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Weekend Estimates (WB $19.5M, SLP $8.1M, BTTH $4.5M, SUG $1.5M)

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Bullet to Head has received some hateful negative reviews with some calling it one of the most misogynistic, racist, and homophobic films in a long time.


It must really be something if it can beat the Transformers or Hangover movies in those catagories.

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It must really be something if it can beat the Transformers or Hangover movies in those catagories.


I`m sick of people associating Michael Bay with racism. The guy launched 2 black actors into movie stardom. Bad Boys wasn`t made right now but back in time when black actors were not considered draws. So, please, enough with robot sterotypes who were written by Kurzman and Orci. Also, Pain and Gain has racially diverse principal cast. The Rock is Hawaii and black mix. Anthony Macky is black. They didn`t whiten the characters which is what Hollywood tends to do. Yeah, yeha, true story. They could have changed the names and make everyone white. Happened before in that Sturgess/Bosworth movie that was based on smart Asian kids. All those characters were played by whites. So take Bay off the list. He certianly doesn`t exploit st black (Maori) actors as nameless  villains only like some of his peers.

Edited by fishnets
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First TLS and now BTTH. I think the message is clear.


Although Statham was never in Arnie and Sly league, he bombed too.


Notice how these superbombs happened after TE. Sly had some success with Rocky Balboa and, in lesser degree, Rambo. Staham wa snever a big money-maker but these guys are detonating after TE like they are Taylor Kitsch.  I`m wondering why it is so. TE made them unacceptable individually or there`s TE backlash that`s hitting the individual TE stars.

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