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Hanamichi Sakuragi

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Posts posted by Hanamichi Sakuragi

  1. 1. Persona 4 Golden2. Persona 3 FES3. Mother 34. Valkyria Chronicles5. Chrono Cross6. Shining Force II7. Seiken Densetsu 38. Terranigma9. Odin Sphere10. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch11. EarthBound12. Final Fantasy Tactics13. Golden Sun: The Lost Age14. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance15. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker16. Metroid: Zero Misson17. Final Fantasy VI18. Bioshock Infinite19. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask20. Shadow of the Colossus21. Psychonauts22. Metroid Prime23. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne24. Mass Effect 325. Shining Force CD26. Garou: Mark of the Wolves27. The Last Blade II28. The King of Fighters 98'29. Super Mario Sunshine30. Deus Ex: Human Revolution31. Resident Evil (Gamecube remake)32. Metroid Fusion33. Phantasy Star IV33. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX34. Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten35. Tomb Raider (2013)36. Okami37. Final Fantasy IX38. Super Metroid39. Mass Effect 240. Zone of Enders: The 2nd Runner41. Fire Emblem (GBA)42. Metal Slug 343. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds44. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island45. Bayonetta46. Alan Wake47. Silent Hill 248. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past49. Yakuza 450. Kingdom Hearts51. Golden Sun52. Viewtiful Joe53. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic54. Beyond Good & Evil55. No More Heroes56. Killer 757. Skies of Arcadia58. Max Payne59. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike60. Vagrant Story61. Catherine62. Shining Force63. Soul Calibur II64. Metroid Prime: Echoes65. Yakuza66. Mega Man X467. Half-Life 268. Portal 269. BioShock70. Red Dead Redemption71. Max Payne 372. Braid73. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Old Door74. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater75. Journey76. Donkey Kong Country77. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King78. Final Fantasy XII79. Chrono Trigger80. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem81. Max Payne 382. Half-Life83. L.A. Noire84. Perfect Dark85. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time86. Dishonored87. Deus Ex88. Super Mario Galaxy 289. Yakuza 390. Kingdom Hearts II91. Resident Evil 492. Dragon Age: Origins93. inFamous 294. Dead Space 295. Resident Evil Zero96. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness97. Power Stone 298. Batman: Arkham City99. The King of Fighters 2002100. Fallout: New Vegas

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  2. Cool now thats okay, Im talking about they should change up the main universe Superman so much. I mean

    even the old school folks were finally happy Lois and Clark got married. Incredible stories. THen this crappy 52 thats a travesity

    is making Superman and WW hookup.. WTF?? LOL


    The pre-52 Superman that you love so much is drastically different version of the character that existed before in Pre-Crisis continuity.


    The Nu52 version is actually much truer to the character than the Post-Crisis version, but I guess you wouldn't know that, since the version that you're familiar with is the version that was radically changed to less like how Superman was.

  3. Alternate universe Superman being black is fine with me, but not my Clark Kent of the main continuity..


    After Flashpoint had rebooted the Universe, why would it have mattered if the Nu52 Superman was black or not?


    Same with me and  hundreds of thousands of people quitting spiderman comics after he asked the devil to reverse 20+ yrs

    of epic story-telling..


    First off, hundreds of thousands of people didn't stop reading Spider-Man after One More Day. That's a huge exaggeration.


    Secondly, I never said all changes were good. One More Day doesn't work on any level, things like the new Thor, new Captain America, etc, do.


    By the way, the Peter/MJ relationship in itself was also a change in the status quo.


    Maybe your okay with those major changes to mega heroes that used to stand for something.


    Apparently, you are too, since you've said that your entire history of reading both companies is from 1988 onwards, after Marvel had made several changes to their characters, and DC had rebooted their Universe, doing away with decades of stories.


    But most of the comic world arent, hence why both Marvel and DC sales are going down down comic wise and people picking up

    Paperbacks of the old stories Like Death m Worldwithout and the Return of Superman... Fantastic Form vs doom. 

     The Secret Wars,  The Spidey Clone saga..  Captain Americas Super Solider breakdown storyline.



    The decline in comic sales has nothing to do with changes made to characters. In fact, big character changes tend to lead to a spike in sales.


    Case in point, Bucky's tenure as Captain America sold better on average than Steve's during Brubaker's run.


    Sales wise, more recent stories also sell better on average that paperbacks of old stories, and it isn't even a contest when it comes to single issue vs trade paperbacks in terms of sales.


