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Posts posted by Letsuseournoggin

  1. 26 minutes ago, Wafflecakes said:

    Honestly no idea. Looked at my post history and I didn't really post at all when I was new.


    Looked at the release schedule and nothing interesting was happening. 

    I might have been lurking earlier in the year for Harry Potter and just didn't get around to joining until November. I had been following BO casually for a long time, but mostly on gaming forums. Someone there must have been referencing this place.


    EDIT: Oh. Looks like most of the long time members joined that month. Might have been right after BoM collapsed or something?

    That definitely makes sense! I know I was a BOM lurker for years and the collapse you speak of sounds like something that happened but might need my memory jogged 😂 🤷‍♂️ 

  2. 1 hour ago, Wafflecakes said:

    Lol. We actually joined 3 days apart back in 2011 XD


    Wonder what BO run inspired our joining....


    Always been more of a lurker tho.

    Oh wow, that’s so cool! 

    I was a lurker for years and finally joined in anticipation of 2012’s TDKR, which, at the time, was my most anticipated movie ever since I was enamored with TDK, both as a movie and its BO run years prior (as a Mojo lurker 👀). 

    What run pushed you to join? 

  3. I haven’t posted in YEARS, but Avatar brought me back to the forums. Cool to see so many of the old vets still posting here and there (baumer, Noctis, Kal, redfirebird, etc.), while seeing so many new folks. I’ve no clue if anyone even remembers who I am 😂 

    Anywho, this A2 run started off a bit vanilla, but has gotten really fun to watch recently. So much so, that I reset my password after half a decade or something to join in on the fun.

    Hoping for a 60M+ weekend! Seems like an attainable 3rd weekend which would be rather amazing given its somewhat underwhelming OW. 

    • Like 19
  4. Some of the folks (one person in particular) seem to continue to push this adjusted stuff because they seem hurt TFA is passing their favorite movie (Avatar/Titanic). Whether it adjust higher or not due to inflation isn't always the whole story though.. the piracy TFA faces in 2015/2016 is so much greater than any of those movies on the all time adjusted list faced. On top of that, there is far more competition from rivaling studios today vs. 30 t0 40 years ago when there just weren't as many releases. There are so many variables at play here that help solidify TFA as one of the best runs ever, and there are also so many factors at play that show stuff like Gone with the Wind, Dalmatians, Excorcist, Titanic were more impressive. The truth is, none of us will ever TRULY know which movie deserves the unanimous crown for best domestic run of all time. You can make a case for so many of the movies listed.


    Just enjoy the fact that you get to witness a movie do what it's doing en route to shattering all these records. Enjoy that you got to see Avatar's magical WOM leading to ridiculous drop after drop. If you were around for Titanic, think back fondly on it's impressive run that lasted damn near a year and would just not let up. Pick any and just appreciate what they accomplished and stop trying to cherry pick why one movie's run isn't as valid as the next's. They are all impressive in their own way. Discuss if you must (it is very fun I admit), but stop the bitterness already.

    • Like 8
  5. To be honest, it matters not to me which one takes the crown. Avatar, although a very good movie, was nothing to write home about for me personally. I haven't even seen Star Wars so I won't comment, but as far as box office runs go, they are both quite magical.


    Avatar had this slow burn that just kept going and going and going which was just astounding. Its drops were amazing to watch. Star Wars on the other hand is the massive juggernaut steamrolling its way to to the top. Depends which is your cup of tea, but they're both good for cinema.


    Star Wars domestic crown will be untouched for a long long time while Avatar's WW crown seems safe as well for some time.

    • Like 4
  6. 22 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


    The News always reports the Domestic total as Gospel 1st and occasionally, the Worldwide Number will be mentioned and in this case, it'll be STAR WARS beats AVATAR and dominates it in Quick Fashion... :hi5:


    The news in the US always reports domestic gross. You see the news that the US shows because well, you live in the US. But the news outside this country likely reports WW gross. And despite what you may believe BKB, the US only accounts for MAYBE 5% of the world's population.


    At the end of the day, Avatar's WW gross = more money for the studio than Star War's WW gross. I think that's all they really care about when they're counting their millions and millions.

