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Status Updates posted by rcalcagn

  1. @pikachanyan @FercanY @Disney @starwars They already do that, it's called Lucasfilms.

  2. @thehill ...You...had...Alex Jones and Roger Stone and Milo AT THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION.

  3. @internet_veneer @veerbatims @shaun_jen You realize MOST of those countries were countries that the UK owned for de… https://t.co/zvbqxMJcDv

  4. @lakerguy85 @jadande Plain mayo is a sin; there's thousand island, there's remoulade, there's aioli, but never, EVER just mayo.

  5. @PC_USA50 @thehill They only started standing for the national anthem in 2009, so spare me about it being some gran… https://t.co/ZF6APq85Gg

  6. @JennyTheAsshole @Chief_The_Gamer @thehill @HispanicCaucus Right but you went with the typical strawman city of Chi… https://t.co/JyGxgeuUjF

  7. @InVizioned @wilsoncf39 @HuffPost It's become more and more apparent that the perceived "raise kids on guns right"… https://t.co/tTGjCt42XB

  8. @ralphsepe I’m frankly more turned off by the two-and-a-half-hour long running time.

  9. @mobot11 @HuffPost Amazon itself made $135.9B in 2016, so $20M would be roughly, what, 0.0014%? To put in perspecti… https://t.co/mkUYDfYxeH

  10. @Franklin_So_Cal @thehill This was basically the “bless your heart” of tweets. It’s as substantial of an insult as you. An so.

  11. @popouJND @djcip @KernUnited @pjamesjp1 @SamanthaSJones4 @JoniPrincess @BrotherVet @The____Guardian @JamesLWolff… https://t.co/R80dEoAZoB

  12. @NiceMangos Are you saying that the right-wing nationalist brigade who use supporting gay rights as justification f… https://t.co/neRnR45qLr

  13. @bklyns1jetfan @mikecwright ...Bro, did you READ the article?

  14. @Tak69KY @CNN @jaketapper So why make inequality worse, exactly? Why vote for the party trying to ruin your pension… https://t.co/IwSeyBIYpt

  15. @thehill Not a single person from any of the banned countries have committed an act of terrorism on American soil. Shut up Jeffrey.

  16. @otterfacetweets @Gizmodo Support him? Tommy Robinson, founder of the English Defence League, is bankrolling his ap… https://t.co/5GatVDAjrj

  17. @RagingGorman @Jord3058 @CNN You mean the Chinese incident where it took ten people with machetes to kill, let’s se… https://t.co/EXR7kRk4Ml

  18. @AJ_FranklinGirl @runnerscott @thehill Well then why pass a law preventing locals from making their own damn decisi… https://t.co/U0RspG4oPW

  19. @HuffPost So if teachers help prevent domestic abuse that students have to deal with home, isn’t that more reason to pay them more???

  20. @CNNTonight @CNN This is some masterful shade work from the three of y’all.

  21. @DanielNdreu @mhoughtonshow @Henrique20182 @thehill Seems like you have a problem with capitalism and the free mark… https://t.co/njgAmR0E4X

  22. @AbbyLea68 @JoJoVonda @Justinfication @Cernovich And see, both poor whites and slaves realized the whole system was… https://t.co/j1hDkp2uOZ

  23. @shaun_jen @YouTube I think what's fascinating and aggravating is that so many of the central figures of the alt-ri… https://t.co/XrzeHPdYPG

  24. Weird as hell indeed. https://t.co/0QOLEZbwiu

  25. @darkhorizons Holy shit if we managed to get Mojoworld out of this franchise, I’ll flip over the moon. Also more p… https://t.co/I136kPQmIm

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