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Posts posted by chuck0

  1. Yeah, the early reviews really did not help with this. With a large franchise reviews are not that important, but something like Alita really can be damaged quite a bit. Especially if the bad reviews come in early (this started in the low 30ties).

    I have tried finding a movie that has a similar top critics/critics difference as Alita and was not able to (27% points)... it really got trashed by a lot of early (major) outlets.

    Aside from that yeah, the budget is a bit of a problem, but at least every penny of that is visible on screen.


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  2. 5 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:

    I don't think True Lies is sexist or racist, but I can absolutely seeing it getting called that by a lot of people if it were released today.

    yeah, the whole "kidnap your wife and lock her up for a few hours" thing would not really fly nowadays. Not quite sure i remember it correctly, but i think she does get to hit him a few times afterwards?


  3. 6 minutes ago, DisposedData said:

    I kind of agree. Just have a hard time seeing this making so much less than Beauty and the Beast when the original Aladdin was more popular than the original Beautym

    BatB had the reignited princess brand. Aladdin has Jasmin, but she is not the main character. So i am not quite sure if that is comparable. Also, Emma Watson was probably very important for BatB. Again i dont think that Aladin has comparable star power.

  4. 10 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

    The thing about Frozen is that the fanbase was completely looney tunes. It's not that it appealed to the widest audience, it just had the craziest, most rabid fans, some of whom went over and over. 

    Is this the new version of "Frozen had bad WoM"?

    A lot of people discovered this on home video (which was announced while it was still making good money at the BO).

    • Like 2
  5. 23 minutes ago, Daxtreme said:


    They were going to drop a nuclear warhead on Earth and kill everyone (or something akin to a mega-bomb, can't quite remember).


    At this point I think it's safe to say that they got what was coming to them. If you go around threatening to nuke planets, you also gotta be ready to die because of retaliation. 

    CM easily swept those away and effortlessly fought off all the fighters they threw at her. Destroying that capital ship was her making a point.

    Not sure if Mar Vell would approve of that kind of thinking.

    I guess further debating this might get too political so i will stop here.

    I mean i understand that it was a really impressive scene and added a lot to the spectacle, but it left at least a bit of a bitter aftertaste for me (certainly not MoS level, but still).


  6. 16 minutes ago, Yandereprime101189 said:

    There are so many videos by detractors that say the patriarchy is the villain of the movie. That its men that's holding Brie back.


    No, it's not. It's a civilization of aliens led by a super AI (that appears as female every time it shows up) trying to slaughter a group of other aliens, whose only sin (as of now, I'm sure there will be bad Skrulls in the future) was fighting back. The Supreme Intelligence is largely responsible for the chip on Carol's neck that suppress her full powers. 


    Throughout the time, there are several men that put Carol down telling her she wasn't going to amount to anything. From the flashbacks to even the Kree. This is not a brand new thing, there have been thousands of movies where characters are looked down by others saying they won't amount to anything. Zootopia was all about that, Jesus.


    I just can't even. The internet really is a cesspool of hate sometimes.


    This entire post is also written by a guy.



    Oh, and saw it today. Was good (7.5/10). Some things they tried fell a little flat (a few really awkward jokes and some of the supposedly dramatic scenes) but the final act worked pretty well. Though her destroying a whole Kree battleship to make a point might have been a little... well, extreme? I mean usually in these large scale battles in CBMs the opponents are dehumanized (either some kind of monsters or even robots). That ship was full of people (we saw kree on Hala). Up until now marvel always had the high ground when it came to these kinds of issues.




  7. 6 hours ago, Lordmandeep said:

    I would say the most iconic shots in Comic Book films this decade is (no Order)

    Avengers Circle Shot

    Cap vs Iron Man Civil War Fight

    No Mans Land Wonder Women

    Super Sayian Thor in Avengers Infinity Wars



    What do you guys think? 

    I know i am late to the party, but no one wanted to bring up some of the stuff in Thor Ragnarok?  I guess the shots are not iconic in the sense that they are important movie moments, but they are still visually stunning.





    also, heck yeah, GOTG2 is a good movie!

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  8. 10 hours ago, dashrendar44 said:

    Do people actually realize how much of a scumbag Hugo actually is most of the movie?


    When you rewatch the movie, his character gets a way darker tinge when we know he's mugging cyborgs for their body parts.


    That glance he gives Alita after they meet cute gets a more sinister undertone. Alita is smitten, he looks like he's wondering how she's probably worth millions on the black market.


    He jacked the cutters at Vector's order then delivered them to Chiren, the same deadly cutters that tear Alita into pieces. He never atones for that.


    Then Vector asks him to convince Alita to race in Motorball even though by now Hugo should have known that Vector, Chiren and Grewishka are tagging along to kill Alita. He still complies giving up Alita on a plate for a ticket to Zalem not giving a damn if Alita gets killed at the motorball race by Vector goons. (I mean he didn't even plan to attend it lol).


    Before his buddy gets sliced by Zapan, he says "I told you we should have jacked that bitch when we had the chance..." meaning at some point they discussed ripping Alita's body parts for money.


    Dude acted like a dope fiend ready to sacrifice everyone that cares for him to get to Zalem (The script doesn't lean too much on that addict subtext but I think he was addicted to his dream, willing to do "whatever it takes" to a fault) until Alita wakes up his guilty conscience way too late. He definetely didn't deserve Alita's empathy and compassion, deep inside he knew it too when he refuses her heart. Like Ido said, Iron City corrupts everyone except Alita.

    Yeah he is pretty sinister (though i do not think that he knew about the plot to assasinate Alita in the motorball race. Though i guess he could have due to the grind cutter thing? Now that i think about it you are right... damn). In the source material he did not stop at taking arms and legs... he took spinal columns. His desire for Zalem is also a bit more on the manic/obsessive side because of his backstory. They toned him down quite a bit for the movie.





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  9. 7 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    All corporations engage in shady business practices, but I think the reason Disney in particular gets singled out is because they try to pass themselves off as this squeaky clean family company full of people who don’t have a mean bone in their bodies. ...

    yeah, i agree with this. Disney has a very "clean" and "proper" image that it is trying to cultivate very heavily.

  10. 21 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

    Why would anyone need an excuse to bash disney/marvel?

    Hehe well, i guess i should have been a bit more specific by narrowing this down to CM/Larson. Using something along the line of "see, i like Alita so i cannot be sexist" as an excuse is not great. Since the whole discussion is so extremely charged it is really difficult to get anything constructive out of it.


    Bashing Disney/Marvel as a big bad Corporation is ok though :)

  11. 8 minutes ago, Thanos Legion said:

    Mmm, good shot. Bummer that more sections of the audience didn’t give Alita a chance, it seems that those who did really liked it.

    Yeah, in a way Alita is a hard sell... it is a YA romance story, but viewed from a more mature place (teens do dumb things and their grand romantic gestures will be cheesy :D ) wrapped into a coming of age story wrapped into a visceral action movie with a ton of hard scifi.

    And on top of that it is now used by alt-right types as an excuse for bashing disney/marvel 😕


    Still would have loved it if it could at least have reached a few more people.



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