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Posts posted by telcontar

  1. 16 hours ago, AndyK said:

    Story by Zach Snyder, screenplay by Alan Heinberg. It's right there in the credits.


    I'm not a ZS fan but it's bloody obvious he came up with the story, the photograph scene is right there in BvS before they even filmed WW.

    Yes, the credits say it's written by Alan Heinberg, not by Snyder. The photograph is not even part of the main plot. I don't see why Patty Jenkins would lie about Snyder's input.





    4 hours ago, Cappoedameron said:

    I would say it's more about the gender politics in the film. Not a single male in this film is portrayed in a positive light whatsoever. Every single male in the film is either portrayed as entitled, conniving, incompetent, very violent, not smart, a rapist, or all of the above.


    Let's conveniently forget the man who saved an innocent



    and trained



    with his other male friends.


    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, DlAMONDZ said:

    Lol people still pushing that narrative. Both their movies are clearly set in the universe he created. Not to mention Wan himself consulted with him against WB's wishes. The only one moving away is Batman

    He did not consult Snyder. He showed him the finished product and there were no changes after that.

    • Like 4
  3. On 10/18/2016 at 7:32 PM, Hatebox said:

    Yup, the music choice still sucks. It's strange that they've made the modern thread of the games — the part of it people hated the most — into the main part of the story.


    Bombs away, and I hate saying that because Fassbender deserves a headline hit.

    Uh, the modern part of the story is the main part in the games as well. Without the modern part there's absolutely no story for the series, they would have nothing to adapt.

  4. Sorry dear, but your bias is clouding your view.


    If you are going to be in a potentially recurring TV role in the US you are going to move to the US. The show may have been cancelled but you know what.. a lot of shows are.. often it has nothing to do with how good or bad they are. That was just bad luck, and happens to a lot of actors, both good and bad. Besides it had Lucy Liu in it, thats poison on its own..


    She clearly didnt stink since Spielberg picked her for WOTW based on her role in LOTR.


    If you care to read her background information you will know that numerous times in her life she has shunned the higher end of fame, not wanting the sort of attention the A list gets. She goes for roles she likes, not roles that pay or expose.



    We all have our nemeses Fishnets, but at least be honest about why you hate, don't make up bullshit reasons or try tor spin everything they do as bad just because you don't agree with it.


    She usually responds to this by making up some bs and just putting smileys because she has no arguments besides the fact that she hates her. Quite pathetic to be honest...

    • Like 2
  5. There`s no such thing as 2 climaxes. It`s always one. Smaug downing is the climax of the book. Everything else that comes afterwards is just prolonging the story past the point to which the whole thing built up. If they think that Smaug is what Helm`s Deep was to TTT and Bo5A is what Pelennor Fields was to ROTK they are in for a rude awakening.

    Um, where did that comparison even come from? Those two events are nothing like Helm's Deep and Pelennor Fields. And the Battle of 5 Armies isn't just a random skirmish, quite a lot of plot lines are going to get resolved during that event.
  6. The HOBBIT should've just been 1 movie 2.5 to 3 hours in length wrapping the whole damn thing up in 1 movie and moviegoers would've been much happier with this than this 3 movie cash grab$$$$$$.. I can't imagine the Dragon Smaug is going to look any better than DRAGONSLAYER from back in the 80's which is as good as it gets..

    How on earth would they have fitted 20+ main characters and two climaxes into a single 2.5 hour movie?
  7. Too true. But, if they absolutely had to make 3 movies there is no justifiable reason they couldn't have been 2 hour movies.3 hours for TH is just too much with scenes drawn out much longer than needed. TH could easily have been 2 hours without losing a single thing of interest or importance.

    The movie lasts about 2 hours and 35 minutes. Is there a 3 hour version somewhere?
  8. There was a famous commedy-routine of an even more famous German commedian Otto (he also had record breaking movies), in which he played the different organs in a human body comunicating with each other. That was almost 40 years ago. He probably did not invent it either. Then there was Osmosis Jones(2001) with similar theme, but no success.

    How is that even relevant?
  9. You think its ok to have faster than light travel and cryostasis in a science fiction film(both of which are in countless scifi epics and are completely impossible btw) yet you and some others in this thread think its not ok to have rapid regeneration healing drugs in a science fiction film because thats just not ok to you.

    That's one of the most ridiculous complaints about the movie.
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