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  Saturday       December 29
Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg
1 Les Misérables 12,301 31,048 +152.4% +42.1%
2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 38,914 15,042 -61.3% +7.2%
3 Wreck-It Ralph 13,737 14,880 +8.3% +30.3%
4 CZ12 15,762 12,037 -23.6% +29.6%
5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 19,775 11,367 -42.5% +25.3%
6 Jack Reacher 13,136 9,479 -27.8% +26.1%
7 The Guillotines -- 6,270 -- +45.2%
8 Life of Pi 5,729 5,854 +2.2% +21.0%
9 My Sassy Hubby 3,346 2,075 -38.0% +15.3%
10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,322 -- -6.2%

  Sunday adm. (so far)     December 30
Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg
1 Les Misérables 7,046 15,116 +114.5% +1.2%
2 Wreck-It Ralph 8,832 6,994 -20.8% +20.7%
3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 11,304 5,830 -48.4% +2.0%
4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 16,316 5,174 -68.3% -13.2%
5 CZ12 6,294 4,561 -27.5% +24.3%
6 Jack Reacher 5,261 2,917 -44.6% +10.3%
7 Life of Pi 3,660 2,841 -22.4% +15.3%
8 The Guillotines -- 2,317 -- +17.5%
9 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 608 -- +26.1%
10 The Last Tycoon -- 454 -- --

  Weekend Projections     December 27
Rank Title TW % chg Total
1 Les Misérables $805,000 +415.0% $1,500,000
2 Wreck-It Ralph $530,000 +12.8% $1,810,000
3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $400,000 -48.1% $4,080,000
4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 $390,000 -58.7% $2,125,000
5 CZ12 $265,000 -25.3% $1,005,000
Excellent for Les Mis. Strong for Wreck-It Ralph. Hobbit hasn't been doing well without holidays. Only so-so. Twilight is fading fast. But 2.5m is still happening. CZ12 passes 1m.


Edited by Bluebomb
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Saturday December 29 Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 12,301 31,048 +152.4% +42.1% 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 38,914 15,042 -61.3% +7.2% 3 Wreck-It Ralph 13,737 14,880 +8.3% +30.3% 4 CZ12 15,762 12,037 -23.6% +29.6% 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 19,775 11,367 -42.5% +25.3% 6 Jack Reacher 13,136 9,479 -27.8% +26.1% 7 The Guillotines -- 6,270 -- +45.2% 8 Life of Pi 5,729 5,854 +2.2% +21.0% 9 My Sassy Hubby 3,346 2,075 -38.0% +15.3% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,322 -- -6.2%

Sunday adm. (so far) December 30 Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 7,046 15,116 +114.5% +1.2% 2 Wreck-It Ralph 8,832 6,994 -20.8% +20.7% 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 11,304 5,830 -48.4% +2.0% 4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 16,316 5,174 -68.3% -13.2% 5 CZ12 6,294 4,561 -27.5% +24.3% 6 Jack Reacher 5,261 2,917 -44.6% +10.3% 7 Life of Pi 3,660 2,841 -22.4% +15.3% 8 The Guillotines -- 2,317 -- +17.5% 9 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 608 -- +26.1% 10 The Last Tycoon -- 454 -- --

Weekend Projections December 27 Rank Title TW % chg Total 1 Les Misérables $805,000 +415.0% $1,500,000 2 Wreck-It Ralph $530,000 +12.8% $1,810,000 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $400,000 -48.1% $4,080,000 4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 $390,000 -58.7% $2,125,000 5 CZ12 $265,000 -25.3% $1,005,000 Excellent for Les Mis. Strong for Wreck-It Ralph. Hobbit hasn't been doing well without holidays. Only so-so. Twilight is fading fast. But 2.5m is still happening. CZ12 passes 1m.

TH might miss $5mil, but with its current number, it is looking ok =)
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Just noticed this. Wreck-It Ralph will be the first animated film released over Christmas to make 2.5m. No other animated movie has achieved this milestone. The closest was Madagascar 2 back in 2008 with 2.408m.It speaks volumes of Wreck-It Ralph's performance this year and how weak animation has done during the Christmas period. Wreck-It Ralph had to have excellent reviews, 3D premiums AND play to more than just the couples/family crowd, which it is doing, to make 2.5m. Oh, and it helps if rival films like ROTG bomb one month earlier too. I'm surprised that no other animation movie has done this since distributors and studios almost always slot their animated movies for a holiday release date (usually around the big 3 holidays: Chinese New Year, Christmas and Easter).Wreck-It Ralph truly had a breakout performance this holiday season along with Les Mis.

