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Posts posted by Lizzy

  1. Scorsese on mother! 


    Is it a picture that has to be explained? What about the experience of watching mother!? It was so tactile, so beautifully staged and acted—the subjective camera and the POV reverse angles, always in motion…the sound design, which comes at the viewer from around corners and leads you deeper and deeper into the nightmare…the unfolding of the story, which very gradually becomes more and more upsetting as the film goes forward. The horror, the dark comedy, the biblical elements, the cautionary fable—they’re all there, but they’re elements in the total experience, which engulfs the characters and the viewers along with them. Only a true, passionate filmmaker could have made this picture, which I’m still experiencing weeks after I saw it.




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  2. Is it wrong that I found the first part very, very funny? It was like the blackest of comedies as these guests would not leave and kept just doing whatever the fuck they wanted as your following the only character who's acting like a sane person would under the circumstances and no one will even listen to her. 

    After the second book is released and things just keep escalating within seconds as the character literally moves from room to room the tension is horrible, I just felt anxious the whole time. The acting and direction is amazing would rate this an A 

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  3. 51 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


    LOL So apropos that fans of the man who turned "FAKE NEWS!" into a national catchphrase are calling for Jennifer's head over a piece of fake news ("Jennifer Lawrence blames Irma and Harvey on Trump voters! Read all about it!!"



    On another topic: I admit that in the past I have been "guilty" of being quick to label a film "pretentious," but I have started asking myself, "what the heck am I using as criteria for my calling a film 'pretentious'?" I mean...do we use the term for any film that does not give us pat answers or a linear, easily digested narrative? Do we use the term for any film that does not telegraph every plot point or give us the usual emotional cues through music? Is a film that tries to do something different (from the usual) pretentious? Is a film that explores a director's "weird" idiosyncracies pretentious? 

    I don't know...I thought that for me it was worth exploring those questions.


    I saw mother!  last night and my verdict is...I loved the experience. 

    I most definitely did not hate the film and definitely was not turned off by the now infamous third act. 

    I am still trying to take in, process, and interpret/decode every last moment from the film, and once I do that, I will certainly talk about it in more detail.

    I also want to see it again...

    Do we even have a spoiler thread for mother! ?





    I'm off to see it tonight and your thoughts on the film are making me look forward even more. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Alli said:

    OK HOW is American Assassin doing better than Kingsman? I know i know....o'brien fans. But its not only them....the movie is based on a best selling book. That has to count. Still....let's see if it breaks out. No reviews yet tho...

    The trailer I've gotten at the cinema for American Assassin is terrible one of the worst that I've seen recently. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

    It was based on a graphic novel and the imagery and themes were heavily borrowed from the source material. Most of Black Swan's themes and imagery were taken from Satoshi Kon films like Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress. Haven't seen Requiem since a long time but that had themes and imagery taken from Perfect Blue as well.

    Wait I'm confused after reading your comment I looked for the graphic novel because it sounded interesting but the only I could find is by Darren Aronofsky released in 2005. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Goffe said:

    If I didn't have so many things going right now I would marathon Aronofsky filmography before seeing mother!. I'm especially curious about Requiem and Fountain.

    I really liked the fountain, I admired how ambitious, grand and romantic it felt, also very beautiful visuals so it's one of my favourites of his but that is not a popular option. 

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  7. 11 minutes ago, AndyK said:

    Wow the numbers are incrediable, which just goes to show nobody can really predict anything, however much you analyse previous data.


    I wonder how this does here in the UK because I was at the 8:15 showing last night and it was only about 1/3rd full.

    Apparently on track for a record breaking amount for a horror film. Around 9-9.5 million pounds.

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