    • Like 3
  7. Just got back from watching this with my family. I have 3 daughters ages 8-10 and they all unanimously said that it was better than Inside Out. I know that's just one small example, but they loved it. Walking out of the theatre, the reaction was overwhelmingly positive from parents saying stuff like "what a cute movie", "perfect for kids", etc. So although I don't think parents were as in love with it compared to IO, it may be just as if not more loved by kids. I saw no negative reactions walking out.


    Personal opinion... people are being much too harsh on it. It's rather generic as far as the story goes, but they managed to make it pretty magical at times, especially the ending.

    • Like 8
  8. I thought, aside from the last battle in the Avengers, the movie was kind of a chore. Guardians was the much better Marvel team up film.


    12 Angry Men is dumb to me. I truly dislike how this film reveals the innocence of the kid through the most outlandish claims. In the real world, any guy going through those lengths to cast doubt in a setting like that would be trolling. I am oversimplifying this, of course, but if you really watch the film again, sometimes it makes you say "Oh come on! Really?!?!"


    Fight Club is overrated :mellow:


    Lord of the Rings is kind of boring.


    Goodfellas is superior to the Godfather films.


    Forest Gump is better than the internet says it is. It's quite great, actually.


    Leo DiCaprio will be seen as the actor of our generation in a couple of decades in the same light as some of the all time greats to have ever appeared on film.


    Interstellar is Nolan's best film.


    Jack was destined to die in that ocean.


    Psycho and Silence of the Lambs were not scary. Great films, yes, but not scary.


    Some horror remakes are just as good as the originals.

  9. I saw this film again for the first time since opening night back in November. My initial reaction was a mixed one with some problems with storytelling and the emotional aspects did not resonate with me. I thought it was a solid overall movie with some issues throughout. After yesterday's viewing, I completely disagree with myself. This movie rocked me on second viewing and still has me thinking about it through today. It resonated with me so much more this time around and I can't quite explain why.


    During my first viewing, the most emotional scene was the video messaging after returning from the first planet with the giant wave. On second viewing, watching Cooper desperately try to keep his self from leaving Murph's room was overwhelming for me. I watched it with my 10 year old daughter this time around (she's a science nerd) and I almost lost it.


    I can now confidently say I was wrong about this movie and my pessimism toward it initially was all misplaced. I am comfortable with placing this as Nolan's best film, surpassing TDK and Inception in my book.

  10. Brilliant movie. Best of the year. I found it visceral and intense.


    I also didn't find myself cheering in the end like so many of you, unfortunately. I guess we had different takes on it. I found the ending disturbing and sadistically twisted. Don't get me wrong, the ending was the best part of the movie where it all comes to a climactic ending in the most intense way possible, but I don't think Teller's character triumphs in the end. To a degree, sure - he beat Simmon's at his game during the performance which was cool, but beyond that, he was still looking for his approval. Even through it all, he still went back to his abuser and looked for his approval which is a really fckd up thing. Sure, Simmons gives him that smirk right before the end, indicating he finally gave Teller his approval and may have found his new Charlie Parker, but for Teller to have to go back after realizing his life was empty without drumming and seek the approval of his abuser was kind of sad. 


    I have no complaints though.. I loved every bit of the movie and actually enjoyed that it didn't play out like some Rocky story with the hero winning in the end. To most, I think they do feel that's the story, but to me, on a personal basis, I think it was a lot more dark than others have interpreted. 

    • Like 6
  11. So this is unrelated to the McQueen Ridley conversation, but still about awards season; I know I will be laughed at or criticized for having such a crazy, out there, differing opinion, but am I missing something... why was Hugh Jackman in Prisoners completely overlooked this year? The guy delivered an intense, well acted and convincing performance as a father who is dealing

    with the kidnapping and potential murder of his daughter

    I was thoroughly convinced of his performance. I felt his pain and saw why the man was acting the way he did. 


    I am not saying that the folks who were nominated weren't deserving by any means, but the guy was completely overlooked without a single mention of his performance at all around awards time. Let's forget the nomination, his name wasn't even in the running or in talks when nominations were being whispered about. Am I missing something? Or was I just too caught up in the movie?

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