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Posts posted by Ent

  1. Well deserving !


    Congrats to Endagme for closing this MCU chapter with a bang ! 


    For a former small company set above a garage, that was still on the verge of bankrupcy when IM was released on a loan, while bigger studios were publicly laughing and mocking the very much idea of the MCU featuring B/C characters who could potentially rival the likes of Batman, Superman and Spiderman, that success is the ultimate revenge.


    The MCU is the modern fairytale of rags to riches made by one of the most dedicated team out there.


    Congrats to the whole Marvel family, Feige and the MCU fandom for staying dedicated and focused !

    • Like 4
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  2. 3 hours ago, Menor said:

    Infinity War and Endgame complement each other, I don't think it's as simple for me as one film is better easily because they work together very well. That said, Endgame is a (slightly) more impactful experience for me due to that amazing third act which IW couldn't quite match despite having a great third act of its own.

    This !


    As some critic said, IW is the brawn while EG is the brain. 


    To me, IW because of the structure of the movie : relentless chase, somber thriller, a bit like the Terminator was really entertaining while its follow up, the resolution was more emotional because it focuses on the characters, the emotions.


    I can't separate the two.  They are two parts of the same movie.  The first part focusing on the chase, the other focusing on the dealing of the  consequences, the aftermath, the pain.  One was bound to be more rhytmic and punchy while the other more emotional and reminiscence of all the journey leading to it.


    It's like seeing one movie where the punchy part is all concentrated on the first part, while the second part focuses on more calm moments where you can breath, reminisce and get into emotional nostalgia.


    I don't see how we can separte the two from one another.   I will always put them together in any ranking. 


    IW+EG are the highlights and the best movie of the Infinity Saga.

    • Like 7
  3. 1 hour ago, Juby said:

    Nope. TDK wasn't re-released back then, WB just add 344 theaters DOM in Oscar season. The film was still in theaters, there was no break even for one day, so it was still it's initial run. The very first official re-release that TDK had was last year, during its 10th anniversary.



    I don't know for other countries, but the Dark Knight was indeed re-released a few days during the end of december 2008 in Belgium after having closed its run previously around september/october. 


    I remember clearly.  At the time, its worldwide numbers were around $996M.  I went to see it a third time just before New Year's Eve, after previously seeing it in August 2 times.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    All those directors did prove their critical and commerical success after and before their breakthrough movies though. And none of those directors made a film that was part of an already popular IP except for maybe Nolan and the Batman movies but it can be debated that he made Batman popular again (as shown by the growth from Batman Begins to TDK). James Cameron was still able to make huge commercial and critical successes with new IP after Aliens (his breakthrough movie and a movie from an already popular IP) and The Coen Brothers still were able to get nominated for 21 Academy Awards outside of their nominations for Fargo.

    But they didn't have their first succcess belittled and only validated once they had other successes didn't they ?


    All their breakthrough successes have been validated and recognized as such from the get go, without being conditionned by their career pre or post it successful or not.


    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

    Russo brother would need  to prove it with their solo, standalone critical and commercial success outside of marvel brand to show they earned it , IW and EG back to back success should be viewed as more like a Marvel Studio success.  


    Just like all those directors didn't need to have a standalone critical and commercial success after their breakthrough movie, to validate that particuliar success at the time, the Russo Brothers don't need to do it just to prove they earn the current success. 


    They earned that success whatever happen next and anyone implying the contrary just try to discredit their current success and belittle it..


    Plus, I am not aware that their aim was to follow any other director foostep that their own path just to validate and give credit to their current success with the MCU.



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  6. 1 hour ago, baumer said:


    But 936 isn't.

    Call me crazy but to me, $950M is pretty much gauranteed at this stage.


    Why ?


    Because a movie like Avengers, that opened with $150M less, managed to add an additional $123M after hitting $500M on day 23.


    I am pretty convinced that Endagme will need even less days for to hit $850M and then add even less than Avengers did to reach $950M.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago

    Record-smashing launch for which becomes 1st film in history to generate a billion-dollar-plus opening wknd. Eye-popping $350M domestic debut crushing 's old record by 36%. $859M intl since WED for thunderous global haul of $1.21 BILLION!

