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Posts posted by Dalek

  1. Preparing a movie's disk release involves a lot of time and money well in advance. This release date was probably set internally before the movie even opened in the country, and changing it at this (extremely) late juncture amounts to scrapping huge portions of that investment and potentially angering business partners and investors. A few potential broken records aren't really worth that to Disney.

  2. Princess and the Frog did kinda flop. Which scared Disney so much that they renamed Rapunzel to Tangled. Which then crawled to 200M Dom thanks mostly to strong WOM.And then people started with "Frozen won't make as much as Tangled as The Snow Queen is a lesser known fairytale". Nobody saw the song breaking out as none of the songs in Tangled or Frog broke out like this. Disney Animation had been in a slump since the Renaissance heydays with Lilo, Tangled and Wreck-It Ralph being the only bright spots. And none of those were monster hits.Now Frozen has doubled Tangled's WW with 1.2B and it possibly could make another 100M or so. No other princess film has come close unless you count 85 years worth inflation or Aladdin (where the princess was in the love interest role). So a beat down studio that was written off by many as being inferior to Pixar, not as "hip" as DreamWorks and just a shadow of its former self.And then a movie belonging to its most ridiculed genre (Shrek was a phenomenon by lampooning the princess fairy tales) goes on to become the biggest animation of all time and now the fifth biggest movie of all time, with chances at No. 4Who the hell saw that coming? WDAS is like Rocky at this point.


    Eh, for PatF it really depends on how you look at it. As the next in a long line of Disney Princess movies, Princess underperformed. For a movie with a black female lead and mostly black cast, it performed incredibly well.


    And Emperor's New Groove was totally a brght spot, unless you're soley judging on profitability.

    • Like 2
  3. are you done? Move on.On second thought, do you watch game of thrones or any Jason Statham movies?


    Game of Thrones? No, I don't watch tv, if I think I'll like a show I'll just buy it on disk (still nostalgic for physical media). In this case, I'd rather read the books, but I'm waiting to make sure A Song of Ice and Fire doesn't go the way of Wheel of Time. Jason Statham hasn't been in much (anything, really) that pings my interest.

  4. I have a life full of data. Stop watching tv so much and open a book. Not just my perception and those of my elders. Much has been written. Try reading Jared Diamond first and get back to me.misogyny? Please. Women are more cautious than men. Statistically true. Thats why their insurance rates are cheaper. I said nothing about women. Pussy is a derogatory word aimed at cautious males. Get over it see you next tuesday


    You most certainly said something about women. Using "pussy" as a derogatory term is inherently misogynistic. It claims that a person is feminine, and that that's a bad thing. It only makes sense in a mindset that places being male as inherently superior to being female. If you truly believe that genders are equal, then implying that a member of one is like another is nonsensical, as derogatory terms only function as such when comparing two things of unequal value.


    from "guns germs and steel." Jared diamond phd. 40 years of research. I read this back before your balls dropped when you were watching lion king for the 80th time instead of learning how to use a hammer.here's some fucking data.Besides the genetic reason there is also a second reason why New Guineans may have come to be smarter than Westerners. modern European and American children spend much of the time being passively entertained by radio television and movies. in the average American household the TV is on for 7 hours per day. In contrast traditional New Guinea children have virtually no such opportunities for passive entertainment, instead spend almost all of their waking hours doing something, such as talking or playing with other children or adults. almost all studies of child development emphasize the role of childhood stimulation and activity in promoting mental development and stress irreversible mental stunting associated with reduced childhood stimulation. This effect shortly contributes a non genetic component to the superior average mental function displayed by New Guineans. That is, in mental ability New Guineans are probably genetically superior to Westerners and they surely are superior in escaping the devastating developmental disadvantages under which most children in industrialized societies now grow up.translation: your a fucking retard compared to my generation, my fathers and all the ones going back to Paleolithic which we are able to study in the modern hunter gatherers of new guinea. I dont say anything without the data.


    First of all, for someone who doesn't say anything without the data, you've done a wonderful job of assuming what generation I belong to without any data. So good job there. That's not even mentioning the blatant falsehoods about the fall of the Roman Empire, which was not particularly decadent at the time of it's fall, and was brought down by a social and technological equal.


    Secondly, you've done a nice job moving the goalposts, but let's actually address what we were talking about, not a vaguely related topic that you happen to have information handy for, shall we? Your original complaint was about pampering and feelings of entitlement. Your GG&S quote doesn't actually have anything to say on that. It's all about passive vs. active entertainment (which could be connected to a pampering culture, but isn't inherently so; it's properly a property of a wealthy culture, which is not the same thing), with a side order of New Guinean genetic superiority (which isn't relevant to the topic at hand). Perhaps I should have specified you need relevant data, because the price of tea in China has nothing to do with this.

  5. Ok.I caddied when I was a teen with a lot of other american born kids. Two 35lb bags on my back for 10 miles. I played at that course recently and not a single American kid caddies there. I asked young people why, its good money, its beneath them now, but not using mommies credit card.EVERY elder in my neighborhood told me what it was like in their time of depression and war and witnessed the trials of life on their wrinkled faces and broken backsyou weren't there, you have experienced nothing, dont trivialize you coddled clueless twit.


    I'm trivializing nothing. I'm making no statements whatsoever about the relative ease or attitude of the generations in question. I have no data on that. And neither do you. Yet you seem perfectly fine with making wide, sweeping generalisations about how entitled the current generation of kids are based on a handful of cases. That's pathetic. You don't judge how well a movie is doing by listening to colleagues around the water cooler. You use the actual data collected by theatres and distributors. The same principle applies here.


    better to be a downer than see what is actually happening. Take the skirt off!rather be a jerk than a pussy


    And now you're adding some misogyny to the melange. That's just wonderful.

    • Like 1
  6. I know of a many young people not walking four blocks to school these days. That twentysomething, product of the 90s, in Miami thought it unfathomable to walk 3/4 of a mile. I did walk a mile to school in the rain in the 70s. My father walked two miles in the 40s with bombs reigning down and was a full time brick layer, back breaking work at 16.. half the population of rome were slaves. yes it was rougher in the decades and centuries past.I asked a 12 year old nephew to help dig holes for plants and he declared child abuse because it was too hard. Wanted to play video gamesLets see. Play video games. Lay brick. Be a slave. Hmm. You're right, getting beat in a video game is as rough as my dads back surgery and getting whipped as a slave then sodomized. Nothing has changed.


    Yes, yes, keep throwing out individual anecdotes and trying to pretend that they compound to actual data. When you hand pick which examples you use for each side, you can construct whatever result you want. This sort of intellectual dishonesty is very unbecoming of you, you're better than that.

  7. The Dark Knight Rises v Pirates Of The Caribbean 2The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring v Skyfall

    Titanic v The Avengers

    Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King  v Inception

    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2  v The Hunger Games: Catching Fire


    Jurassic Park v Toy Story 3

    Shrek 2 v Finding Nemo

    Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince v The Dark Knight

    Despicable Me 2 v Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

    Frozen v The Lion King

  8. I don't know why, but I'm not completely sold on Interstellar yet. I think it will be big, but I doubt it comes within shouting distance of 1 billion. New properties have an extremely tough time with the 1 billion mark, only 6 movies in the top 40 worldwide  all time aren't sequels (maybe 7 if you count Alice In Wonderland, that's kind of a judgement call), and the almost universally liked Inception happens to be #40 with 825m. I see Inception numbers as the extreme high end, but Interstellar could come in much lower.





    Jurassic Park

    Alice in Wonderland

    Lion King

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    Finding Nemo

    The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring



    I think you missed a few  :P

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