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Posts posted by Arian1010

  1. 6 hours ago, cookieleeann said:

    Yeah I miss the Endgame hype too. Watching China compete with Domestic presales to see who would have the bigger opening weekend was so much fun. It was neck and neck from day to day.  I haven't felt that excitement since...


    Looking back we can tell that Marvel might be the luckiest franchise on Earth, they have grown up with China market, and both reached their peak potential together, Endgame was very lucky it got released right before Covid hit Earth. The Endgame premiere "concert"/ fans ceremony in Shang Hai was also phenomenal and beautiful. I do wonder if I could ever see something like that again.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 hours ago, porginchina said:

    My (imperfect) understanding is that it's mid-December or nothing for Avatar; as a foreign movie, they don't have the negotiating power to wait until after theaters reopen. There's no political pressure to maximize Avatar grosses in the same way that there's political incentive to maximize The Battle at Lake Changjin grosses. Marketing in China is relatively inexpensive as China's a very digital-forward society, so that's not going to be a huge factor in the decision they make, especially for a non-Chinese movie (remember that Fantastic Beasts and The Batman both came out in similar circumstances earlier in 2022). With all that said, if things get really dicey, I could see Avatar being denied a release to keep people from crowding movie theaters.


    These cases still amuse me, they gave FB3 and The Batman long release times in China but at the same time the gov still locked people down left n right because of covid,  I know even tho some people in other cities didn't have to suffer it but the fact that the Chinese general audience wasn't interested in DC brand as a whole, the quality of the wizarding world films had been downgraded lately couldn't help WB either. So it's still a lose-lose situation for the film market.

  3. The Fast franchise had to deal with a similar situation but they made a very uplifting scenario (Paul Walker simply parted away to a "better place"), I don't know why Coogler had the need to make this film feel so sad and haunting. I guess Feige took the "fluffiness" criticism way too seriously.

    And I also don't think we need to compare every MCU film to THOR L&T because only Taika can beat himself lol, he made the best Thor film and also made the worst Thor film.  

  4. "Ban" is such a harsh word, Marvel films are still shown on Chinese film channels on the mainland which means that the brand is still allowed to be a part of the pop culture of China. There is plenty of evidence of famous individuals and brands getting banned from China, they would be simply deleted from existence. I seriously think Disney needs a new CEO, under Bob Iger's they wouldn't have to face such things.

  5. Pretty sure that "that actor" returning to DC universe ain't hold the same value as Hugh Jackman returning to Marvel. "That actor" also isn't a vital box office drawing factor either and most of the casual viewers couldn't care less about him, I can't deny that he does get overhyped on the internet thanks to that "Twitter movement" over the last year. Let's hope that the quality of Black Adam film itself is good.

    • Thanks 1
    • Knock It Off 1
  6. Looking back, it's such a miracle that Marvel had Bob Iger's aid when they tried to build up their franchise and Infinity war saga from the baby steps, you don't know what you've got till it's gone I suppose. I hope Secret war saga would archive the same support some days, I'm trying to be positive, lol, things are definitely so doom and gloom these days.






  7. Interestingly, in the recent interviews for MoM promotion, they also asked whether Cumberbatch would come back to the Sherlock show since it made him famous and gained a lot of fangirls, but he doesn't want to come back. On the other hand, Martin Freeman also said a similar thing (because some fanatic Sherlock fans pressured them into becoming a gay Sherlock couple and he didn't want it, so they dropped the show). So it's not like Cumberbatch is selling his soul for Marvel's money, if he feels uncomfortable with how they portray Dr. Strange and how his journey pans out, he can leave too.

  8. I've scrolled thru Weibo and the Chinese Marvel fans who are living in US confirmed that you can see the cult motto everywhere on NYC streets, even on some random trash cans. The hate has been dying down a lot over the past hours, so in this case, looks like Disney/Marvel was just innocent (or to be exact most Westerners can't read Chinese so they don't even know what it is). All Marvel/Disney has to do now is just publish some proper explanations on Weibo, it's not that hard to "apologize" like declaring support for Tibet or Taiwan.



