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Posts posted by Wormow

  1. 41 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    Maybe i’m in my positive era but i’m pleased overall. 

    41M for THG is pretty great after the opening, probably locks 150M for a likely 160-170M final 


    25M for Trolls is pretty solid, can try 120M final 


    Even 33M for Napoleon i think it’s pretty good. It would probably try 100M if the movie was better received, but let’s see. 

    The only true disaster is Wish.


    Comparisons to the original franchise's gross withstanding, this was one of the rare blockbusters that was always more popular in the US. THG 2012 made over 400M in domestically and its WW gross was like 660M.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Sckathian said:

    I still don't get Wandavision. For me its the worst effected by Marvel trying to throw out how TV is made. Its a show with nearly all its episodes set around comedy episodes throughout the decades but at no point is it funny. Or even try to be funny. Bizzare show.


    If Wandavision had come out more recently rather than be one of the first shows I think it would have been torn apart.


    I found the show very funny when it was comedic. Clearly critics and fans agreed as well given the popularity and whopping 23 Emmy nominations.

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  3. 18 hours ago, Macleod said:


    1. Who's tracking for $1 Billion?  I haven't seen that anywhere.  Just because WBD is high on it, doesn't mean they think it would do that much.  I think the studio will be ecstatic if this thing even does $500-600 mil WW.  If THE FLASH can't even best BLACK ADAM WW...then sheesh, I'd throw Miller out with the bathwater, too...but they're probably going to, anyway. 


    2. Anything can be assembled and re-assembled into blockbuster material by a talented filmmaker.  Perhaps Muschietti found the secret to making these characters work?  The buzz sure seems to indicate that that's the case.  The tragic irony would be if THE FLASH ends up being one of the best things to spawn out of the Snyder-verse...because regardless, it will over.  But we don't really know the truth until we see it.  It's going to be interesting to see how each of 2023's four DC projects do with audiences...


    But then that is my point... if the studio will be ecstatic at 500-600M, so it'll be a sub 400-500M grosser, it is not a big enough of a movie to warrant an expense of an entire trailer at the Superbowl, especially for a company that is cash poor.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Macleod said:


    Only the most devoted nerds read that stuff. None of that matters except how it plays out in the movie, itself. I sometimes wonder if people forget the very purpose and possible power of the moving image... Things can sound great or ludicrous on paper, all that matters is how it works on screen and for an audience...and the buzz on this one seems to be pretty great.  


    Great enough to gross over $1B, even higher than The Batman?


    Outside of its core character which characters don't hold the greatest attachment to after a few attempts from the Snyder movies, the biggest attraction is nostalgia bait for a Batman that audiences first saw 33 years ago... and a villain that 


    comes from the Snyder movies


  5. 5 hours ago, Valonqar said:

    Would anyone protest Shuri as BP so much if it wasn't for VaxGate? I remember when Infinity War came out and asumption was that Shuri survived, social media was rooting for Shuri to be BP while T'Challa was dusted off. No one was bringing up other characters as possibility even though Okoye and M'Baku survived. Turned out, she was dusted too. So before VaxGate, Panther Shuri was a popular thing cause, guess what, makes more sense than anyone else. And that's all that matters whether something makes sense. Dislike the actress all you want but her character has better foundation for BP journey than other avaliable characters. 


    Literally. She was one of the breakout characters from the BP movie, go watch or read any review of the movie. 


    When it was confirmed she was dusted via a character poster, her name trended worldwide on Twitter.

  6. 18 hours ago, CoolioD1 said:

    styles really only has one thing to do in dunkirk. i think he got a little gassed up on the good reviews he got for that performance when he wouldn't stand out amongst all the other panicky twinks in the cast if he wasn't harry styles. turned down the little mermaid role to do these two movies and prove he's a serious actor but it didn't work out, he's just got a super limited range. he'll probably be fine in the marvel gig.


    Not doing Little Mermaid seemed more like a PR move considering the backlash to his potential casting (and then Disney consequently hired a black man)

  7. 5 hours ago, p a p i said:

    Yeah, I think this is getting canned. As I said in other threads, I think they are canceling everything after The Flash, and use The Flash to fully reboot the DCEU. 


    Start over with Batman and Superman. Aquaman. Wonder Woman. Flash. The heavy hitters. 


    Blue Beatle was envisioned for and has large budget for theatrical.

  8. Letitia has top billing for this movie. No one else even makes any sense to take on the mantle of BP besides Shuri. Not to mention her being the reluctant grieving figurehead for Wakanda is a pretty compelling character arc. 


    Anyone who keeps suggesting M’Baku or for gods sake Kilmonger clearly doesn’t give a fuck about Black Panther or Wakanda anyway. 

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