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Films that had an impact on you which you never expected

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A couple of months ago I moved house and without anything much to do was reduced to finding random films to watch. During this search I came across the film: Everything Must Go starrring Will Ferrell. With my previous experience of Ferrell Films, I was expecting some silly over the top fun that was either going to be a lot of fun or total drivel.


Therefore it totally took me by surprise when not only was Ferrell playing a straight role but he absolutely nailed it in my opinion. I have had some experience of family members affected by alcohol and with my defences down due to expectations of a generic Will Ferrell comedy, the whole film just destroyed me. If Ferrell has never experienced ALcoholism in some form then he is wasting himself as a comedy actor.


I honestly can't remember a time before or since when I have felt so personally affected by a film and it was completely unexpected when I chose the source material, which brings me to my question. Has this ever happened to anybody else?


I don't mean watching a film like Schindler's List or Shawshank where depth is a given from the start, but a film that ending up hitting very close to home at a personal level when it was the last film you expected to do so? 



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Fantastic thread. I will think this over and post a more detailed post when I have time, but three films come to mind. One is (Let me explain) Mothman Prophecies, another is Instinct and another weird one is Return to Me.Mothman because it's really a film that has a lot of convictions in its writing. It deals with believing that things aren't random and there is more out there tham we know. Not necessarily about God, but about forces beyond our control and comprehension. I don't have time to explain it all, but here's my review of it if you are so inclined... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0265349/reviews-34Instinct is an obvious one for me because it is about animal rights and it really pulls no punches. If you have not seen this movie and you love animals, then you owe it to yourself to do so. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0128278/reviews-48Return to Me caught me completely off guard. I'm not a big David Duchovney fan but this film about losing the one you love really struck an emotional chord with me.

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For now...


In a possitive way:


IB - I didn`t expect much from the concept but ended up blown away. I became a definite QT fangirl after that movie.


Alien - that was the first movie in my life where I was aware that I was watching a movie and it was awesome. I obsess about it to this day.


Terminator - wasn`t the first movie but I was just as obsessed as with Alien. Like, those movies are so freakin smart and deep and shit. fell in love with JC right there.


The Matrix. Another of those revelation movies. I was crying a river after Reloaded. So bad.


ESB, ROTS - Jedi are such dicks. Those movies are so freakin deep. Sith FTW!


POTC:DMC - I think I became a raging shipper with this movie. I wasn`t into het ship before Sparrabeth and then I was totally obsessing about Sparrabeth like there`s no tomorrow.


In a negative way:


AWE - on top of being an atrocity that sunk my ship it was also a movie where I became really aware for the first time where sequels go wrong. This is,like, a classic example.


Karate Kid - I fuckin hate this drivel. Hate, hate, HATE. I have a total allergic reaction to this tree hugging garbage. And I`m nott taking about Jackie/Jade one which I like a lot.


TTT and Shriekapoo - gosh, these two but especially the Shriekster are,like, the most influential movies in my life. That`s where I got my true calling of ridding the world from the worst fuckin actress that ever was is and will be. I hate Shitto! I HATE SHITTO! SHITTO MUST BE DESTROYED! SHITTO,YOU WILL NEVER BE 22 AGAIN YOU HEAR ME? YOU`LL NEVER BE JLAW! PEOPLE WILL NEVER LOVE YOU! I HATE YOU!BOMB!BOMB! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!

Edited by fishnets
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Return to Me caught me completely off guard. I'm not a big David Duchovney fan but this film about losing the one you love really struck an emotional chord with me.


I remember that film being released (its the heart transplant of the ex-lover film right?), as a person who only saw a trailer or two it struck as being typical, smultzy romantic Hollywoody stuff with a reachy premise. So if there is actually depth and heart to the film I can fully understand that coming out of nowhere especially if its a subject matter close to the heart of the viewer.

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I remember that film being released (its the heart transplant of the ex-lover film right?), as a person who only saw a trailer or two it struck as being typical, smultzy romantic Hollywoody stuff with a reachy premise. So if there is actually depth and heart to the film I can fully understand that coming out of nowhere especially if its a subject matter close to the heart of the viewer.

 The funny thing is I felt the same way you did. I thought it would be horrible. And it's not like I lost a loved one and her heart got transplanted into my new girlfriend....lol...but the film has a lot of emotionality to it. It's very tender and honest and Duchovney is awesome in it.
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The funny thing is I felt the same way you did. I thought it would be horrible. And it's not like I lost a loved one and her heart got transplanted into my new girlfriend....lol...but the film has a lot of emotionality to it. It's very tender and honest and Duchovney is awesome in it.


Oh I get what you mean, I am constantly amazed by how some films can surprise you with depth that was never expected of them. I remember the first American Pie film shocking me when I finally gave in to peer pressure and watched it that there is actually a really sweet film with a lot of heart lying beneath the OTT sex jokes and stuff.



s why i made the thread. :)

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Before this, I never watched comic book movies (aside from the first Batman) which was kind of ignorant of me since I just assumed they were very silly. I didn't know Hulk was by Ang Lee, and I kept seeing parts of it on TV at a friend's house and was kind of embarrassed that I liked it. Again, pretty ridiculous of me. Sometime later, I caught it on TV and loved it. I thought it was spectacular. I mentioned it to my Mom and she told me that it was by Ang Lee and of course it was good. That sadly made me feel better, but from then on I decided to be more open to these kinds of films. I had never seen Spider-Man or any of the Transformers films so I began to see the big budget blockbusters on the big screen. Without Hulk, I wouldn't have seen some great films (Iron Man, Star Trek etc.) or films that were just damned entertaining (Thor, Cap, Watchmen etc..) Some of these aren't Comic book movies but the audiences overlap and HULK  helped open my mind to these films. 




Same thing happened with this film. I'd seen Toy Story as a kid but never any of the modern Pixar films. Again like a complete ass, I thought they just kids films. I kept hearing comparisons between Wall-E and 2001 and how brilliant it was, so I finally decided to see it. I was completely blown away and after that, I began seeing most Pixar films in the theaters. This was around the same time I saw Hulk on TV and these two experiences just helped me open my mind in general. 

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Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. In the same way than Clavius has said with Hulk. I have never read a comic and I considered these stories for children and teens. I did not like Batman'89 too much, but with these movies I came fascinated for this character and the world around him. I watched both movies one day, at home. I repeated next day. Since that moment (4 years ago), and until last summer I was expecting for TDKR. Now, I am watching every Marvel movie and I am enjoying them a lot. But if I had not watched BB and TDK, I probably would have not seen any SH movie.


The Deer Hunter. Before watching it I had read nothing about it. I knew it was about war, but no more. I was shocked when it finished. It is one of the most cruel and harsh films I have ever seen. It is about war, but mostly it is about friendship. There is no film that had made me do feel the loss of someone like this one. An absolute masterpiece.

Edited by peludo
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