  9. 55 minutes ago, porginchina said:

    Yeah. It would have taken a matter of minutes for somebody to switch the text on the newspaper stand out to something like 人民日报 (People's Daily) and then crisis averted. At least this truly does seem like an innocent mistake on Marvel's behalf; I browsed through Weibo earlier today and most of the comments I scanned through were wondering why Marvel was so careless, not condemning Marvel for China hate.


    Anyhow, if the NBA managed to be forgiven by Beijing, I have confidence that Marvel will eventually figure out a similar feat.



    Well, we can only hope for the best outcome. Tbh I only care about the numbers, seeing films get banned left and right, lost their potential of archiving their highest BO numbers is just sad,  but the fact that I have to skim thru a lot of political talks and "why Hollywood studio should abandon China 101" in the China section  just to get to the real discussions is just "more madness" to me that "multiverse of madness" lmao

  10. 10 minutes ago, porginchina said:

    So a slightly deeper dive into why Multiverse of Madness has been denied permission to screen in China…


    Let's start with this clip from the Gargantos battle in NYC:


    At about 0:25 you can clearly read 大纪元时报 (although the writing in the footage uses traditional characters, not simplified like I've typed here), the English name for the Epoch Times, a Falun Gong-affiliated newspaper with a reputation for vehemently opposing the CCP and spreading conspiracy theories (according to Wikipedia, they've been banned from advertising by Facebook multiple times— https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Epoch_Times). As far as groups the CCP absolutely cannot abide, Falun Gong ranks very high towards the top; you can't release a movie in the mainland referencing them or seeming to promote a Falun Gong-affiliated group, even in the background of a shot.


    Inspecting the clip more closely, looks like the newspaper kiosk just happened to be in the area when they shot in NYC (or else it was something the prop department found easy to source). Jumping into the realm of speculation, it's likely that practically nobody on the production can read Chinese or has a strong sense of Chinese politics, the inclusion went unremarked upon. To the untrained Western eye (and to me before I embarked upon this research), one Chinese-language newspaper is the same as any other Chinese-language newspaper, right? Alas, but no. Which is really too bad for Marvel, as it would be incredibly easy to switch things up after the fact in post-production with absolutely nobody being the wiser. I'll maintain that this seems like a situation where Marvel Studios can/should post some sort of apology onto their Weibo account.


    I have scrolled through some Reddit threads and people are pretty much saying the same thing, that cult exists in other countries too, their members are everywhere, and sometimes they put their motto sign and banners on the street too, so this does not happen solely in China (before the banning) and US. This is just an unfortunate accident (there are also BTS images of Benedict in that specific street, it's not green screen, they didn't make up that Falun gong sign) and also a very silly mistake from Marvel/Disney, if they want to get released in the mainland, perhaps they should hire a Chinese consultant team who has experience with these things.

  11. 32 minutes ago, ImNotRacistAtAll said:



    Screw apology. Marvel doesn't need China. 


    And China clearly doesn't need Marvel.


    China people now dislike Marvel. So hopefully this leads to a definitive end. Like it seems it has already. It's a start. 


    Extremist? Maybe. Do I give a shit? No. 

    Am I wrong?? No.

    Should studios be working with China? NO. 


    PS: It's raining as shit where I live and weather affects mood. This is my excuse for being annoying today. It's supposed to rain the next whole week. 


    This is  just your wishful thinking, Kevin Feige himself and Disney CEO have never said anything like this.
    I think deep down you know why they can *temporarily* abandon Russia market, but you just love name-dropping it as if it looks like a proper reason for the studio to also abandon China too. Honestly? War and political conflicts aside, Russia doesn't even make it in the top 5 box office market/film industries. And it's clear to me that you don't like the idea of Hollywood caring about China for your personal political preference, not just that fancy human rights.

  12. 1 hour ago, ImNotRacistAtAll said:

    Fuck that nonsense. Those are fanboys.


    Like, China didn't help Batman at all. Neither would to Doctor Strange 2.


    Joker is literally the only DC thing to make a billion without China. 


    Without China, Aquaman would be below Billion. 


