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Posts posted by ilikemunster

  1. I don't understand why anyone would pay 20 million dollars for some "A-lister" when there are so many talented actors/actresses who probably would do great role for million dollars or so. I mean I would any day cast someone like Marion Cotillard over Jennifer Lawrence.


    Only "A-lister" today that is worth the money is Leonardo DiCaprio IMO.

    well it's about whether you can sell a movie or not. If people are silly enough to watch a movie just because Lawrence is in it, causing the movie to make 50 million+ than it would have otherwise, the going by basic economics it's a good investment. I know it sounds ridiculous but that's how it works.
  2. Batman V. Superman will break whatever the record is when it opens. That record will last a while though.


    Actually, it might last until the next Jurassic Park film unless I am totally missing something.


    If THE FORCE AWAKENS is well received and the following film is released in summer, that would have a strong chance.

    Well most people said that for the avengers. People also said that when Spider-Man 3 broke the weekend record. These days you can't really predict what will break the weekend record and what won't. For all we know Star Wars might underperform...I doubt it but avengers 2 "underperformed" and I wouldn't have expected that in a million years.
  3. Hey, give Liam Hemsworth some credit, he plays the character with amazing accuracy. Gale's every bit as interesting as a block of wood in the books too.


    And yeah, there's really not much of a "triangle" in the books or movies. If you don't know who she romantically loves and who she loves in a brotherly sense by now you haven't paid attention at all.





    • Like 7
  4. there is barely a love triangle! peeta and gale aren't even at odds with each other fighting over katniss at ANY point. katniss just likes them both at different times in like 2-minute scenes, and a big deal is not made out of it. meanwhile, people stereotype the series as another twilight, because it stars a girl and has a female fanbase.

    Just like people stereotype superhero films as being similar because it has men in costumes saving people?

    • Like 1
  5. a couple pages ago i said that sexism against the thg series is saying it's for "dumb teen girls" and then this is posted



    and you guys still try to pretend i'm wrong? a series about survival, governmental oppression through the media, and human condition, all commenting on our society with more poignancy than any overrated book from 50 years ago that you had to read in english class, and it gets reduced to that kind of quote because it targets girls instead of guys for once. the bias is very transparent.




    Actually, I'm a hunger games fan....but nice try.


    By the way, what I am saying is fact. The MAIN demographic for Hunger Games are teenage girls (at least it was at the beginning) and these type of plot devices (love triangles) appeal to teenage girls. I felt like the love triangle was forced but I completely understand why Suzanne Collins did it. I would to if it gave me a better chance at becoming a bestselling author and a multi-millionaire by the next year. Its not biased to state the obvious...you're acting like teenage girls don't eat this stuff up, they do. And us men love superheroes and watching shit explode...maybe thats our stereotype but (in GENERAL) most men do like that kind of stuff. Whats the big deal?

    • Like 1
  6. The problem is two-fold: firstly, he's completely uninteresting, secondly, the stories keep insisting that there's some sort of deep passionate connection between them, when there isn't. Why bother with the love triangle to begin with? Why should Katniss even be burdened with either of them? Why does she have to choose between a glorified extra or a talking 2x4?




    Possibly to sell books to gullible teenage girls that are dying to be in a fanbase where their most interesting conversations revolves around statments such as "OMG!!! Totally TEAM PEETA!" or "I totally ship Katniss and Gale! xoxoxox".


    If you make a story with lots of twist and turns, write it in first person, and put a CW-esque love triangle in there...you are almost garunteed to become a multi-millionaire. And thats exactly what Suzanne Collins did. Smart thinking on her part

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  7. The rap music injected into the trailer might be a way of trying to get Black audiences to come out and see this.  Spike Lee has said numerous times that Black audiences usually don't come out to see serious/dramatic films starring African-Americans.  Even mainstream stuff like The Great Debaters or Get on Up flops, but they see shoot em ups and gangsta movies in high numbers.  Most of the people who went to see The Help or The Butler or 42 were White people.



  8. Lionsgate will be FORCED to cancel Allegient Part 2's release when Part 1 FLOPS horribly. :rofl:


    LMAO! I would be in tears.....boxoffice Gods please make it happen!


    At least The Hobbit trilogy gave each film a different name. So lots of people didn't know it was really a part 1, part 2, and part 3. OTOH, breaking 1 book into 3 parts is really trying to milk people of their money no matter how many different titles you give the films.

    The Hobbit is really the worse culprit. I mean, three? really? I am a huge fan of the LOTR trilogy and didn't bother watch any of The Hobbit films. I'd rather keep my positive memories of the LOTR movies and The Hobbit book intact, thanks

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  9. Studio will still be laughing al the way to the bank

    With one movie they might have had 480 million dom

    Now they have 350+400 = 750 DOM


    For Hunger Games (which is what you're referring to, right?) yes, the studio will make a profit because its such a big franchise. With divergent its utterly ridiculous and its going to back fire, I wouldn't be surprised by an embarassing sub 30 OW

  10. Domestic predictions (based on anecdotal WOM):


    Avatar 2 - $475m

    Avatar 3 - $445m

    Avatar 4 - $415m



    Agree with Hatebox, I'd love to see what this underwater environment is like.


    Avatar 2 - 460m

    Avatar 3 - 445m

    Avatar 4 - 480m


    There is NO WAY Avatar 2 makes that "little". The internet hate may be skewed but the general public LOVED this film. Dvd/Bluray sales + tv replay proves it. When the trailers come out everyone will get excited again.


    550 it the minimum for Avatar 2.  I can see Avatar 3 and Avatar 4 decreasing significantly if the second one isn't good.

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