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The 2013 Box Office Awards (Master/Cloud Atlas lead)

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Time for some more tributes! 




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"I really don't know what TDKR is doing on this list. But nobody I PMed about doing a writeup for the film responded, so I guess I'll try one myself. 


Here's what we know happened with this film: Nolan didn't want to make it. The Joker was going to be the centerpiece of his future Batman projects. He had made his quintessential Batman film and he didn't think he could top it. So when WB agrees to give him any budget for a film of his choosing (Inception), he agrees to come back and wrap up the trilogy with loads of visual spectacle and fan service. It certainly worked with critics and audiences, even if the general consensus was that he didn't top TDK. Ask some people online and they'll tell you it didn't come anywhere near close. 


The film has dropped off in repeat viewings for me, but I still think it works solidly as a whole for a few reasons. The ensemble is as good as any Nolan film, with newcomers to the franchise like Hardy, Hathaway and Gordon-Levitt shining, but this is Bruce Wayne's story and Christian Bale nails it. He's a broken man and the viewer can feel his pain. And even if the first act is a slog, Bane's takeover of Gotham and the final battle are thrilling sequences, and the Wayne's World super-mega happy ending almost* totally worked on me. TDKR reasserts that Batman is a symbol, and JGL's arc in the film shows that a population can only survive if a citizen can rise up against disorder. It's not the best Nolan movie by a longshot, but hey, it's a good summer movie. 


*seriously, why didn't Batman die at the end? The idea of Wayne who is broken down but then sacrifices himself to save Gotham is kind of beautiful. We didn't need to see him run off to Florence with Selina, did we? Ah well... we got the movie we got, I guess."


By Gopher 

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Welp, too late!


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"The first time I heard about this movie was when Emma Watson was announced to play Sam. I am a big Emma Watson fan, so, naturally, I started investigating into it. I found out that the movie was going to be adapted from a known book, which was very controversial, fact that made it more interesting. I got the book and read it, and since then, I literally counted the days to the movie finally hitting the big screens.

Stephen Chbosky, who is the author of the book and also directs this movie, made his debut in a stunning way. He created a master piece that at first might look like any other coming-of-age movie, but as soon as you watch it, it’ll turn into a movie that will change your view on life and on pretty much everything else.

The script was well written, successfully combining two popular genres (Comedy and Drama), without focusing too much on the drama, leaving just enough space for the comedy, which came mostly from Ezra Miller and Logan Lerman’s character. This movie makes you laugh only to leave in you tears a few seconds later as you find out the stories of each character, which you can’t watch the movie without falling in love to.

The performances were all pretty strong, the strongest of them being Logan Lerman, who proved himself to be acting material. He successfully shifted from being funny to being paranoid, shy or caring, multiple times during the movie.

Ezra Miller also had a strong performance as Professor Callahan, but he also gave a very memorable performance as Patty, sorry Nothing… SORRY. Patrick.

Emma Watson successfully nailed her first Post-Potter role, proving that she can do movies that aren’t blockbuster and made for money and not for awards. Even though this movie didn’t score any major awards, this will be a movie which the Academy will regret not giving it any major nominations and awards. She had a strong performance as Sam, kind, supportive and non-judgmental person who supports Charlie through his hard time in his first year at high school.

This movie is what most coming of age teenagers need right now. This is a movie that gives them hope that there is always someone out there who accepts them as they are: misfit toys."


Edited by Gopher
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One more before we move on- 




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"Seeing Life of Pi was a cinematic experience unlike any other in 2012. I would be lying if I denied that much of my euphoria upon leaving the film was due to its epic visual achievement. Director Ang Lee capitalizes on photorealistic CGI and 3D technology in innovative and awe-inspiring ways to recreate the fantastic, often hallucinatory atmosphere of the source novel by Yann Martel. Some may claim the film’s stunning effects serve only to conceal a hollow or unsatisfying narrative, but there is far more to Lee’s treatment of this story than meets the eye. Unlike many blockbuster directors who have relied on flashy cinematography and impressive visuals as a crutch for their lack of storytelling ability, Lee explores visual effects technologies to capture the full narrative potential of the moving image.


Credit must be given to screenwriter David Magee and director of photography Claudio Miranda, who contributed enormously to the work that went into adapting Martel’s “unfilmable” novel for the big screen. It is Magee who in large part captures the essence of Pi Patel—not to mention actors Irrfan Khan and Suraj Sharma, both of whom deliver strong and emotionally powerful performances. Magee’s work in the opening and closing scenes establishes Pi’s existential and religious uncertainty and his desire to belong and be at harmony with the world around him. Miranda, meanwhile, brilliantly realizes Lee’s vision by directing quite possibly the best cinematography of 2012. As just one example of Miranda’s craftsmanship, the tracking shot as Pi swims underwater, dodging the frantic drowning animals and desperately searching for his family, reveals the care that went into this film; the scene’s photography evokes the dissolution of normality and harmony with which Pi must grapple.


As the film ends, we come to understand that the ability to appreciate the beauty of this world does not depend on our ability to define it through either religious or scientific principles. The mystery and uncertainty of our existence is precisely the source of its treasures. The manner in which Lee is able to communicate this message makes Life of Pi worthy of consideration as the best film of 2012."


By Sims 

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The nominees are... 

Chris Terrio, Argo

David Magee, Life of Pi 

Tony Kushner, Lincoln 

Steven Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower 

David O. Russell, Silver Linings Playbook





- and we’ll be discredited, the amendment itself will be tainted. What if, what if these peace commissioners appear today? Or worse, on the morning - 



We don’t need a goddamned abolition amendment! Leave the Constitution alone! State by state you can extirpate - 



I can’t listen to this anymore! I can’t accomplish a goddamned thing of any human meaning or worth until we cure ourselves of slavery and end this pestilential war, and whether any of you or anyone else knows it, I know I need this! This amendment is that cure! We’re stepped out upon the world’s stage now, now, with the fate of human dignity in our hands! Blood’s been spilt to afford us this moment!


He points around the table at Ashley, Monty, Preston.



Now now now! And you grousle and heckle and dodge about like pettifogging Tammany Hall hucksters! See what is before you! See the here and now! That’s the hardest thing, the only thing that accounts! Abolishing slavery by constitutional provision settles the fate, for all coming time, not only of the millions now in bondage but of unborn millions to come. Two votes stand in its way, and these votes must be procured. 



We need two yeses, three abstentions, or four yeses and one more abstention and the amendment will pass -  


You got a night and a day and a night and several perfectly good hours! Now get the hell out of here and get ‘em!



Yes but how?


Buzzards’ guts, man.


Lincoln rises, and keeps rising, till he seems eight feet tall. 


I am the President of the United States of America, clothed in immense power! You will procure me these votes.

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