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Posts posted by Sims

  1. What's to say that MK doesn't win BP if nominated? THL and Crash both won? Both were released in the summer? And, neither made much money. MK will probably gross more money than the two combined, and its critical acclaim seems to be as good or better than Crash and THL.

    I didn't mean to rule it out so strongly, sorry. It's up against stiff competition this year. But sure, it could win, why not. I was just saying that even if a win is unlikely still a nom is very possible or even probable.
  2. Just like WallE would hurt KFP?Kids films, good ones, get a 3X in the summer. They just do. I've even posted it here in this thread before. But now that everyone's lame predictions have been blown out of the water, now the nest thing to do is say that the mutliplier is going to suck. We'll see in 6 weeks time when this hits 200. I hope it doesn't, but it looks like it will.

    KFP had a 47% drop when Wall-E opened. Not a cataclysmic drop obviously, but it clearly took a hit. Secondly, MAD3 is a sequel. Thirdly, MAD3's WOM is decent but nowhere near KFP's.
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