting was meh, but even if you add the acting from three Avengers movie you won't get close to the acting in The Dark Knight (only that movie).Harry Potter, again, had many special effects and mass destruction, but at least that franchise had a decent story and you could say that it deserved to gross that much.My point is that people call Avengers good only because it had special effects and Iron Man - sorry, but that's not enough, sadly.
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I watched The Avengers and I can say that I enjoyed it. The movie progresses to slow at the beginning but I really don't see a reason to say that this is over Harry Potter or The Dark Knight Trilogy. You must the thoroughly mad to say that.The only thing that The Avengers had was mass destruction and many special effects - the story was barely there (The main story was boring - Ooh, Aliens attack Earth (so original)). The acting was meh, but even if you add the acting from three Avengers movie you won't get close to the acting in The Dark Knight (only that movie).Harry Potter, again, had many special effects and mass destruction, but at least that franchise had a decent story and you could say that it deserved to gross that much.My point is that people call Avengers good only because it had special effects and Iron Man - sorry, but that's not enough, sadly.

I'm not mad. The Avengers surpasses every Harry Potter and all of the Batman movies, even The Dark Knight. It would be close, but I give The Avengers a slight advantage b/c it ends on a much happier note. As for your stupid comment about The Avenger's having similar plot points with Alien invaders. You might as well bash every movie ever made that had alien invaders including Aliens, Alien, Independence Day, Star Wars, Predator, Transformers Star Trek(2009), and numerous other. If you're going to bash a movie for having same plot points as others, then you should bash Harry Potter for having Wizards, Goblins, and Witches. Your typical fantasy movie. You've probably had just as many fantasy movies featuring Goblins and Witches, then you have had Alien Invasion movies.People only call The Avengers good b/c of its special effects? That's flat out dumb. The Avengers received praise for being a 4 year ambitious project built up through 5 movies. If The Avengers had failed, than everything would have been for not. Everything built up to an exciting climax, and the movie was kickass and awesome.I don't see how anyone can say the acting was Meh. Iron Man wasn't even the best performance in the movie, more like 3rd or 4th. I want proof acting was meh besides your flawed opinion.You better come up with a better argument than the one your posing.
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I'm not mad. The Avengers surpasses every Harry Potter and all of the Batman movies, even The Dark Knight. It would be close, but I give The Avengers a slight advantage b/c it ends on a much happier note. As for your stupid comment about The Avenger's having similar plot points with Alien invaders. You might as well bash every movie ever made that had alien invaders including Aliens, Alien, Independence Day, Star Wars, Predator, Transformers Star Trek(2009), and numerous other. If you're going to bash a movie for having same plot points as others, then you should bash Harry Potter for having Wizards, Goblins, and Witches. Your typical fantasy movie. You've probably had just as many fantasy movies featuring Goblins and Witches, then you have had Alien Invasion movies.People only call The Avengers good b/c of its special effects? That's flat out dumb. The Avengers received praise for being a 4 year ambitious project built up through 5 movies. If The Avengers had failed, than everything would have been for not. Everything built up to an exciting climax, and the movie was kickass and awesome.I don't see how anyone can say the acting was Meh. Iron Man wasn't even the best performance in the movie, more like 3rd or 4th. I want proof acting was meh besides your flawed opinion.You better come up with a better argument than the one your posing.

And you honestly want to say that your argument about Avengers having a slight advantage over The Dark Knight because it ends on a much happier note is a solid one? That's a rubbish argument, and you know that very well.I said Avengers didn't have such an original story like Harry Potter. You compared Avengers to Star Trek and Transformers because those movies are built around alien attacks, then you compared Harry Potter to other movies that have Wizards/Witches and Goblins?If you compare The Avengers to movies that are built around alien attacks, compare Harry Potter to other movies that have a Dark lord splitting his soul into 7 parts and a boy who miraculously survived his attack and grows up to fight him in an epic battle in which he has to die to make The Dark Lord mortal again. Also, Alan Rickman's performance as Snape is also a note worthy one. My point here is that there are none other movies that have such a story as Harry Potter.If I would take your example of comparison, I would compare The Avengers to Iron Man, Justice League and other movies like that because it has SUPERHEROES (just like Potter has Witches/Wizards/Goblins), which wouldn't make the story anymore original.The Avengers acting wasn't really there - Other than cracking some jokes and then abstain smiling, I didn't see any remarkable acting. Iron Man spent most of his movie staring at his screen and talking to his team - Hulk spent most of his movie in CGI, and other than jumping around, he didn't do anything important. Loki was the best performance of the movie, by far...
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Avengers kicks Dark Knight Rises ass definitely