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  Sunday       December 30
Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg
1 Les Misérables 12,995 29,593 -- -4.7%
2 Wreck-It Ralph 17,817 16,671 -6.4% +12.0%
3 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 35,164 13,650 -61.2% -9.3%
4 CZ12 18,404 13,222 -28.2% +9.8%
5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 19,895 10,763 -45.9% -5.3%
6 Jack Reacher 14,401 9,518 -33.9% +0.4%
7 The Guillotines -- 6,161 -- -1.7%
8 Life of Pi 6,130 6,041 -1.5% +3.2%
9 My Sassy Hubby 3,458 1,963 -43.2% -5.4%
10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,453 -- +9.9%

  Weekend adm.     Dec 27-30
Rank Title LW TW % chg
1 Les Misérables 25,296 101,051 +299.5%
2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 141,417 56,545 -60.0%
3 Wreck-It Ralph 46,415 54,879 +18.2%
4 CZ12 55,949 44,309 -20.8%
5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 64,538 39,919 -38.1%
6 Jack Reacher 46,749 33,493 -28.4%
7 Life of Pi 20,518 21,875 +6.6%
8 The Guillotines -- 21,279 --
9 My Sassy Hubby 13,604 7,790 -42.7%
10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 5,261 --

  Weekend Estimates     December 27
Rank Title TW % chg Total
1 Les Misérables $790,000 +407.2% $1,485,000
2 Wreck-It Ralph $530,000 +12.8% $1,810,000
3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $400,000 -48.1% $4,080,000
4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 $380,000 -59.8% $2,115,000
5 CZ12 $270,000 -23.9% $1,010,000

  Monday adm. (so far)     December 31
Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg
1 Les Misérables 9,415 16,615 +76.5% +9.9%
2 Wreck-It Ralph 9,096 5,785 -36.4% -17.3%
3 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 20,014 5,309 -73.5% +2.6%
4 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 14,029 5,132 -63.4% -12.0%
5 CZ12 6,763 4,279 -36.7% -6.2%
6 Jack Reacher 6,629 3,436 -48.2% +17.8%
7 Life of Pi 4,270 2,712 -36.5% -4.5%
8 The Guillotines -- 1,857 -- -19.9%
9 My Sassy Hubby 1,966 564 -71.3% --
10 In The House -- 347 -- --
Incredibly strong for Les Mis. That daily drop for Wreck-It Ralph is deceiving. The week-to-week hold is what we should look at here. Since New Year's Eve is not a holiday, business is not as strong in the morning or afternoon like it was on Sunday. Also, Ralph has the least amount of showtimes at night on NYE so it doesn't have big pre-sales like the other movies. Very impressive for it to still rank 2nd and drop only 36% from last Monday. Breaking Dawn 2 is melting away. Not great for The Hobbit. I expect The Hobbit to get very close to BD2 in admissions today. The gap between them in admissions is shrinking fast. That is good for CZ12. Huge daily gain for Jack Reacher but week-to-week is not great. Life of Pi seems to be slowing down now. Poor for the Guillotines. Ouch for My Sassy Hubby. Good for In The House.


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Registering record market openings for a musical in South Korea, Hong Kong and Australia, Universal’s Les Miserables costarring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Ann Hathaway drew a weekend total of $38.3 million from a total of 1,698 venues in eight markets, lifting its early offshore cume to $48.7 million.


In Hong Kong, the opening gross was $1.6 million including previews at just 31 playdates.

Les Mis total actual - $1,521,016, not quite as strong as the THR report but an excellent start nonetheless.
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December 27 Weekend Actuals

1. Les Misérables - $1,521,016 (weekend actual)

2. Wreck-It Ralph - $1,831,928

3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - $4,165,702

4. Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 - $2,133,809

5. CZ12 - $1,025,621

6. Jack Reacher - $838,558


The Guillotines - $181,902 (weekend actual)

Life of Pi - $5,302,272

My Sassy Hubby - $1,297,831

Naruto: Road to Ninja - $32,252 (weekend actual)

All films in top 5 were underestimated. The Hobbit was especially underestimated by $85,000. Clearly, it's continuing to play strongly on weekends. Nice upward adjustments for the rest.

