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The Dark Alfred

Alfred's Year 6 TOP 25

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Many people vote here like the AMPAS, pushing the Oscar-bait films high. I go by what I liked the best. That's why films like Badass Santa can make it to the top 5 or the otherwise messed up Ice Bridge into the top 2.  


And as always my top 5 always differ from my BOP Oscar ballot.

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Many people vote here like the AMPAS, pushing the Oscar-bait films high. I go by what I liked the best. That's why films like Badass Santa can make it to the top 5 or the otherwise messed up Ice Bridge into the top 2.  


And as always my top 5 always differ from my BOP Oscar ballot.


I did that last year..this year I am going a mix of both ways. 

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Many people vote here like the AMPAS, pushing the Oscar-bait films high. I go by what I liked the best. That's why films like Badass Santa can make it to the top 5 or the otherwise messed up Ice Bridge into the top 2.  


And as always my top 5 always differ from my BOP Oscar ballot.

True, though I doubt a film that doesn't make your Top 25 will get a BP nom from you. :P

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