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Status Updates posted by unnervingnerd

  1. @_ABARy @DCComics Like on one hand.... Fuck yeah! Flash and Martian Manhunter! But on the other hand..... Ew.... Supergirl.

  2. @_staypuffed Superman sneezes. BOOM. Spoiled.

  3. @_TronVin_ Actually, it passed Deadpool and DOFP. So thats not even true.

  4. @_TronVin_ Are you sure they weren't DC fans? Devin Faraci told me only DC fans do that.

  5. @_TronVin_ Frank Welker is the voice of Galvatron. He's like the voice of the creators. Or perhaps Unicron.

  6. @_TronVin_ I 100% this a few months back, and I just felt dirty after. I made myself finish it because I had done it for the other games.

  7. @_TronVin_ Neither. Ocarina of Time.

  8. @_TronVin_ Plus, the Son of Batman vs the Son of Batman would fucking epic.

  9. @_TronVin_ They'll very likely have a JL teaser at SDCC.

  10. @_TronVin_ Yes. He was great in The Social Network.

  11. @TMNT #TMNTsweepstakes

  12. @AdamFrazier @iHorrorNews I approve.

  13. @AgentBIeu @HolyFranchise I thought this was obvious.

  14. @AgentBIeu I'm more hype for the soundtrack than I am the actual show.

  15. @AgeOfMyself How does it feel to be on the wrong side? #TeamIronMan

  16. @AgeOfMyself Is it Bob?

  17. @antovolk @AgeOfMyself Either way, we'll see a trailer soon

  18. @antovolk @ConnorFilm *Dubstep GB theme intensfies*

  19. @arcticninja My favorite was the Old Boba Fett rumor.

  20. @babsgordonz @GreenleafQuinn Because Marvel did it this way, so OBVIOUSLY that's the only way it can be done. Obviously.

  21. @BanxStatement He's not dead. Its just another death hoax. People need to stop "killing" him.

  22. @BanxStatement I think they talked about it but Taker didn't decide to go for it until mid match, and just ate Lesnar's pin.

  23. @BATMANONFILM Because the producers panicked, and wanted to go with the "sure thing" in a 2 and 1/2 hour cut.

  24. @Bodie293Loe I wouldn't be opposed to that. It's actually better than Darkseid.

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