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Wadey Wilsoney

That movie didn't age very well

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Finding Nemo has aged just fine. The animation isn't quite as sharp as the CGI standard these days, but the themes about familial bonds are still potent, and the excitement among even twentysomethings when the sequel was announced earlier this year is evidence enough that it's still beloved for the most part.


If there's any big hit from 10 years ago that feels really dated now, it's Bringing Down the House. Although it maintains guilty pleasure status for me, the slang and the way two of the characters so nonchalantly drop one of the big no-no homophobic slurs date it pretty squarely to the early-'00s. All that's missing is a mention of the war in Iraq... which got underway while the movie was still #1 at the box office.

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Poltergeist. And Close Encounter of the Third Kind. And Batman 1989. All those movies suck IMO, but I would have probably liked them when they first came out.



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Pretty obvious candidate but Wrath of Khan has not aged well at all.


Couldn't disagree more. While the effects in WoK aren't spectacular they're far from being particularly bad and everything else about the movie (story, characters, etc) more than holds up.

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