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  1. (kinda sorta spoilery, if you're real sensitive about that stuff) this review: The Marvels review: There’s still some magic left in the MCU - Vox ...has me really excited, because it's literally the only review I've seen that discusses some thematic elements that I predicted would be in the film. All the other positive and negative reviews alike have had me worried that Nia DaCosta just somehow managed to not explore these ideas in the film. The worst reviews treat the film as entirely vapid and soulless. The best reviews treat the film as a rollercoaster full of cute/funny moments.
  2. "The best part is Iman Vellani, as Kamala Khan, as Ms. Marvel. She is the millennial Peter Parker." ??? these reviews are confusing.
  3. I think the funniest thing I ever heard someone say about a marvel movie, was some video essayist who described the first maybe 20 minutes of Captain America: Winter Soldier, and then said, "This is a masterclass in political philosophy."
  4. That just sounds like they like MCU movies. I wouldn't call that going both ways. The former is an unfair addition to socre aggregators because audiences already expect that a sequel will likely build on the film it's a sequel to. Like if you're asking someone if the film is good, you probably don't wanna hear "it was bad because i was missing context because I didn't see the first film".
  5. this must be a mistake, (review from the New Yorker) ??? Peyton Reed???? "One of the more recent developments in the Marvel franchise has been the embrace of highly distinctive filmmakers, such as DaCosta, Chloé Zhao, and Peyton Reed."
  6. Ok, I just saw a review that gives me a certain thought: Is it fair to review a sequel to a film that you haven't seen, and then give the film a rotten score on account of the fact that "As someone who is uninitiated with Captain Marvel's world, [he] was wholly confused and unsatisfied with this film." ?
  7. Well I think Ms. Marvel absolutrly operates from a female gaze. And i'll be surprised if The Marvels doesn't feel that way with the Female Director, 3/4 female writers, and Female executive producer.
  8. isn't dwayne the one pushing for Moana? Otherwise it would be too early to expect disney to adapt it to live action
  9. Top Female critics on RT are now fresh at 64.29%, against the Top Male Critics 38.10%. 48.57% combined
  10. And I'll just say what everyone has already said a million times. Blue Marvel should have been on the team. Not only would he add an aspirational male protagonist, but he's had a relationship with Monica in the comics, so we get shipping material.
  11. yeah, in my mind it's less of a gender demographic issue and more of an age demographic issue. All the people i heard expressing disinterest in Ms. Marvel seemed to think more along the lines of "oh, that's for like teenagers.". But the majority of MCU fans are certainly adults. The gender gap in Marvel fandom isn't actually that big. edit: don't take this graph at face value for Gen Zers. This data is adults only, and most Gen Z were under 18 in 2021 i think
  12. I mean, that seems like the right approach to me. If there is mainstream resistance to something that you want to normalize, you can't just start from the bottom pushing that thing and climb to the top. You'll get nowhere in terms of both business development *and* social justice. Instead you Develop a powerful platform, and then start using that platform to make mainstream audiences give their attention to stuff they normally would not. If you don't build a mainstream platform first, all you'll end up doing is preaching to the choir
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