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Jack Nevada

85th Academy Awards (24/2/13) Official Thread- TONIGHT!! NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST

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I could write equally as much about Lincoln. I think it's truly the film that Speilberg's career has been leading to. Even with the last five minutes, it's a masterpiece.I didn't want the race to come down to SLP vs. Lincoln but if that's what it'll be, that's what it'll be!

Edited by Gopher
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I could write equally as much about Lincoln. I think it's truly the film that Speilberg's career has been leading to. Last five minutes aside, it's a masterpiece.I didn't want the race to come down to SLP vs. Lincoln but if that's what it'll be, that's what it'll be!

Essays could and I'm sure will be written on all the brilliant subtleties in Lincoln. It transcends film in a way and becomes something else entirely. What that is, I can't say for sure, but it's unlike anything I've seen. It is a masterpiece I think, and I do agree it seems like Spielberg's career has been culminating to it.As for the race, there is no race anymore. ZDT and Argo can't win without even a director nom, so Lincoln has won. It's just a formality of officially handing out the awards now.
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I think Spielberg has become an Oscar darling. he doesn't have to do a great job of directing, the Academy will always nominate him.Give it to Ben Affleck or Kathryn Bigelow, someone who actually did a great job on their movie.Ben Affleck because, honestly, Argo was a MASSIVE improvment over The Town. In my opinion, The Town was yet another mediocre Departed-type movie.

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Guess you answered my question then. Do you know what the 3 times are?

Driving Miss DaisyGrand Hotel ( BP was its only nomination)I want to say Around the world in 80 days or Greatest Show on Earth but I can't be sure. I'm on my phone so I can't check.
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Nice piece by Sasha Stone today. I liked this part a lot:


“All I can say to Ben Affleck and Kathryn Bigelow is to look at Ang Lee and Steven Spielberg. These two are embattled veterans of Hollywood and the Oscar race and both have been left out many times. Both have lost in crucial ways, in humiliating ways. Both are directors who represent two of the most contentious Oscar years in history: Saving Private Ryan vs. Shakespeare in Love and Brokeback Mountain versus Crash. Look at them now. They both directed two of the best films of their careers.

Ang Lee and Steven Spielberg are examples of career evolution that can come from these kinds of losses. They are not always a bad thing.”

Edited by Gopher
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I just checked it up... think it was Wings.

Yeah, I checked the Wings director wasn't nominated that year. So yeah, that was the very first Academy Awards. Really Driving Miss Daisy is the only one that counts. The other two were too long ago, the Academy was just kind of getting set up back then.
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Nice piece by Sasha Stone today. I liked this part a lot:


“All I can say to Ben Affleck and Kathryn Bigelow is to look at Ang Lee and Steven Spielberg. These two are embattled veterans of Hollywood and the Oscar race and both have been left out many times. Both have lost in crucial ways, in humiliating ways. Both are directors who represent two of the most contentious Oscar years in history: Saving Private Ryan vs. Shakespeare in Love and Brokeback Mountain versus Crash. Look at them now. They both directed two of the best films of their careers.

Ang Lee and Steven Spielberg are examples of career evolution that can come from these kinds of losses. They are not always a bad thing.”

LOL, how is this supposed to make them feel better? Spielberg and Lee both WON those years.
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Baumer, you're saying saying that if I was 37 or 47 instead of 27, I would have given SLP an A instead of a B? Come on, dude. That's so ludicrous, I'm almost at a loss for words.

Anyway, all I can gather from this Poland article is that he's really frustrated that Bigelow didn't make the cut: http://moviecitynews.com/2013/01/20w2o-they-the-oscar-morning-sequel/

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I think the Bigelow and Affleck snub just goes to show that the Academy just votes for whatever the guilds vote for. This is the first time ever the DGA nominations came out after voting closed. As a result, it's the first time only two directors got both a DGA and an Oscar nom. Amour and Beasts are really the 'passion' plays of the year. True underdogs.

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