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Posts posted by spmahn

  1. not that I'm piling on you, but the problem with statements like this is unless you talked to a thousand or million people, the dozen or so people in your sample of friends does not reflect the rest of the general movie going audience. It's always funny seeing people say "who said (insert movie) was so well loved!? All my friends and I hated it." Well sorry to say, but you and your bff Tobey don't speak for us all.


    The problem I have is not that people like crap like Grown Ups or Grown Ups 2, but the fact that people can't even rationalize WHY they like these films. Just about everything Adam Sandler has put out in the last decade has been objectively terrible, I could go through each of his films and give you point by point examples of why they are terrible, but when I ask someone why they liked it, you can never get a more detailed answer than "I don't know, I thought it was funny".

  2. Original was loved


    highest grossing Sandler film

    Bound to open in the 40's, I thought even 50

    Legs will not be as good imo because its not as much a family comedy this time

    And it sucks


    The original Grown Ups was loved? By who? I don't know a single person who said they enjoyed that movie, and that includes people I know who enjoy every piece of garbage he puts out.

  3. Color me shocked on The Last Stand bombing. I would have figured Arnold's first solo comeback film, combined with positive-ish reviews would have been a success. I would imagine that the US just isn't ready for a shoot 'em up action flick at this time, which may be part of the reason it did so poorly. This will probably make big bucks overseas. This does put Arnold's future as a headliner in a non-franchise movie in question, but I doubt it will hurt his future when it comes to franchise pictures like Conan and Terminator. I actually saw Last Stand yesterday and enjoyed it a lot, but it's just the wrong picture at the wrong time unfortunately.

  4. meh start for JR. OVER or UNDER TGWDT ?

    What the hell is TGWDT? Seriously, why does everything on this forum need to be initialized? Many posts in this thread and others become unreadable because you need to stop and take yourself out of the sentence for a minute to think about what the person is referring to. Is it really so difficult to type out the entire name of a movie? I can't possibly be the only one bothered by this.
  5. I'm expecting the domestic actual to be $1m lower for Sunday and the weekend. TDK increased 35% on Saturday, TDKR increased 40% on Saturday, and DMC increased 46% on Saturday. TDK dropped around 26% on Sunday and DMC dropped 28%. If TDKR is between those drops, we're looking at -27% for a $10.6m Sunday and $35.4m weekend.

    What is DMC?Not to derail the discussion, but does anyone else get a little annoyed with all the initialisms people use, and having to actually pause and think about what it is that they are referring to, or even worse having to scroll through a list of films to remind yourself? Come on guys, is it that much work to type out the name of the film?
  6. I haven't gotten to read through this thread yet, but am I the only one who smells a bomb with this one? The trailers don't look appealing in the traditional Pixar sense, there appears to be nothing here to attract males of any age, and the reviews so far are only so-so. Everyone I talk to seems to be banking on the fact that the Pixar brand alone is enough of a draw to guarantee at least $40-$50 mil opening weekend, but I'm not so sure. If we see the same beautiful weather in the major markets next weekend like we are this weekend, I wouldn't be shocked to see a $35 - $40 O/W, tops.

  7. Went to see Jack and Jill tonight. It was actually really funny. The audiences absolutely loved it. The showing was also sold out and filled with families. I am seeing Immortals tomorrow

    :huh: You can't be serious? Anyways, I said from the beginning that Jack and Jill wasn't going to pass a 20 million OW, and would likely beat out Little Nicky for worst OW for Sandler. I bet poor WOM for Jack and Jill takes a bite out of Saturday and Sunday business and it ends ar about 16-17 million OW, 40 million DOM.
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