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Iron Man 3 (2013)  

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E, are you referring to the black car that Tony used to drive out of Tennessee?


If that's the one, yeah, I missed how that came about too. But then I only watched IM3 once thus far. I'll catch the movie again this weekend, let's see if I can figure it out  :lol: Most likely it's a stupid convenience plot point though  :lol: Or maybe Tony is loaded so he already rented the car for use later, and the movie just brushed over it.


Thanks Sam. That's exactly the one I'm talking about.

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Just got back from seeing it. Edges out Iron Man 1 and is neck-and-neck with Avengers for best MCU film-to-date. Solid A-.


I liked Killian as a villain, if only a bit underdeveloped since the focus in the first 90 minutes was on Mandarin. They really could have played up the military-industrial complex angle in this film since the foundation was there. Iron Man kinda touched on it with Stane having deals with one of the Ten Rings groups and this film could have come closed circle on it.

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Finally got round to seeing it, admittedly because the GF was up for it too.


No point in regurgitating all the obvious pros and cons that have been done on this thread already - suffice it to say it's another Marvel film I quite enjoyed at the point of consumption and will probably forget about rather quickly. The reveal scene was good but the price of being left with another not-great villain after that may not have been worth it. Especially as the series is 0 for 3 in that department now.


Roll on TA2. At this point I'm just in it for Whedon's brand of crazy action as far as this universe is concerned.

Edited by Hatebox
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Nolan has no interest in detective work.


Not true. He made Insomnia which is a pure detective film. The Prestige is in many ways a detective film with flashbacks within flashbacks, and the sci-fi magician angle laying the mystery framework. Inception kinda tinkers with the idea of detective elements in its first act.


For whatever reason, economy of time perhaps, Nolan chopped out most of the detective work from Batman and had it either told to Bruce by Alfred or Fox or simplified it a lot with technology. It is a criticism of his films I have. I still find Batman Begins and The Dark Knight superior to IM3. TDKR is a much closer call, would have to re-watch this film before deciding.

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In the TDKR it was like Batman was just improvising the whole  time which made sense as he had to rise from the bottom again. 

Yeah, put the Batman in the cave for an hour screen time, and so Bane and his people can take Gotham city without obstruction. Then release Batman from the bottom, and so he can take Bane and free Gotham before the movie ends. 

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I don't fault the Batman movies for not going nuts with the detective work. Do that too much in a comic book world and it begins to feel like a procedural. No thanks. They showed enough that you grasped Bruce was very intelligent, resourceful guy and then got on with the spectacle.  


(That said I'd have liked him to be less reliant on Fox in TDKR upon his return to Gotham. The dynamic seemed a bit redundant by that point).

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I can't stand the fact that he can control suits without being there. It really annoys me. 

Didn't bother me since they already established remote control suits in IM2 and Tony uses remote control suits in some of the comic book stories. Still, as the film showed, nothing beats a Tony Stark actually in the suit.

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romete control.




Jarvis actually.  


Jarvis is an extension of Stark.  It represents the practical/analytical side of him.


The robot dummy is a representation of the emotional/unthinking side of stark.


Stark character itself flows back and forth between the two in the movies.


Jarvis starts to fail after the attack because his whole identity and ability to protect Pepper was tied to his suits and the technology he created which were destroyed.


The kid, of course, is the roots/origin of Stark.  Unblemished and idealistic but still with starks personalty edge. 


Through the kid Stark realizes his identity is not the technology (suits) he created but instead his ability to create them.


After he realizes  that Jarvis is whole again and the suits become tools he uses in the final battle instead of being his identity.


It is interesting that in the final scene the only thing he salvaged from his house was Dummy.


Even though I've seen it 3 times... for the life of me I can't remember if Jarvis survived.


One of the signs of a great movie is if in-depth character representations like this are 'felt' by the audience and not shoved down our throats. 

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Second time: still a ton of fun. Super-funny (the Mandarin still kills me), great arc for Tony, and plenty of solid action. Sure, we already saw forty Iron Men blow stuff up before at the climax of Iron Man 2, but at least this battle was longer than 30 seconds. 


It's pretty clear that he gets rid of the robot heart, the suits, and Jarvis, although I'm sure Stark can re-activate any of them if he wanted to. 

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To be honest, I feel kinda sad that he got rid of the arc reactor. I have come to identify that circular thing with Tony Stark himself. It's symbolic to me, much like Cap's shield and Thor's hammer.

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Man, that "worst thing Pepper ever caught Tony doing" must give him incredible wrist strength to be able to pull him through a foot of solid concrete and several tons of debris by his naked arm.


And Jim Ca-- er, Guy Pearce?! I mean his character's opening scene was so inspired, so uncliche in execution and concept!


How about that Maya Hansen and her motivations for trying to reunite with Tony 13 years later that were rapt with depth and completely threw the narrative for a loop. I had no Earthly idea where her relationship with Tony was going to end up!


Oh...my God! That death scene with Pepper! NO ONE could have predicted her revival! I mean when Killian injected her with Extremis and no symptoms/effects were presented beforehand?  I haven't been so blown away by a return from the dead scene since Silverfox mentioned her "female powers of persuasion" to Logan in XMO: Wolverine!


Boy, those Secret Service agents sure show why they are truly the best in the business. *Sniff* It brings a tear to my eye to see just how compassionate these men are by letting an apparently deaf mute with a cannon on his shoulder climb aboard AF1 with the leader of the free world.


And Tony... declaring his home address for the world to hear without a single method of defense implemented even after Pepper tells you how QUOTE/UNQUOTE "dangerous and short-sighted" it is and your only escape plan being a prototype suit that's more notoriously glitchy than Windows Vista when every single other suit you own is perfected?


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That Black truly is a genius, showing Tony wracked with panic attacks for Pepper's well being all throughout the film, them by having Pepper fall through the fire, he confronting the villain like he owes him 20 bucks. It's all about the subtlety, my friend.

And Tony settling down with the woman he loves, content in knowing that the she, himself and the world is officially more safe and secure that it's ever been now that his entire arsenal has self destructed, hostile aliens and Gods be damned!

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