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Friday Numbers

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This week-end, SLP will pass Bourne Legacy and Magic Mike.


On its way to pass Safe House,the Vow and Prometheus with a finish around 130m.


I wonder if LOP will finish behind or in front of SLP in the end, but SLP will have more tickets sold than Richard Parker in the US.


Truly amazing run by Harvey, Jlaw, Cooper and DOR ( the biggest success of his carreer DOM, WW and adjusted).


And a fairy tale for our Queen.



Edited by The Futurist
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 Yeah the Box Office is in the toilet right now. May needs to get here.


Oz, Croods, GIJoe, Oblivion and Pain And Gain should give us at least 2-4 good hits. EFPE hasn't exactly done gangbusters, so there will still be a lot of kids that want to see either Oz or Croods as their first movie in months.

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Just took a look at the schedule and it looks like all the theaters in town will have 9pm showings of Oz on Thursday night.


At what point will theaters just start showing new movies whenever they damn well feel like on Thursday afternoon?

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The box office isn't in the toilet because people aren't seeing movies anymore- they just don't want to see any of the crap that's out right now. People will turn out for Oz and Joe because they actually want to see them, just like people turned out for Mama and Identity Theft. 

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Sorry but there's no way Oz can bomb. Not cause I think it looks great or anything, but general and family audiences have been so  deprived this year so far that the first semi appealing flick to hit that audience will do great. And that is Oz. I mean you know that audience is starving when Escape From Planet Earth is even doing decently.

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fucking agreed 



people will go see a movie if it interests them ... if economy is down and overall business is down that only means that those original and good movies will make even more as people are gonna be real picky about what they see 

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OZ has potential but I'm wondering if anyone really wants to see a "Wizard of Oz" Prequel.  I mean Hollywood has OD' on "Prequels/Reboots" since Episode I and Begins was a success.  I'm not saying OZ will flop, it does have the Disney Machine behind it but again I don't think people were that interested in where the Wizard came from enough to make the film but that's just me.


But 200 Million Budget?  I guess Disney is Hoping this is another "Alice in Worderland" but I don't think so.  People love "Wizard of OZ" for the 4 main characters, Dorthy, Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow.  I think Jack and OZ are both way over budget.  It's crazy they said this is like the 30th "Wizard of OZ" film.  Did Disney not learn anything from "Return to OZ"? I liked the film as a kid but I can see why it flopped:


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Edited by filmscholar
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The sky is falling! Look, the product Hollywood has put out this year just hasn't interested audiences. It's not like people suddenly stopped going to the movies for no reason.


Not to mention Hollywood put out nothing but adult only aimed movies in Jan/Feb. If you target just one market and one market only, the box office isn't going to do well. And as far as Jack goes, it just was not an appealing looking movie at all. I thought it was on the better end of these live action fairy tale movies, but the trailers make it look like a straight to video effort and who really asked for a Jack and the Beanstalk adaptation? Yeah, no one.

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Everyone is hurting in America.  I'm sorry this isn't 5 or 10 years ago.  So yes people are WAY more picky now about movies then they were a decade ago.  Also technology has to be blamed.  There are way more ways to watch movies today.  DVD's come out 3-4 months after the movies are released so people seem to be waiting a lot longer instead of rushing to the Theater.  I remember 20 years ago it took "Jurassic Park" FOREVER to come on VHS.  


But cause studios are losing money they are releasing them to home video quicker.  I know making a film a huge risk for any studio or investor.   You never know if he will work or not, there is no perfect science.  But because the ticket sales continue to drop year after year.  I expect Hollywood to be even more picky about projects they put out.  I'm an "Original" screenplay guy.  I love it when stuff like "Inception" break out cause it's not an established property but now I understand the name of the game.  To all my original screenplay writers out there, keep doing your thing but make stories with manageable budgets.  

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