It comes close to The Dark Knight Rises, but is still behind because it lacks of a good story, decent acting, cinematography and score. Though, it doesn't come anywhere close to The Dark Knight, which filmbuff said was weaker than Avengers.
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And you honestly want to say that your argument about Avengers having a slight advantage over The Dark Knight because it ends on a much happier note is a solid one? That's a rubbish argument, and you know that very well.I said Avengers didn't have such an original story like Harry Potter. You compared Avengers to Star Trek and Transformers because those movies are built around alien attacks, then you compared Harry Potter to other movies that have Wizards/Witches and Goblins?If you compare The Avengers to movies that are built around alien attacks, compare Harry Potter to other movies that have a Dark lord splitting his soul into 7 parts and a boy who miraculously survived his attack and grows up to fight him in an epic battle in which he has to die to make The Dark Lord mortal again. Also, Alan Rickman's performance as Snape is also a note worthy one. My point here is that there are none other movies that have such a story as Harry Potter.If I would take your example of comparison, I would compare The Avengers to Iron Man, Justice League and other movies like that because it has SUPERHEROES (just like Potter has Witches/Wizards/Goblins), which wouldn't make the story anymore original.The Avengers acting wasn't really there - Other than cracking some jokes and then abstain smiling, I didn't see any remarkable acting. Iron Man spent most of his movie staring at his screen and talking to his team - Hulk spent most of his movie in CGI, and other than jumping around, he didn't do anything important. Loki was the best performance of the movie, by far...

Pull your head out dude, You call The Avengers an adjunct alien-invasion movie. In your words, not mine. Harry Potter isn't any different than any other fantasy movie with a battle between Wizards, Witches, Goblins, and Ghouls. It has similar plot points of Twilight, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Star Dust, The Golden Compass, and I'm sure there are numerous other films. Also, You mentioned Voldemort, the dark lord. An Ass-load of movies have had "Dark Lord" in them.Fact is, there is no true "original" film in hollywood. Every movie borrows some plot point or theme from another. Even some of your best original films to come out in years like Inception and Looper borrowed heavily from Dreamscape and The Terminator respectively. The Avengers is far more original than any Harry Potter. No superhero film has had an idea of putting different super-hero into one film. Not on the scale or epic level of The Avengers, hence the 4-5 year build-up of the project. You've had other multi-heroes in movies like X-Men and Fantastic 4, but those groups were always written together. Iron Man, Thor, et al were always written as solo acts, not uniting for The Avengers till later on. Do your research.As for The Dark Knight and The Avengers argument. The Dark Knight is a great movie, it is my 2nd favorite. My biggest problem is the 3rd act after Harvey Dent get his face burned off, and Rachael Dawes dies. There was a lot of good stuff in the 3rd act, but felt like it should have gone into the next movie. Chris Nolan didn't seem to know where to take the story after main heist plot-point was over.The Dark Knight Rises also had some MAJOR problems. The whole waiting 6 months to blow Gotham City was stupid as hell. Talia Al-Ghul was trying to achieve her father's destiny of blowing up Gotham. She had the bomb, she had the means to blow up the city. Just blow up the city, and get it over with. That's just bad writing and unforgivable plotting. Edited by FilmBuff
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It comes close to The Dark Knight Rises, but is still behind because it lacks of a good story, decent acting, cinematography and score. Though, it doesn't come anywhere close to The Dark Knight, which filmbuff said was weaker than Avengers.

give me a break. There was nothing special about The Dark Knight Rises story. It was the standard "Destroy the city" story. Pretty much the same plot as the first one. What was wrong with the acting, cinematography, and score in Avengers? They all were just as good as TDKR. The acting and chemistry between the actors in Avengers was excellent Edited by John Marston
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