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Posts posted by zeb1814

  1. 24 minutes ago, Napoleon said:



    David Ayer dropped an interesting tidbit, which is that Lee Smith has an edited cut of his Suicide Squad. Have you seen the Lee Smith cut? From your experience, how much can a different cut change a movie?

    Richard Suckle and I produced Suicide Squad. When the studio was hoping to replace John [Gilroy], the original editor, we suggested Lee. I had worked with Lee on Chris’ movies, The Dark Knight trilogy. He’s one of the truly great editors. He was charged with trying to take a slightly different approach, but not totally change the tone of the movie with his work. Clearly, from what David is saying, that was the version that he liked the best of all the versions. There was a tremendous amount of different feelings between what the studio wanted and what David wanted at that time. It was a negotiation, for sure, of what the ultimate cut was going to be.


    The interesting thing was, when we tested the Ayer version — to be honest, I can’t sit here and remember how we got to that edited version, who was editing that edited version — but it wasn’t Lee. It was somebody else that came in. The studio version was also different editors as well. We tested both versions. They tested exactly the same. Because they tested exactly the same, David and the studio and ourselves, meaning Rich and I and the heads of DC at that time — Jon Berg and Geoff Johns — we all sat in a room and tried to come up with what would be the best of both versions. Obviously, the movie made a really nice piece of change. Audiences liked it enough for us to want to do a sequel. But it definitely wasn’t the exact vision of David, and it definitely wasn’t the exact vision of the studio.


    That’s surprising that they tested the same.

    That testing process, or what we call bake-off, that is not an unusual process. That happens, more than you might think. But most of the time, there is a clear winner. And usually, everybody agrees, “Well if we are going to do the bake-off, we should really go with the clear winner. Let the audience decide.” In this case, there wasn’t a clear winner. It literally came to the exact same place. They just liked different parts of the movie. Different audiences commented on different parts of the movie they liked better or not. That doesn’t always work to create the best movie, to be honest, it’s an imprecise process. There’s a great line in Twelve Monkeys where somebody says “science is not an exact science.” (Laughs.) Well, making movies is not an exact science either.



    If the novelation of the first movie is anything to go by, the Ayer cut is even worse than the theatrical. Not every movie was butchered by the studio. Just accept he made a bad movie and move on. 

    eta not referring to you specifically. Sorry if it sounds like I singled you out. 

  2. I really enjoyed the movie. I think the peacemaker show is going to be awesome.

    The most surprising character for me was blood sport. His character in this movie was more interesting to me than deadshot from the first one. 


    Showing him being a bad father makes more sense then him being some kind of saint of fatherhood at the same time a murderer. I also liked the actress that played the daughter. 

    Also like the fact that you see him in his mask quite often and they actually give a reason for him to not have it on at the end. 

    I thought Harley and polka dot were underutilized. Boomer made ,e sad. Kai is so charismatic in this role and played off of everyone extremely well. 



    I was amazed by all of the callbacks throughout the movie.

    The bird and sevant. The Office bets. The golf club. Smaller bullets. Polka dots mom. The rebel group. 


    all In all I would recommend it. I had a great time. The audience in my theater was loud af laughing like crazy. 

    • Like 1
  3. Finally got to see this movie today!! I liked it fine, but my mom hated it. She said that nothing happened. Though she thought the actors did a good job. She also said that the ending is "what should have happened". 


    Things I liked the best: 

    • THE SOUNDTRACK. If this gets a vinyl release i'm for sure buying it. 
    • Brad Pitt. He looked amazing and was the essence of cool throughout. 
    • The sincerity of how Leo played Rick Dalton. He was fully committed to seeming out of the loop. 
    • The dog. 
    • Quote

      seeing the real sharon tate on the movie screen. i thought that was a sweet gesture.


    Things I was meh about:

    • the plot. not really sure what the story of this movie was supposed to be. it basically seemed like a collection of entertaining scenes. maybe a character study???
    • margot's role as sharon tate. i wish she would've gotten more to do. she seemed more of a plot device than an actual character in the movie. i would've loved to learn more about sharon or have her interact with cliff and rick more (or at all lol).
    • ETA: i also thought bruce lee's role was odd. it seemed insulting but i'm willing to put it down to unreliable narrator. also the noises were over the top i thought until i asked my mom and she said that the real bruce lee did that. jfc.
  4. On 7/26/2019 at 12:31 AM, SLAM! said:

    I'm honestly not sure if Margot Robbie is going to gain traction for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. She does an excellent job, but it's more of a caricature than a role, you know? She doesn't really do much in the film besides star in it. I could definitely see her getting snubbed come awards time.

    I think she might get nominated for that fox news movie instead. 

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  5. 12 hours ago, Frozen said:
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    I've heard that one as well. Somehow I find it hard to believe that Pitt agrees to play second fiddle to Leo like that. I've also heard a rumor that the only reason he took the part is so he could screw Margot. So who knows??? Maybe his role isn't the first thing on his mind. 


  6. 14 hours ago, Joel M said:

    I assume he means Margot will have similar screentime. From what I remember Aviator was 160+ minutes long but Blanchett was in it for less than half an hour.

    You're probably right. I do think she'll squeeze another Oscar nomination out of it though. I personally think that she should've gotten one over JLAW for WOWS. At least if they were determined to nominate any of the 3 blonde + new york + trophy wife roles in that year (Margot, Scarjo, and Jlaw).  Jen's accent in AH was terrible and should've disqualified her immediately. 