    Marvel without China will only lead to incomparable total grosses between fanboys



    Well well, so basically you will only respect China if they help your DC films???
    In fairness, comic book superheroes, batman, and even Star Wars were never big businesses in China. They don't worship those things blindly like Americans. They like Aquaman because it had Marvel's goofy style and had Avatar's nature concepts, and Avatar is a very dear film to them. If you can't offer them something that they can like, why do you expect their support in return?
    This is ...unbelievable, all the ranting about politics, Russia, nato etc, just so you can hide the real reasons that you're bitter because they don't worship batman

    • Thanks 1

    15 minutes ago, Olive said:

    Some logo in the latest TV spot(Chinese words on the yellow one), in conection with a former heresy religion banned in China.


    You mean this one? right



    This is plain stupid lmao Disney eff themselves again by their lack of knowledge. I don't think Disney purposefully did it, that cult is banned in China but they still exist in other countries and of course, they're in US too. Their banners are everywhere on earth.

    • Haha 1
    • ...wtf 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Bruce said:


    Don't even think about DS2 will released in China anymore,

    Our network has been bombed recently because someone found that DS 2 trailers propaganda cult ,and that propaganda used Chinese Language, which make most Chinese angry again, Most people diss Marvel again after Shang-Chi event,this time even Marvel fans does not support Marvel,

    For example, our website has a vlogger called Lorry(same stuff like Youtuber), He is an avid Marvel fan before, but after this cult incident, he publicly declared that he would no longer support Marvel

    I don't understand why Marvel do this again and again and again,this is bullshit.



    At least this time we have a proper reason, but I don't get it, what cult are they talking about? It's just fiction. Did the logo or symbol coincidentally look like a real life cult that is banned in China? or are they just banning all the witchcraft stuff, even the fictional ones?


    Edit: Holy sh*t so a Chinese friend of mine just texted me and he said it's likely that some magic spells in the film look similar to Falun Gong symbol, holy sh*t freaking hell 

    • Astonished 1
  15. 6 hours ago, Issac Newton said:

    That wasn't a thought in the air. Nevertheless, I didn't even mention the government. I am clarifying that imported works are still find some ways to enter the Chinese Markets. At least, I am appreciating the fact that studios aren't giving up to entertain the crowd. Do not just phrase out the wrong idea!!


    Don't listen to Twitter trolls or China/CCP haters, no studio wants to give up on China market, even the almighty papa Feige who some assumed that he's very righteous and benevolence yadayada doesn't want to give up either

    • Like 1
  16. So....Isn't Nolan the one who initiated the idea of dark superhero films for the audience of this era by making The Dark Knight trilogy? Why does everyone keep discrediting him? All ZS's superhero films  was a series of failed attempts of recreating Nolan's works with pretentious religious messages and superdramatic Dragon Ball fight scenes.
    On the other hand, I wonder if Eternals is really that bad in those critics' eyes, it can't be compared to Nolan so they referred it to ZS's superhero film instead? Personally what they're doing now on twitter and youtube scares the hell out of me. Last time I check Snyder and WB broke up because Snyder came up with an idea that the ending of DC universe would be the iconic American superhero Superman got ...cuckold and had to raise Batman's kid, but it got rejected, so he wanted to strip off Superboy's right of inheriting his Kryptonian father's power and forced him to become "a Batman" instead while Batman's real sons Damian, the Robin kids, etc were nowhere to be found. Please don't go that route Papa Feige! 

  17. Eternals plot definitely didn't copy ZSJL at all. I'm still amused that a few critics thought it's appealing to pitch 2 fandoms against each other through their vague tweets before the review embargo.

    Perhaps it's groundbreaking these days to let one of the main leads be the hidden "villain" all along. But I don't think Ikaris was really a villain, Madden already warned that Ikaris was a loyal soldier to the Celestials. The conflict here was he's against Sersi, who suffered "Optimus Prime" syndrome and would do everything to protect the human race because of love, sympathy or whatever lovey-dovey feeling they developed after a long time with humans. Marvel still hasn't fully broken their formula with this film because Sersi's character couldn't be more cliché.

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