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Oblivion (2013)


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So the movie was supposed to be a homage to sci fi movies from the 60's and 70's and I picked up on 2 things. The Tet is suppose to evoke Hal from Space Odyssey and the part where Jack Harper flies past the torch from the Statue of Liberty is reminiscent of the scene at the end of the planet of the apes. Anyone notice any other stuff like this?

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Well I was disappointment by this. I thought the first 30-40 minutes were good and then the next hour sucked and the last 20 minutes were good. I thought the film was boring in the middle. The visual effects, score, cinematography, sound are all amazing. The production of the film make the worth seeing.

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The sheer scale of this film accompanied with the visuals at least guarantees this film isn't a total failure.  It also has an impressive score along with some pretty damn awesome sci-fi action scenes.  It was refreshing to see a sci-fi film embrace its personality, and I was surprised the storyline wasn't as mainstream as I expected going in.


Unfortunately, I didn't find any of the characters on display here remotely interesting in any fashion.  I'm not sure if the acting or writing is to blame for this, but I even found Tom Cruise to be disposable in this.  Not a good combination when you don't give a rat's ass about any of the characters, including the lead.  


In addition, the story here simply did not work for me.  Perhaps not caring about the characters didn't help here, but there just wasn't anything going on story-wise that had me interested.  In the moments where the story did work, it takes and borrows from so many other films that it's hard for Oblivion to maintain its own personality.  


In the end, I will say it works on a completely shallow level, so if you're in the mood for a light night in regards to thinking during a film you can't go wrong here.



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A very bad sci-fi films with a bad villian and pretty awful concept which just went off the rails though it looked amazing and the first half of the film was storng. Andrea riseborough was the only fantastic thing about this film but of course they had to kill her. Tom cruise was quite good (he was very good in the first half) but whoever voiced the villian was awful- especially at the end and olga (logs according to ipad auto correct) kurlyenko and Morgan freeman gave two of the worst performances of the year, especially the formerMy rating: C

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Yeah, I have to admit this is a pretty good watch. Incredibly derivative and too reliant on lucky coincidence but it's kept afloat by the committed acting performances of everyone involved, the artfully video-game-like imagery, and the energetic if disappointingly unoriginal score by M83 (except for I'm Sending You Away. I love that cue)



Edited by tribefan695
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Finally saw Oblivion. A sort of pastiche of Planet of the Apes, Escape from New York, Star Wars, and several other films, lots of fun spotting the references. Seems like SF films haven't changed at all since When Worlds Collide. The major actor is a man, the major function of women, to be saved. No reason why Olga Kurylenko could not have been in the main role. Apparently in the future nuclear weapons selectively killed everyone but white people, except for Morgan Freeman.


Great ending. OST was nice. 


​Also found it funny that aliens came across the galaxy just to steal our water even though water is one of the most plentiful compounds in the universe. 


Also another thing, if there are other clones out there all maintaining drones, aren't there like at least 52 of them since there's 49 and 52? The movie seems to skip over this without explanation. 



Edited by BoxOfficeZ
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not as good as Edge of Tomorrow but I still like this movie a lot. The look of the movie is amazing and the score is great (one area where this easily beats EOT). Cruise and all the actors give it 100%.  Overall a really entertaining sci fi movie that definitely deserved better than it got. 

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Kosinski definitely doesn't know how to tell a story, he focuses on the least interesting aspects while the ones with any potential at all are not developed properly.
So much time is spent in trying to find ways of creating beautiful imagery and inserting scenes that look great rather than scenes that means something, that are not bloated and redundant.
On the bright side, it's very atmospheric, production design is near perfect, TC is great as always and score is good (albeit a bit disappointing)
from 80/100 to 60/100
Edited by Goffe
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