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Eric Prime

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Everything posted by Eric Prime

  1. To everybody here upset over Boseman's loss, feel free to do so. Though this tweet is also something you should put into perspective
  2. lmao how embarrassed must the Academy producers be to set up this big emotional Chadwick win, only for Joaquamole not giving a fuck and Hopkins winning, only to not even be at the ceremony. Must hurt to be them
  3. Weird to think the first Emmy Drama and the first Best Picture winners from a streaming service were from Hulu, not Netflix (yes I know Nomadland isn't actually from Hulu shut up)
  4. Wait...why are they doing Best Picture before Actor and Actress? What the hell is this ceremony?
  5. Wait...wasn't the whole point of having the Song nominees perform in the pre-show was so they wouldn't play it at the ceremony and cut time? What is with this show's structure?
  6. So I was kind of on the "Harrison Ford's got the energy. He can still pull off the part!" But now...I dunno fam.
  7. Imagine the world where COVID never happened and In the Heights made so much money. So pure! So alive!
  8. Why were the production designers for Tenet so sad lol EDIT: I get it. Why is the cameraman all up in their face lol
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