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Night Fury

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Posts posted by Night Fury

  1. 2 hours ago, efialtes76 said:

    Mixed bag? 

    I only heard very good things. 

    And twitter ratio is a very good 41:1.

    I agree that the overall reaction has been good. I'm talking about hardcore fans like myself.


    I still feel this will be the most poorly reviewed film of the franchise, but it will probably end up just slightly below the second film in terms of RT score.


  2. First rotten review from The Guardian. I'm surprised it held at 100% for as long as it did. Several of the reviews on RT are not exactly glowing.


    The average rating of 7.1 is also substantially lower than the first two films' ratings of 7.9 and 7.7, respectively.


    I have not seen the film yet, but what I've heard from fans is a mixed bag. The general consensus seems to be that it's the weakest of the three.



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  3. 5 hours ago, James said:

    The shot is beautiful. The CGI is horrendous. After getting Smaug and even the dragons in GoT, that looks horrible. I know this must be a kiddie version but it still looks so damn cheap!


    I'm not seeing it. Looks great to me, though it's hard to tell from a small image like that. I've seen quite a few shots of Elliot and I've yet to see one that looked bad.


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  4. Very entertaining and fun. It's Chris Sanders' weakest film from a story point of view, but does the best job of showcasing his artistry since Lilo & Stitch. The visuals are a treat even in 2D, and the flick is populated with enough cute and interesting creatures to almost make you forgive any shortcomings. The story is simple and unsubtle but has a great message, like you'd expect from a Sander's film. The script and pivotal character moments don't reach the depth of HTTYD or L&S, but there's enough heart to pull it through. Sanders fans will enjoy the style if nothing else, and most animation fans will find something to like about it.



  5. Nice topic. I am one of those people who distanced myself from animated films as a teenager, growing up during the 90's.


    I guess you could say they were "uncool" in the sense that my friends would probably have made fun of me for watching them... but truthfully they just weren't really on my radar. I think people at that age tend get focused on grown up things, as you said. My friends at the time were all into live action/shoot-em-up/comedy films, so that's basically what we watched. Animated films were never discussed.


    I remember in 2001 when Shrek was released, suddenly animated films were hip with teenagers again. I thought it was just an OK film. Later, I saw and Monsters Inc., then Ice Age in theaters.... but I'd say Lilo & Stitch is the film that really got me hooked on animation again. Ebert gave Lilo & Stitch such a glowing review that I actually went to see it alone.

  6. I really enjoyed it; great atmosphere and pretty interesting story, if you don't overanalyze it.I suppose my main problem was something others have already touched on -- the irrational behavior from supposed intelligent people. Does being in stasis cause brain damage or something? When a movie is trying hard to be thought provoking, it's probably not a good idea to have the characters doing stupid stuff. The acting was fine in spite of that.I thought it was a worthy addition to the franchise. Looking forward to the next installment.

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  7. Pretty good for a summer blockbuster. The characters had more chemistry than most films of this type, so it's a pity the audience wasn't given more reasons to care about them. I understand that's the price to pay for giving near equal screen time to several characters, but it felt a bit awkward when Coulson died because his character wasn't built up enough to give the audience a sense of his importance. The plot felt so lethargic for the longest time after that, followed by a sudden recovery that felt a little bit jarring as well.Good action, and the battles weren't overlong and boring like TF3's. The plot was admittedly weak but the film was a lot of fun and the humour was great.The post converted 3D was decent at first, though a bit spotty throughout the film. I had to remind myself I was looking at 3D a few times. Technical aspects were otherwise great, but I can't remember anything about the score.B

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  8. BThe beginning was silly and it was a while before things got interesting, but it ended up being pretty entertaining. Enjoyed the darker tone in the third act. Characters were neat, but a little weak in the sense that they were a bit too outlandish too care much about. On the technical side, it was hard to find many faults; special effects were great and the score above average.Fun movie, but I wasn't blown away. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what prevents this from being an A, aside from the characters just not appealing to me. The humour seemed overdone at points. Maybe just not my cup of tea.

  9. This was a weird film for me. It was definitely well made, but for some reason I was unable to feel the intense emotions that others felt. That is rather odd for me because I usually get emotional quite easily in sad films.However, it was funny, and of course the graphics were top notch.B.

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