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Posts posted by TJHooker

  1. Sooner or later Avatar record will go down! It won't be number one forever! Movies like this has "novelty" written all over it! Its not on,y about particular character like Iron Giant or Turtles, its about having more than 100 recognizeable fan and science fiction figures all together meeting on the big screen! If people aren't hyped for this, then i dunno what else could hype them!...

  2. GA do not care about source material, only hardcore fanbase usually do! (Which makes 70% of entire audience anyway! Most of them never heard of the book or read it, but they are hyped by the fact that all these characters get together no matter what the plot is!) Thats first and second, who cares anyway, where this is a movie where you see all these unlikely characters appear together on the big screen and team up to create battle hordes in a virtual world??! I bet you see Iron Giant teaming up with Ninja Turtles, Freddie Kruger and Chucky The Doll to cause some mayhem in every movie these days! Oh wait...

  3. Lots of smartass replies with useless images, still didn't answer my question! What makes you think RPO can't become huge, outside of your prejudiced view on what people are hyped about? I bet you were all posting these kind of image pictures, that don't answer anything, just to mock people, who were predicting big things for Wonder Woman movie...guess how that turned out?

    • Like 1
  4. Why do you people think, that Ready Player One (a movie, that filled with cultural references and easter eggs, that spans several decades of generations!) is not a lock for 100m yet? Lol Its like you can't see people going into the cinemas just to see Freddy Kruger, King Kong and Chuck The Doll and Iron giant while main character drives Delorian around! Don't be ridiculous! This thing isn't only making 100m, but it will open as big as your typical Star Wars saga movie, then it will do Avatar bussiness later on!

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    • Haha 2
    • ...wtf 1
    • Disbelief 1
  5. The way things are shaping up for TLJ, it certainly seems that BATB will remain highest grossing movie of the year from the looks of things...Unless TLJ pulls out some kind of magic trick and will be able to gross over 600m domestically (Although weekly drops should maintain within 40-45% approximately, which is unlikely at this point...), because it is clear as a day to me that international market is ridiculously weak for this movie for some odd reason! Congratulations BATB for highest grosser of 2017!...

  6. 5 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

    Again, please provide any actual statistical evidence that it is "clearly" divisive.  


    I have plenty of actual data that it isn't clearly divisive (box office, critics reviews, critics aggregate, ComScore data, Cinemascore grade).  


    Not going to let this slide from anyone unless you can submit something to back these claims up that isn't anecdotal.  

    You clearly haven't seen much of reviews on youtube then!...And then read comments sections...57% audience score on RT, which is even lower than Justice League from almost 100k viewers is also a strong argument...

  7. 4 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


    Cultural phenomens are almost impossible to duplicate. Batman Begins wasnt one, it was just a solid, if not underwhelming box office run at the time. Furthermore, the incredible marketing campaign for TDK and HL death made TDK an event even before it came out.


    WW2 has a predecessor that was already that kind of a phenomeneon. So it makes sense to predict more like a SM1 to SM2 scenario.

    I keep hearing this nonsense over and over again! You people aren't good at predicting stuff! Otherwise most of you would be abke to predict, that first JL movie would be put in danger to gross less than 100m in its openning weekend! I'd say its too early to tell anything about WW sequel and especially its marketing campaign! We don't know what patty Jenkins and the team will unleash in a year time, so stop acting like you know what future holds! For all we know they can announce Charlize Theron as the villain in WW sequel and make huge bank from it, considering Charlize Theron won her oscar working with Jenkins! Announcing her returning to work with Jenkins for something as big as WW will create enormous buzz, comparable to the one TDK created!...

  8. 1 minute ago, Christmas baumer said:


    No Joker.

    So only Joker can make the bank these days as the villain, eh? Lol What if i told you that Charlize Theron as Cheetah can potentially lure in as much casual non-comic book geek average moviegoers as Ledger's Joker??...And how about Leto's Joker?...Sure didn't help SS grossing more than 325m domestically!...

  9. 10 minutes ago, TheDarkKnightOfSteel said:

    Most of the solo movies will happen.If they want DCEU to keep going,annd i'm sure they do,the only way is to get the audiences to warm up to the characters.


    Aquaman  willl obviously happen.Wonder Woman will happen even if JL would have a 10M opening.Shazam is too far into production.Flash and Superman  had great response for WB to just overllok them...in the case of the latter he is too big of a character as well.Batman has a great filmmaker attached to it and he is Batman.The only character in danger right now is sadly Cyborg.

    Only Aquaman, Shazam and WW2 are set in stone! Others are in danger of either heavily altered or scrapped altogether from the current slate! (Yes, including Flash, Superman and Batman!). If i ran WB i would seriously reconsider at this point changing Flashpoint into The Flash and concentrating heavily on Flash's origin story, effectively introducing to his rogue gallery! It occurs to me WB doesn't know how to handle big event movies like these...Besides i am not sure average moviegoer (especially women!) will be happy to see Wonder Woman the way, she is shown in Flashpoint story arc!...One of the reasons her solo worked so well and was praised so much is the fact, that she embodies everything classic Superman does, effectively replacing him as hope and peace bringer of DCEU for the time being! WB will be stupid to make her evil! Besides i am not sure Gal Gadot can pull off convincing evil character...she looks too innocent for that kind of stuff!...

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