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Posts posted by spectroul

  1. On 12/21/2022 at 4:54 PM, cookieleeann said:

    I don't understand the criticism about the story being paper thin. I mean yes Jim obviously wanted to show off the VFX & it's a cinematic achievement but I actually liked the story in this one better than the first. I also think this one has a more memorable character arc than the first one. I don't think this film will be forgotten for it's characters like some people think. Everyone was just much more compelling to me here, the kids, the Sully's as a whole, the new tribe, etc.  


    I was expecting to go into this being disappointed by the story just based on some reviews and I came out the theater very pleased with what I saw.

    I agree. As someone that wasn't looking forward to Avatar becoming a franchise after the first movie, the 2nd one did wonders for me to the point where I'm looking forward to the next movies. The story was pretty simple but the character arcs and the Sully family dynamics were pretty effective. Lo'ak and especially Kiri are characters that I'm excited to see where they go next. 

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  2. With Sam Neil and Laura Dern prob returning on JW3, I don't see how it won't outperform FK. Everybody who was obsessed with JP back in the 90s love these two. Also the movie is doing better than the first in Asia and some south american countries so I expect the numbers to keep increasing over there when JW3 comes out. Most of the people were predicting "Fallen Kingdom" to gross around 1.3B, I don't know how 1.2B can be a bad number.

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Moviefanatic said:

    I’m still surprised how poorly War for the planet of the apes performed. 

    It's such a beautiful movie tho, I really liked how they closed the trilogy. I think the lack of action let some people underwhelmed especially because they had the word "war" in the title so people were prob expecting something bigger in terms of scale.  


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  4. 26 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


    Everyone who saw the movie knows which scene you mean. And you dont have to be ashamed, for me it was the saddest movie scene since the whole of War for the Planet of the Apes lol.

    I wasn't ashamed, Jurassic Park is my favorite movie ever so that scene really got me, I just said that bc some people might think "why did you cried in a dinosaur movie", lol. But I think everyone who has some kind of love for this franchise will get emotional watching it, it was really symbolic.

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  5. I'm not going into spoilers but I have to say that I cried my eyes out during one particular scene of "Fallen Kingdom", I'm not even ashamed because I looked around the theater and everyone was getting emotional too, lol. I'm glad to see that the movie is doing well, it wasn't perfect but it had the feeling that Jurassic World was missing.

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    • ...wtf 1
  6. 2 hours ago, excel1 said:

    What do we make of Jurassic World 3's opening weekend prospects.


    Part of me wonders if totally destroying the island was a massive mistake.

    I think it's def gonna do more than FK.


    They'll prob have a better release schedule, a better hook (I won't go to spoilers but they can create some really good ones) and given how much Sam Neil and Laura Dern have been talking about Jurassic lately, I'm pretty sure they're coming back for the next movie (Universal will prob promote JW3 as the last JP/JW movie).

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  7. 10 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    Nobody was tricked by nostalgia. The film didn't have a hook, that is what is damaging it the most. And the mediocre leaning negative reviews aren't helping matters. Still I hope it hits 65mil Friday just to keep things interesting.

    I agree. However they have the opportunity to create a great hook for JW3... let's see with they'll do things right, I have a feeling that Sam Neil and Laura Dern are returning for the last movie (they've been interacting a lot with the jurassic fans lately and Colin Trevorrow and Jeff Goldblum mentioned them multiple times during the JWFK press tour).

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