    Geeze, i'm being kind of rough on JL in this thread. I promise i'm not meaning to! lol 

  7. Quote

    Margot Robbie talks about her role in the upcoming film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


    Margot Robbie got a very important blessing to play Manson family murder victim Sharon Tate.

    The actress, 28, prepared for her role in the upcoming Quentin Tarantinomovie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood by talking to Tate’s family members and friends.

    “They all said how kind, loving, and good-hearted she was,” Robbie, 28, tells PEOPLE in the latest issue. “I was fortunate enough to step on to set with Debra Tate’s blessing, Sharon’s sister.”

    Tate, just 26 at the time of her death, was married to director Roman Polanski and was eight-and-a-half months pregnant with their first child — a boy — when she was stabbed in her home by Charles Manson’s followers.

    In the Quentin Tarantino-directed film, Leonardo DiCaprio, 44, plays actor Rick Dalton, while Brad Pitt, 55, stars as his longtime stunt double Cliff Booth. The two are struggling with a changing Hollywood in the 1960s and Tate is Dalton’s next door neighbor.

    Robbie, who worked with DiCaprio six years earlier on The Wolf of Wall Street, says it was a thrill to watch DiCaprio and Pitt team up.

    “Leo and Brad are both so talented, it was great to see them evolve into their characters,” she says. “They were quite the duo.”


    But for Robbie, the most important part of filming was being able to show audiences the real Sharon Tate.

    “It was immensely important for me to honor Sharon’s generous spirit,” she says. “I felt an enormous sense of responsibility. She really was such a beautiful character to play.”

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood opens in theaters on July 26.


  8. 13 minutes ago, Alli said:
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    but is she still gonna be killed? i think she will still be killed


    I don't know, but Sharon's sister approved of it after reading the script, so it's possible that she's not. 


    15 minutes ago, Alli said:

    eh a few bad movies doesn't mean she won't have longevity. she'll be back. Look at Nicole Kidman she's back starring in acclaimed movies in her 50s after a disastrous period of flop after flop

    It's not just the bad movies, but everything all together. She's had a lot of bad PR lately. At least from what I've been seeing. Such as her comment about her education. I also think that the lack of a franchise (fox-men is coming to an end, thank god) or blockbuster will hurt her. Viola Davis has explained that she has done movies like Suicide Squad to stay relevant and get exposure. It's not just to make money. I'm not really sure what kind of career she wants for herself, but the one that she had during her peak is that of a movie star. Her most famous/breakout role was in a YA franchise. That ship seems to be sinking though, and she isn't doing much of anything else that people like, so I do think her career has been affected by all of this.  

  9. 6 minutes ago, Alli said:

    Actresses wish to peak as JLaw. 4 Oscar wins/noms and box office hits in such a short time. She has established herself. Now she can do whatever she wants. she has a fanbase and she's gonna continue working for a looong time. She's the new Meryl Streep+ Julia Roberts

    Yes they wish to peak like her, but at 23 years old??? It all happened too fast imo. V/ front-loaded.  Her oscar nominations were basically one after the other instead of being spaced out which would be great for longevity. It's hard to keep up the momentum for so long (as we can clearly see). Her last few movies have been disasters. Passengers, Mother! and Red Sparrow. Plus her role in the X Men movies is hated by fans AND she doesn't like the franchise.  Not to mention her personality in interviews is getting on people's nerves. She has admitted herself that a lot of people hate her. I think she might be able to pull herself out of this funk, but she NEEDS to get more involved behind the scenes, which I don't see her doing. She comes across, from the stories she has told, as VERY unprofessional. 


  10. 6 hours ago, filmlover said:

    It's easy to forget she won. Anytime I remember she's an Oscar winner I just assume it must've been for Ex Machina.

    TBH I don't blame you. She's really forgettable IMO. She hasn't really done anything with the win. I don't know if she doesn't have her hustle on or what.  


    One thing I would be worried about if I was Margot (or any young actress working) is peaking too early. It's what is happening to JLaw rn. I don't know if that will be true for Margot or not, but given how ambitious she is, I think she will be smart enough to avoid that. 

  11. 40 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    After Jennifer Lawrence, Brie Larson, and Emma Stone have all become Oscar winners in the past several years, it feels safe to assume that Margot Robbie is next in line to win an Oscar at the rate she's going. She even came close to getting nominated again this past year for a movie that hardly anyone saw or cared about. Even if she doesn't pick up anything for this, it's only a matter of time.

    Not to mention Alicia Vikander!!! 

  12. 54 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:

    Can we knock those people on the head hard enough to render them unconscious until about January?

    LOL. The Academy has been loving awarding blonde white ingenues, though. LBR


    52 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    TBH, I love QT Revenge Verse. Django and IB were amazing. 


    Also, Margot's career has really found its stride. After meandering with tarzan, she's knocking it out of the park with choices, plus is emerging as a producer. :bravo:

    It really has. She has dodged some major bullets (ghost in the shell, fan4stic) and was (rightly or wrongly) the breakout star of SS. Even though she didn't win the oscar herself, Allison Janney's win is still huge for her production company. The stars really seemed to have aligned for her. At least right now, but I think she's smart enough to keep things going/make it happen for herself. 

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