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Posts posted by ilikemunster

  1. That doesnt change the fact that JP was never the highest grossing film of all time.


    JP broke the OW record set by the freaking Batman. How did the book have no factor at all?


    People didn't flock to the theaters because they were eagerly waiting a JP adaptation. They saw it because it was something never done before. Never had a film used cg in the way JP had back in 1993. It was a truly groundbreaking film on a technical aspect.


    Same can be said about Avatar. I can definitely see it having similar drops like The Lost World did (that is, if it sucks like TLW did too). Anyone that thinks this will make 400 million domestic is CRAZY. 500 is absolute floor for Avatar 2.

  2. So I was listening to the radio this morning and rumor has it that James Cameron already has plans to release this on dvd....ugh, when will studios get that nobody is buying those things. Videotape is sooo much better, I feel like a dvd can easily get lose because its so thin and it looks exactly like a cd, so confusing.  

  3. Then what are you doing here? lol This forum is for those who care.

    Bored since I woke up at 4 in the am and can't sleep + I want to gage how much this effected the public through box office without getting too caught up in the box office itself (which is why I said I don't care much rather than saying I don't care at all) + This event is directly tied to The Dark Knight and this movie just opened + The fact that many on here probably also attended midnight screenings + I'm curious to see what other movie and batman fans thought + Oh did I mention I was bored and awake since 4 am = Why I posted on here.
  4. His apartment is booby trapped, he knows this and isn't talking. Getting info on his act will be hard seeing as he didn't really have very many friends. I saw his father came in, but no news on what happened there.

    He definitely planned this for a while. I don't think its going to help his inevitable "insanity" plea. Between the booby trapped apartment and the fact the he most likely purchased advanced tickets for the packed midnight screening, its clear that this was pre-meditated and not just some crazy person acting on a whim
  5. That doesnt even make any sense! Fuck people who do that. It wasn't the movie's or the filmmakers' fault that some asshole decided to shoot a bunch of people!

    Wow, you're being ridiculous. This literally JUST happened. As humans we are empathetic creatures, so of course people are going to be turned off to watching the movie after hearing such depressing news. It makes plenty of sense. My anticipation has dipped a bit, not because I don't want to watch the film but because this is just a really sad incident and "fun and excitement" (which we tend to experience at the movies) doesn't mix well with "sad and depressing"This will effect box office no doubt, I think a lot of people are turned off for now but who cares? I'm feeling bad for those 12 victims and don't really care much about box office at this point. Besides the movie will make a lot of money regardless.
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