    Go check the best selling trade paperbacks of 2014 per month, and tell me how the old classic stories ranked, and how the newer stories ranked.


    It's also once again hilarious that you point towards stories that featured characters that had undergone huge changes (The entire Death of Superman saga), and cite The Clone Saga as an example of a classic story, when it's the second worst thing to happen to Spider-Man after One More Day.


    Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.


    "Most fans don't want change"

    "Now look at these stories with changes that sold like crazy"

  4. big fan of Superman, Bats, WW, FF4,  Spidey, Hulk, Wolverine, Uncanny Xmen and more


    Which comics specifically? What issues?


    Just naming titles and heroes aren't going to cut it, when some of those heroes have two or more titles.


    dc and marvel stories between 1988-2004-2006era


    So basically after both companies (especially DC) had characters undergo drastic changes.


    And here you are complaining about changes to characters. :rofl:

  5. Same as if they had made Superman a  black Will Smith. Some heroes you dont want changes to them period!!


    Always funny to see people decry changes to characters, after having seeing them praising other character deviations. :lol:


    By the way. :nudgewink:


    Posted Image


    Marvel is starting to get even more ludcrious than DC's new 52


    What were the last DC and Marvel comics you actually read?


    Folks like their heroes unchanged.. This is going to really mess up their comic sales. Just watch.


    This is all but guaranteed to increase sales. Whether it maintains new readership depends on what whether people like what they read.

  6. What else would he be considered if he's taking down heroes left and right. 


    It would depend on the context, wouldn't it?


    The latest issue of Captain America also had Ian Rogers taking on some the Avengers, and he isn't a villain. Over in Fantastic Four, we've got Sue Storm taking on some of the Avengers, and she isn't a villain either.


    Fighting heroes doesn't necessarily mean someone's a villain, and this dates back all the way to the 60s.

  7. Most of Thor's power is FROM the hammer. Making him unworthy is basically depowering him. Fury was never THAT in-the-know ever.


    No, he's still an Asgardian without it. This isn't the Donald Blake era, where Mjolnir was essential to maintaining Thor's powers. His durability, strength, stamina, and non-Mjolnir lightning powers are independent to the hammer.


    If you notice, Thor is still in space unaided, despite unable to wield his Mjolnir.


    Fury was never THAT in-the-know ever


    Which is why this is taking it to another level. Having such information is an elevation of what's already been established about the character.


    This is not a case of Nick Fury knowing how to make anyone that was worthy into unworthy, it's specific to Thor, and we'll find out what it is in the new Thor series.

  8. Terrible writing there. Making Nick Fury into a guy who knows how to depower Thor.


    Thor isn't depowered, he's become unworthy.


    Not quite the same thing, and him unable to to use the hammer when not worthy is completely consistent with the character. Not even the first time it's happened.


    And Nick Fury knowing such information is also consistent with that character. It's simply taking the standing of his information to the next level.


    Whether it's terrible or not will depend on what exactly it was that made Thor unworthy.

  9. Not sure just how much people hate these movies, but I quite fond of Speed Racer and John Carter.


    Especially John Carter.


    -O Brother Where Art Thou (only Coen film I truly like)

    -Tropic Thunder (best comedy ever!)


    Are these two really hated? I was under the impression that people loved Tropic Thunder.

    • Like 3
  10. When it comes to comedies, it greatly depends on when you were born. I think Airplane! is one of the greatest comedies ever, and my wife, who is ten years younger just doesn't get a lot of it. She wasn't around in the late 70's to see some of the commercials and movies of the time. Even though I love it to death, even I'm not even old enough to fully appreciate Airplane! since I did not experience the Airport disaster films of the early 70s. I guess it would be like watching Spaceballs without seeing any of the Star Wars or Robin Hood: Men in Tights without seeing Costner's Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. I don't like the Scary Movie series since I really don't like horror and really do not stay up on who's popular in music or news these days.


    I'm like ten years younger than your wife, and I love Airplane! :ph34r:

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  11. I don't think you understand. I'm not asking for Hollywood to pick a weaker actor for the sake of diversity. I'm asking that instead they start writing more Hispanic roles or preferably they do blind casting. Right now Hollywood isn't picking between a white and Hispanic actor. Right now it's picking between white actors.Your scenario would be ideal and if that was the case we Hispanics can fix that by improving our acting abilities. The problem is that white actors don't get cast by merit alone but because the role is envisioned as white by the casting people.


    Blind casting is the way to go.


    LOST did it quite a bit when it was on, and I don't get why more TV shows/Movies don't do it when race/gender isn't relevant to the character.

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