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Status Updates posted by zachheltzel

  1. I'm boycotting. https://t.co/MPEyhvEX97

  2. YAAAAS KWEEN https://t.co/fFf097LHca

  3. Women and people of color and especially women of color don't need to do more. They do plenty. This is our problem and we need to solve it.

  4. @gregstevens That's the tipping point. Voters who decided before then went to her. Everybody who decided after went overwhelmingly for Trump

  5. RT @SeanMcElwee: the election was decided by 107,000 votes in PA, MI and WI and clinton will win the popular vote by 2 million+ votes, but…

  6. The answer to how someone would support Trump without being racist/sexist is apparently "privatize Medicare." Disgustingly immoral.

  7. Slow, incremental progressivism was too fast for half the country. That's heartbreaking.

  8. RT @oldmanweldon: This election proves that depression and misery do not inspire good comedy, as some people insist.

  9. Boycott any news network that hires Kellyanne Conway as a talking head after she fails to get a fascist elected.


  11. RT @subsahaaron: Me on October 31 versus November 1 https://t.co/BBGhP2QVop

  12. We've seen 17 people run against Donald Trump now and every single one of them saw their favorable ratings tank next to him. Nobody's safe.

  13. @RyanHoulihan I forgot for a second that the real me and the me that can milk my audience for favs have a different "type"

  14. RT @pixelatedboat: The whole internet loves Milkshake Duck, a lovely duck that drinks milkshakes! *5 seconds later* We regret to inform you…

  15. fuck it i'm seeing the girl on the train by myself because i don't have an emotionally manipulative and controlling girlfriend to make me

  16. WIKILEAKS: Clinton Aide Admits Long-term Plan Is To Brand GOP As ‘Bigoted And Extreme’ https://t.co/5alf9Hp1J3

  17. David Fahrenthold is having a fucking seizure right now.

  18. Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait. https://t.co/SgfAQjeFsz

  19. Ken Bone's Reddit history is the least surprising thing I have ever seen. I mean, hello, HE'S AN UNDECIDED VOTER.

  20. @obrienjohnjack @FiveThirtyEight JACK.

  21. RT @darth: ok @mutedestro @teddygoff @NateSilver538 https://t.co/lK8X82KGob

  22. STOP https://t.co/49mlhNJXoI

  23. I only have five weeks to make Donald Trump say something nasty about me in public while he's still relevant.

  24. "I'm going to write in Bernie Sanders." https://t.co/4auMFMYDng

  25. .@TiffanyATrump wanna go to target and look at the frames?

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