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Posts posted by WilliamK99

  1. Very long time lurker, very infrequent poster... Just wanted to say what Disney is doing with Solo is exactly how WB did long term damage with their branding of DC. You are seeing this with the mediocre Solo numbers. The audience reaction to TLJ was so bad, it has made viewers not want to see Solo based on reputation alone. Similar to BvS being so horrible that fans stayed away from JL even though IMO it was the better movie. IMO this will impact DC branded movies for a long time just as future Star Wars movies are going to have lower box office numbers. By pushing out mediocrity, you do damage to your brand, damage that will be nearly impossible to fix long term. Star Wars has always been a proven money maker, I fear doing annual movies like this will cost Disney a lot of money long term for short term profits....Not smart at all.

    • Like 2
  2. Would you guys say the Internet's influence on WoM is relatively low? Based on Twitter reaction and Rotten Tomatoes fan score, you would think it would impact TLJ box office. Is Star Wars immune to such tactics or as a whole is the Internet's impact is not huge when it comes to WoM online?

  3. 1 minute ago, MrGamer2558 said:

    Weird, they've been doing that shit for a long time. You go to a Regal-owned theater? 

    Nope that is Cinemark all the way, I go to 4 to 5 movies a week and am absolutely sick of that "ad" that plays before the movies, after the previews....

    • Like 1
  4. Reading certain sites, you would think TLJ is having a disastrous opening as it is lagging behind TFA, but did anyone think it would match the box office of TFA? IMO, film is doing just fine, I don't think Disney execs are losing any sleep over this unless it is to count their money.... 

    • Like 1
    • ...wtf 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Brainiac5 said:

    The problem is people hold on to negative news entirely too much.

    On every forum I'm seeing that 800 number being thrown around.

    Just like with BVS people talk about a billion to break even but CW had the same budget along with reshoots did you hear anyone talk about CW needing a billion to break even?.

    Someone on another forum said  CW barely broke even because of the Sony deal.

    But you don't see people running with that one do you?.


    To be fair, Marvel is a well oiled machine where properties such as Dr Strange and Black Panther are guaranteed pretty big box office openings, could WB take a a C level character like Blue Beetle or Lobo and have a huge opening at this point? Probably not... Hell Squirrel Girl would probably make at least 400 million WW at the box office, friggin Squirrel Girl...

    • Like 3
  6. 5 minutes ago, filmscholar said:

    20 Million weekend.  300 Locked and Loaded for SS.   40 more million shouldn't be that hard to get to to.   It's drops seems to be stablizing a little too.    Pretty good for "War Dogs" wasn't expecting huge numbers but the budget was in check so it should come out on top.   "Ben Hur" is DOA domestically and is banking on international numbers to save it.  This is the 5th film made on this subject and there have been many television speicals as well.  I'm not saying modern audiences don't care but it's just one of those things that I don't think every generation will gravate too.   "Ben Hur" is a Legendary story and will always be here but that doesn't mean it will be a Blockbuster film with each generation.     I hearing Kubo is actually decent film but I think it's getting lost in the competition.   SP is definitely a success.  You can't really compare it to the other computer animated films because of it's harsh content.    Overall not a bad weekend for the end of August. 


    I did rough math and 300 is still not guaranteed, even at 50%ish drops which it hasn't been doing...It'll be at approximately 260 milion after this weekend and looking at less than 8 million weekday and less than 10 million weekend next week. It's a 50/50 shot at this point, not "Locked and loaded"

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  7. 8 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

    DCUU first phase is way ahead of MCU by comparison. Obviously TA won't be challenged until the standalone Batman film arrives, but so far DCCU is averaging 300m per film and SS is as much of a hit as GotG was. Internationally MCU superior.

    You are comparing Apples to Oranges... Some may say DC is experiencing such high opening weekends because Marvel whet the audiences appetite for superhero movies...  

  8. 4 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    It will increase from BVS no matter how WW performs. I guarantee you that.


    People love this version of Batman and Superman. Not talking about internet trolls, talking about the real people. And they love The Flash and Wonder Woman and Cyborg.


    They barely know "The Flash" and "Cyborg" based on what , less than 10 seconds a piece in BvS. Sure JL may do outstanding at the box office, but saying people "LOVE" Cyborg and the Flash is a little bit of a stretch, don't you think?

  9. You can't really compare Marvel and DC cinematic universes. Marvel started slow with at the time, B list heroes. Iron Man/ Thor/Hulk/Captain America were back then not even in the same league as Batman or Superman. DC tried to jump start their universe and start making "Marvel money" from movie 1... It hasn't worked out, and the fact they are alienating some audience members means JL may not be as big as people think... Avengers was huge because the audience had grown to like the heroes from the previous movies...

    • Like 13
  10. 7 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

    Spider-Man or JL. Even if it's bad JL could still make a billion.

    Not anymore, after 2 critical disasters and pretty horrible legs, if JL isn't good, fans are going to remember how they were fooled twice before and stay away. I have continued to argue that WB is sacrificing long term success for short term profits and this will become clear when JL doesn't do too well, especially with all of the competition it is facing...

  11. 8 minutes ago, Baumer loves Dory said:

    GOTG2 is going to be huge because it's Marvel.  They are infallible right now.  Doctor Strange will probably do 200 domestic and 600 WW and imo it looks ridiculous.  But Marvel loonies are a devoted bunch and all of their films do well.  



    It's not that Marvel "loonies" are dedicated, it is the fact that Marvel has been consistent and have built up goodwill with their fanbase. Once you build up goodwill, you can have a few "stinkers" and fans will keep on coming. WB has not built up any goodwill with the DCEU thus fans aren't as forgiving of their missteps.

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