    • Astonished 1
  8. 59 minutes ago, Charlie Jatinder said:

    I loved Infinity War. 10/10. This 7/10. 

    Infinity War is more entertaining, thrilling and bonkers to me while Endgame is the best overall movie because



    it focused on characters so much.  I think the nature of the two part endings of the saga set the tone.


    Infinty War was more of a thriller going crescendo, punchy and relentless, a bit like a Terminator movie with a relentless, unstoppable, agressive quest of the stones by the bad guy and an end that left us speechless.   It hit hard like a storm from the very beginning with action throughout the movie. 


    Endgame is the resolution, the closure part. 


    It delves into emotions, character and nostalgy of everything that comes before it.  It's less punchy, less rhytmic, but more focused on characters devlopment.  It's a celebration of the 21 previous movies, a legacy from the original 6 main Avengers, a way of saying goobye.     In this way it felt to me more like a classic movie than a cbm, a drama coming to an end, a bittersweet finale of one of the most entertaining well rounded saga that spans into 22 episodes.


    • Like 8
  9. I've seen Endgame two days ago in a Brussels theaters that was packed in a way i have never seen in my lifetime.  Long files of people from the stairs already. 


    The movie itself is astounding as far as i am concerned...I said movie, because to me it really felt has a wonderful, one of a kind type of movie that just happens to have some cbm fantasies in it rather than the other way around. 


    RDJ deserves an Oscar and Chris Hemsworth acting really shines


    in comedic roles


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  10. Quote

    Shazam! had amassed $126.3m via Warner Bros Pictures International and $193.7m worldwide through the end of Wednesday and is on course to surge past the $200m barrier on Friday. The superhero adaptation starring Zachary Levi is performing well for a film that reportedly cost $100m to produce, excluding marketing spend.

    Source : https://www.screendailyhttps://www.screendaily.com/box-office/shazam-looks-to-extend-international-rule-as-hellboy-enters-fray/5138519.article

    • Thanks 1
  11. Most tentpoles are international products made for consumers around the world. 


    They are designed to please the kind of taste that is widely shared among different people whatever their national sensitivity.  Disney produced that kinda of products and of course the financial return per movie is more impressive since the size of consumers is global.


    Movies like US and others are designed first and foremost for consumers whose size is smaller as national sensitivity plays a larger part in it.  They are not as immune as tentpoles to different sensitivitis, tastes found around the world. 


    Besides, those types of movies have to deal with lethal opponents : TV, streaming.


    Let's be honests, theaters are the perfect vehicle for tentpoles that are usually grand spectacles with visuals.  Considering financial constraints, most people will rather spend money to the theaters to experience grand specatcle or a 4 quadrant movies they can share with their kids.


    The like of US, will be a second choice for families and will be postponed more easily.


    Another aspect to consider is that tentpoles and animation movies have a bigger market shares abroad within their genres because they are mostly US made and they are virtually no national rivals.  But for non tentpoles movies, they find themselves competing also with national movies as most countries produce also those kind of movies.

    • Like 2
  12. 36 minutes ago, druv10 said:

    Infinity War lost 150M+ just in exchange rates compared TA1. Hell, Brazil would have been around $120M compared to finishing around $67M, lost 53M in just 1 market.

    Not only that but IW is the only $2B movie that did reach that milestone out of Christmas season.


    To me both Avengers and IW runs are equally REALLY impressive, having reached respectively $1.5B and $2B milestone movies at a time where there were just a few of them and without benefitting from that massive Christmas holliday boost nor by being somewhat rereleased.


    I think with the exception of the Avengers series, there won't be another movie reaching $2B during the spring/summer time in a very long time.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, terrestrial said:


    Start high, usually low(er) mp than if/when a successful movie started low


    I think too many here see it as a 'competition'.

    Never made sense to me, I am in for the long-living existence of cinemas and movies better to be seen in a cinema than at home, sitting before a nice home cinema system.

    = worldwide

    People forget so easily that it first and foremost a BO site where we talk about it on a technical point !


    We talk about numbers and how to translate them into daily and ultimately final revenues based on past data, their similar behaviour from similar products released during the same period of time. 


    We can then use aggregated past tendencies to refine forecasts.

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