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Posts posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

  1. WOW that thread title!!! Sooooo... X-Men movie fan base is still recovering from the mediocre franchise, huh? Thought it would have better showing this weekend. Still, good numbers!All you Nolanites will be happy to learn that, in addition to a new iPad, I bought (finally!) Inception as a "I Passed The Bar Exam!!" present for myself! Even though my husband hates the movie LOL!

    • Like 2
  2. While I really, really want to see Interstellar, it's going to be BH6 that gets my money opening weekend. There aren't a whole lot of movies out that I can bring my son to that won't drive me completely insane with stupidity, so this is a definite. Unfortunately, Nolan and McConaughey will have to wait :(


    Plus, it'll my birthday weekend, and we'll be going to Disneyland the following week, so I'm already saving up for all the BH6 merch that I will be getting!


    This really does look like it could be another winner for Disney!

    • Like 3
  3. The teaser really did give me a "Frozen" vibe, emphasis on humor from an endearing character. Except I found Olaf and Sven obnoxious in the commercials, but absolutely, completely unashamedly LOVED, L-O-V-E-D them in the movie. Olaf especially, GOD I LOVE THAT SNOWMAN!!




    I have a feeling Baymax will be an Olaf crossed with Iron Giant and Toothless? Maybe? OH GOD I AM ALREADY GETTING ALL THE FEELS!!


    This is looking so good! I'm thrilled to have more movies coming up that both me and my kid can enjoy together. I hate waiting on The LEGO Movie to come out on DVD and HTTYD.


    I need to see if I can read BH6 on Marvel Unlimited. I'm super curious now. 

    • Like 2
  4. Upon rewatch, about half of STiD is a good, maybe great movie...


    Then the Khan-berbatch reveal.


    Then the "Phone-A-Friend" cheat.


    Then the "reverse Khan" and magical blood transfusion du jour. Sigh…..


    I felt cheated that this could've been something really different and unique in the Trekverse. Not to mention that a franchise that's based on space exploration was mostly set on Earth. I just really wanted something different altogether. 


    I have such little hopes for Orci that, if he actually manages to pull something decent out of his ass, my Trekkie butt will offer him my first son (which is actually my crusty-tumor ridden beagle who never listens to me and is always asking for food. BUT STILL THE POINT STANDS!)

    • Like 1
  5. There was a screening tonight, quite a few reviewers (Mister Patches, Ed Douglas, Mike Ryan…) saw this. Seems like mostly positive reviews.


    My thirst for this movie is strong. Right up there with Raid 2 and Boyhood.


    Also, who'd be up for an actual superhero movie directed by Bong Joon Ho? 

    • Like 3
  6. I think Spidey could have a pretty inflated Sat. though. But who knows with the mixed WOM on this. 


    One thing;  if this gets below $90mil OW, will Sony learn their lesson about fucking insane marketing budgets? Because $180mil+ is redonk.

    • Like 5
  7. Yeah… Was wondering when the teasers/trailers for this should start getting released? 

    Is it following a typical Disney Animation feature project promotional push? B/c it really seems like it's super quiet… or it has been up until recently. Seems like there should be more stuff that has come out. 


    ETA: NM. Mojoguy just answered my question.


    I honestly think WIR and Frozen are two of my favorite movies in recent memory… so since BH6 is coming out of the same division of Disney, I'm really, really hopeful that it's going to be amazing. Plus, they're releasing it on my birthday ;)

    • Like 2
  8. Just wondering, but this is coming from the studio division of Disney that put out Wreck-It Ralph and Frozen right? Because that assures me the quality of the project will likely be high.


    I don't know when the big promotional push for WIR or Frozen began though. Were they as secret as BH6? 


    Maya Rudolph? She's entertaining and a surprising actress in the right projects. Loved her in Away We Go.

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