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Posts posted by thomas-peters

  1. 55 minutes ago, Polaroids said:

    I'm trying to understand what you're trying to say but I can't. I have engaged in multiple conversations here for more than a year. You just made an account a few months ago and your first post was to attack someone for disliking Time Raiders. One can see who's the troll/fangirl here.


    I'll just leave you to your hurt feelings. Maybe try making more new accounts to like your posts while you're at it.

    "i came here first and blah"  i didn't know we needed to be a veteran here to have the right to post
    you ain't shit honey boohoo and that quite childish.
    the "i don't understand you when you clearly understanding what i'm saying" sure jan.
    none of my feeling is hurted don't worry and this film is doing well so.. .

  2. 1 hour ago, Polaroids said:

    Are you lost?


    "Looking at your profile you're the one who just recently made an account here and that was only to defend Time Raiders which suspiciously enough stars Lu Han. This isn't a place for fangirl feelings."

    isn't that cute accusing others of what you are clearly doing here.:sadben:
    i hope seen others than your bias doing good isn't burning too much your ass.
    is not that deep:D

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  3. 12 hours ago, Polaroids said:

    The question wasn't about which of the movies are our cup of tea although I must say I'd rather watch another JTTW adaptation rather than watch a CGI-fest with no substance like TGW.. The question was which movie is gonna gross more and realistically speaking, JTTW is projected to earn more because of several factors namely 1) CNY 2) Stephen Chow and Tsui Hark and 3) It's JTTW. TGW results are disappointing for a movie of its magnitude.

    Girl you sound so mad and agressive
    is that because Kris wu who is apparently your bias is playing in it ?
    you keep posting some random "bad reviews" of TGW to down grade him. 
    you are the same user how say TRaiders wouldn't make 1b but look how much he makes now.


    • Like 2
  4. i watched L.O.R.D 
    good points:
    -everybody looked good, specially FBB and kris lol everybody
    - i liked the bromance between Yinchen and Qi Ling (well the target was teenager girls and gay citizens);)
    - surprisly good CGI well at least not bad and honestly the best since this year ( hater only love to hate)

    Bad points:
    -  the story progression was messy. Towards the end of the movie, I  have no idea what was actually going on.
    - the acting wasn't good (well most of the cast aren't know for their good acting)
    - another bad points but only my speculation i don't think this film will earn 1 b but how know i didn't think that about time raiders they male more than 1 bill..

  5. 19 hours ago, applek said:


    Have you watched the trailer?  I watched it, I think it was posted here too?  The cgi is not that great... not sure about interest level from the Chinese audience.  It will probably do at least a couple hundreds of million though


    I plan on watching Time Raiders when it becomes available for me... I know this series is quite popular in China which is probably why the movie is doing well. (it really seems like IP and genre ensures some kind of base figure for a movie's box office in China)  I'm kind of disappointed already that it doesn't follow the books storyline though, but maybe because the webdrama was so recent and they felt like it would be too stale?

    i also watched the trailer with FBB, i didn't find that super but not bad either, since it's a big budget film with big name that will be a hit. but i'm affraid because of Guo
    for "time raiders" aside the storyline who was botched i did my research and in weibo they saying it's because the two lead team wanted the same among of screen time, the CGI was really bad.

  6. 2 hours ago, Polaroids said:

    I think anyone can see you're a Lu Han fan so it would be nice to stop pretending. Someone probably linked this forum in another place seeing as there are two Lu Han fans who somehow found this thread and made accounts to defend him.


    I have nothing against him. He's an okay kid. He's just a bad actor, that's all, and Jing Boran is miles better. I have a lot of friends in China who hated the movie too. They don't hate Lu Han so are you going to say they are biased too?

    so because i say both jing boran and luhan were good, your conclusion is that i'm luhan fans. thank you for the proposition i will check who he is and his previous works.
    you saying i'm biased but aren't you jing boran fans "miles beter" and little bit angry about luhan.:depp:
    well it's useless to argue about that

  7. On 08/08/2016 at 10:36 AM, Polaroids said:

    I saw a clip of Lu Han and he was bad and awkward. Jing Boran is a decent actor. It's a shame he chooses really bad movies. 


    Did you read the reviews? The only ones giving it a positive review are fans of the actors. The movie is getting roasted all over Weibo and Douban.

    i feel like you have something against luhan or this film in general.  and judging people acting on a shot clip is irrelevant.:sadben:
    like  I say this film isn't a masterpiece and really didn't deserve that huge success on boxoffice ( even for i'm happy for every success) but i think Luhan ( i don't know his real name) was an interesting wuxie and played his role right, jbr was good but i didn't liked how the film portrait his character.

    there is mix review about this film and mostly for cgi and the plot but their acting was ok. but i didn't really give 2 cents to weibo, douban review since it's biased.

    • Like 1
  8. i finished to watch time raiders:

    the CGI were really awful... outside that for a newcomer luhan acting wasn't bad ( i didn't watch his others films), JBR and most of cast were good, the actress was kinda useless even if i like her.
    i wasn't that surprised of the success but because of  novels fans aren't that harsh to this film (not more that they are for most of novels adaptation film)... i will say much better than the serie with liyifeng and yang yang.

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