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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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To be honest The Red Viper not winning is just trolling on George R Martins Part lol...


It is trolling to an extent, but I think it's also a good inversion of the usual trope of "Villains defeated by their own speeches"

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It is trolling to an extent, but I think it's also a good inversion of the usual trope of "Villains defeated by their own speeches"



True but we already know this is a show of harsh truths, just once have a nice ending  :(

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Someone already gave up on the gravy

I am expecting everyone will die and that crazy Bolton bastard will rule the 7 kingdoms at the end of this.


Either that or the White Walkers and the dragons take over the whole world (they turn against Khaleesi, of course, and eat her or something). 

Edited by CJohn
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The French promo for Episode 9 is badass.


It also seems to give away a spoiler (though not one readers would expect), so I would recommend non-readers don't seek it out.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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The French promo for Episode 9 is badass.


It also seems to give away a spoiler (though not one readers would expect), so I would recommend non-readers don't seek it out.

Because it doesn't happen in the books or it happens but not now?


Also, can you go to the Agents of Shield thread? Thanks in advance.

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It would have been kinda hilarious (and super trolly) if at the end of Sunday's episode they pulled a Season 3 and smash-cut to the credits with this






And on that subject, it's a damn shame they haven't introduced the song "The Dornishman's Wife" into the show yet, since that would have been a good song to play over the end credits as a slow, sad ballad.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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It would have been kinda hilarious (and super trolly) if at the end of Sunday's episode they pulled a Season 3 and smash-cut to the credits with this






And on that subject, it's a damn shame they haven't introduced the song "The Dornishman's Wife" into the show yet, since that would have been a good song to play over the end credits as a slow, sad ballad.

That should only be shown with mance singing it tbh

but if they did use it this should be the version

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To be honest The Red Viper not winning is just trolling on George R Martins Part lol...


However because I know what happens next, I can stand it.


The show sort of has the reverse way of thinking then society has.

People generally think if you do good things, good things happen to you and if you do bad things bad things will happen to you,.

GOT works in inverse. 


I disagree. Oberyn was just intended to be the introductory character to House Martell, and next season we will learn that the bigger players in the game are other members of his family. Kind of like how Loras Tyrell was the only Tyrell in Season 1 and then we gradually learned that the women in that family pull the strings. So Oberyn was always disposable. GRRM is great at tricking people into believing that some characters are more important than they really are. And that's what I love most about his writing.


And I disagree that GoT works in inverse. There are so many characters like Brienne, Tyrion, Dany and the younger Starks whose good deeds have helped or saved them someway or the other. GoT is pragmatic and favors those the most who have the most pragmatic mindset like Varys, Littlefinger and the Tyrells. These people are the ones who find the best balance between naivete and blind egotism. If you are too much of an arrogant imbecile like Joffrey, you lose the game. If you are too cocky and showy like Oberyn, you lose. If you are too stubborn and clueless about playing the game like Ned Stark, you lose. If you are too hardheaded, impulsive and not willing to adapt to changing scenarios like Catelyn and Robb, you lose. The characters who are too close to either extreme of the black and white spectrum will never win this game. You need to be shades of grey in order to triumph. And more importantly, be smart about it. 

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Just caught up with this week's episode. OMG fantastic. They absolutely nailed the Viper-Mountain duel. Brutal and soul crushing.Other thoughts:-D&B are REALLY villainizing the wildlings huh? GRRM wrote them as more or less sympathetic, and made readers understand why they were trying to invade Westeros. On the show they are just savage assholes. -Loved them fleshing out Missandei and Grey Worm's characters. -Does every actress cast in this show have to agree to get nekkid at least once?-Um. Sansa. The Vail. Da fuq? Are they gonna spoil us with that storyline already?-Arya's reaction to Lysa's death: PRICELESS :rofl:-Theon/Ramsay taking Moat Cailin was done well

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The characters who are too close to either extreme of the black and white spectrum will never win this game. You need to be shades of grey in order to triumph. And more importantly, be smart about it. 


Yup. That theme was pretty much spelled out with Tywin's speech to Tommen.

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Tania Raymonde (Alex from LOST) has auditioned for Obara Sand (one of Oberyn's daughters).


The audition video has poor, kinda confusing audio for the off-screen woman reciting the other speaker's lines, which has caused a lot of confusion in the fandom as to who that character is. Fans at Westeros.org think it is either Arianne Martell (which would be a thankful relief), or Elliara Sand  (which would make no sense given how the books play out character-wise and which if so would be a strong indicator that Arianne is cut, which is a total abomination).

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