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Posts posted by Lazer

  1. The kind of movie that has its moments but ultimately is a film that you might not remember much about after you leave the theater.  Rose Byrne is the highlight of the film as she gets to let loose.  She curses and gets nasty and goes at it with the big boys and when she is allowed to cut loose like she does for half the film, it's a lot of fun to watch.  But ultimately, the film is pretty much one big party after another and it gets tiresome and repetitive.  Efron's character is never really developed and as much as they tried to give Franco's character some depth, it never really goes anywhere. It is funny but not nearly as funny as I had hoped it would be.  Maybe I'm spoiled because of TITE and maybe those expectations were unrealistic, but at the end of the day this is not a bad film but not one I'll remember much about. 7/10

    To me, there was nothing to Zac's character. He never went to classes and was just a party boy, who wanted to get on the frat wall, with a great party, and in the long run, he only became an A & F bare chested door greeter, who I think had to go back to community college for his degree.
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  2. Agent hill is always a pleasure to see! And to see her and coulson take down special forces ops ! Stark got a sweet deal there a civilian with shield high level experienceI knew May was looking into coulson and knew it was her in his hotel room (my crack ship)Fitz was emotional , but I guess he's upset because he spent time with ward ! I'm glad fitz and simmons have each other One question hill knows fury is alive so when will the tv shield team know or is that a fact that will remain hidden for the foreseeable future And how about coulson secret "secret" was not expecting that but yeah tots make sense, dog chasing his tail huh? I'd like to believe ward is a triple agent but the possibility is wearing thin more and more Sky and ward are ok when they're not pretending to have romantic discussion

    I don't understand when Coulson made that tape as he said the project should never be used? Was it after his operation, which he should not have remembered? Was it true what Ward said, that a lot of people didn't like that Hill was promoted up to Fury's #2
  3. A total flop critically and financially. And I bet it still won't deter the ignorant from saying that other films succeeded only because of an actor's death.

    I don't care about the box office or the critics, as a lot of people liked it with pretty good action and exciting fight scenes. You could have almost made this into a Fast Furious movie, if Joanna Brewster was the one that got kidnapped.
  4. I don't understand why Oliver thinks he is the last one that Slade mentioned? I think that person is Sara, but I would think that Slade should go after a lot more people to ruin Oliver including Sara, Laurel, Felecity, Diggle, Thea, Roy, Sin, Walter, and maybe leave Oliver alive after every person Oliver cared about was dead. That would cause Oliver the most pain.

  5. Tons of action, lots of physicality and little bit of plot.  After the 4th car chase, it got a little repetitive but never not enjoyable. 7/10

    Yes it was fun enough. Paul Walker got a nice round of claps when his, in tribute picture came up at the start of the credits. Seeing his picture even touched me, damn shame.
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  6. :rofl: Yea, Seagal produced all of his films.  He never even struggled in any of his fights because he was an ego-maniac.  Watch all his movies.  Whenever he fought he just kicks the shit out of everyone.  I don't think anyone ever touches him.

    So the producer is a movie's top man, overruling all, including the director, writer, editor and all other movie executives. Seagal does get hit, I just think he has more believe fights, most comparable to Arnold In his prime.
  7. not as good as the first one but still fun. The villains are pretty good Even though Seagal has a kind of God Sue type mode it kind of works here. The score by the late Basil Poledouris is surprisingly good for this type of movie.

    I agree, not nearly as good as the first one, but still fun. Features a young Katherine Heigl, when she was still cute and without the annoying bigmouth she later developed.
  8. An absolutely fantastic romantic comedy. Cameron Diaz is amazing like usual and Leslie Mann was fantastic and probably the funniest. Kate Upton was also really good and nicki Minaj was not annoying and actually really good- her character kind of fit her perfectly. The film has many many laughs and a really good plot. The ending is fantastic when they are all waiting for the cheat in the conference room at Carly's work place and then Nikolaj costar-waldau character keeps walking into the glass. Great film and definitely recommend.A+

    I am glad to hear that as I saw a critic roast this in a headline, as it is probably not a critics movie. Sometimes you want to see just a good old fun movie, and not see a Citizen Kane masterpiece.
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  9. Andrew Davis can direct actionTake Tommy Lee Jones in this, JFK and The Fugitive.  Are there three more diverse performances from any actor, ever?Eleniak is super hot, great breasts.Busey is hilarious.Newman from Fugitive is funny in his brief role.Copeland from Fugitive is also funny in his brief role. 8.5/10

    No mention on Seagal? Boo, as he and Jones make the movie.
  10. So far Ward has shot at least half a dozen loyal SHIELD agents in the head for his HYDRA leader. When last seen he was plotting to either trick his little cupcake into giving him the hard drive password or to kidnap her back to the Fridge for torture. All of that makes him irredeemable. The writers can't just brush all that aside and bring him back onto the team, not if they want to maintain any credibility at all.  "Action guys" are a dime a dozen. Tripplett can easily take Ward's place. In fact, he already has. 

    Good point, I think it would be tough for the writers to have him back on the good side, with those head shot kills you mentioned. If that is the case, then I really think they should not kill him, as there could be so many stories where he a main bad guy out to get his old shield team.
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