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  Monday adm.       December 31
Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg
1 Les Misérables 13,370 31,097 +132.6% +5.1%
2 Wreck-It Ralph 17,816 14,307 -19.7% -14.2%
3 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 36,349 13,379 -63.2% -2.0%
4 CZ12 17,210 12,004 -30.2% -9.2%
5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 22,040 10,246 -53.5% -4.8%
6 Jack Reacher 13,505 8,780 -35.0% -7.8%
7 Life of Pi 6,868 5,947 -13.4% -1.6%
8 The Guillotines -- 4,977 -- -19.2%
9 My Sassy Hubby 3,670 2,323 -36.7% +18.3%
10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 996 -- -31.5%
Les Mis didn't move a lot at night but it managed to post a slight increase over Saturday's admissions. Wreck-It Ralph had a big daily drop compared to the rest of the top 10 but had an excellent drop from last Monday. Big drop for BD2. It fell a little bigger than BD1 on NYE's. Good holds for CZ12 and Jack Reacher. Meh for The Hobbit. Another awesome hold for Life of Pi. Terrible for The Guillotines. This is getting lambasted by users. Surprisingly good for My Sassy Hubby but it won't last. Just ok for Naruto. It fell the most from Sunday because it had little to no night shows and people had to work today so they couldn't take their kids to see this.

  Tuesday adm. (so far)     January 1
Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg
1 Les Misérables 18,059 16,590 -8.1% -0.2%
2 Wreck-It Ralph 15,075 7,484 -50.4% +29.4%
3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 16,218 5,691 -64.9% +10.9%
4 CZ12 11,202 5,430 -51.5% +26.9%
5 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 21,504 4,508 -79.0% -15.1%
6 Jack Reacher 8,893 3,210 -63.9% -6.6%
7 Life of Pi 5,571 3,187 -42.8% +17.5%
8 The Guillotines -- 2,112 -- +13.7%
9 My Sassy Hubby 3,162 626 -80.2% +11.0%
10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 384 -- --
Powerful stuff from Les Mis. It along with Wreck-It Ralph are the 2 clear winners of the Christmas season. Great hold for Wreck-It Ralph. It is resonating with audiences young and old and will clear 2m today. Bad for The Hobbit. If it doesn't make at least 11k today in admissions, it will be a disaster. After this weekend, it should be at 4.4m. 5m is going to be close. Nice hold for CZ12. Ouch for BD2. Falling 70% from Christmas is likely. Good news is that it will become the highest grossing Twilight movie of the franchise today, dethroning the first Twilight from its longstanding perch. Not good for Jack Reacher. Life of Pi did outstanding. Let's see how well this will do without the holidays now. Nice increase for Guillotines after yesterday's hiccup. Terrible for My Sassy Hubby. Much better for Naruto.


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New Year's Day admissions
  Tuesday adm.       January 1
Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg
1 Les Misérables 23,050 28,667 +24.4% -7.8%
2 Wreck-It Ralph 24,865 15,639 -37.1% +9.3%
3 CZ12 23,797 13,051 -45.2% +8.7%
4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 39,502 10,832 -72.6% -19.0%
5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 25,534 9,487 -62.8% -7.4%
6 Jack Reacher 17,783 8,334 -53.1% -5.1%
7 Life of Pi 7,610 5,744 -24.5% -3.4%
8 The Guillotines -- 5,303 -- +6.6%
9 My Sassy Hubby 5,455 2,172 -60.2% -6.5%
10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,114 -- +11.8%
Great for Les Mis. Pretty good for Wreck-It Ralph. Solid for CZ12. Disastrous for Breaking Dawn 2 and The Hobbit. Average for Jack Reacher. Amazing hold for Life of Pi. Not great for Guillotines. My Sassy Hubby did horribly. Better for Naruto.

  2 day holiday adm. Dec 31-Jan 1
Rank Title 2 day adm.
1 Les Misérables 59,764
2 Wreck-It Ralph 29,946
3 CZ12 25,055
4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 24,211
5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 19,733
6 Jack Reacher 17,114
7 Life of Pi 11,691
8 The Guillotines 10,280
9 My Sassy Hubby 4,495
10 Naruto: Road to Ninja 2,110


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Normally I wouldn't write a goodbye post but I think my readers deserve one.For a while, I've been growing more disinterested with box office numbers as a whole. It's pretty much why I stopped commenting on domestic box office and stuck to the HK thread the past year or so. I first attempted to leave after The Avengers opening but that didn't last. I decided to just stick around until the end of the year and then move on. Well, it's that time.Thank you to everyone here at BOT. I enjoyed conversing and talking with some of you on HK's box office.Thanks to my readers. I enjoyed providing you with box office numbers and a little taste of what people in HK like.Giving a shout-out to Shawn. Thank you! You're a fantastic guy. Keep up the good work.

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