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Posts posted by DealWithIt

  1. 8 hours ago, Fancyarcher said:

    Good for Jedi that it increased.

    Regardless of the outcome it's exciting to follow. It's a real roller coaster of a box office run.

    It’s more just mind numbingly stupid right now. Fanboys hurt the movie didn’t line up with the theories they plucked from nowhere desperate for this to be a disappointment at the box office is already old and tired. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Lordmandeep said:

    Controversial but based on how things are headed, think the WOM and buzz around the film likely will take off around 50-100 million of the gross. 


    Think if it was as liked TFA likely be flirting with 800 million. 


    It was never going to make $800 million. Why is this shit still being said? And, once again, word of mouth is good. 


    There is no universe in which the colossal amount of cash it’s already made is in any way, shape or form a disappointment. The absolute desperation from Luke fanboys to try and say otherwise is increasingly hilarious. 

  3. 54 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

    How the fuck could anyone dislike Rose?!

    She can take care of herself and what she does in the final act makes nerds on the web mad. Hard to white knight a woman that can take care of herself. See the whining about Rey for the last two years for further evidence of this. Every single supposed problem with her can be lobbed at Luke from the OT trilogy and yet...silence when you bring up his problems. 


    That is literally it.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, wildphantom said:

    $750-800 million?! That article - wow. 

    It’ll do well to hit $650 million. 


    You can bet rival studios won’t be so afraid to counter-program with their big movies against Episode 9 in two years. 

    That’s if Disney haven’t bought every studio in town by then. Lol. 

    Yeah...gonna go ahead and say they won’t be dumb enough to do that. Episode 8, LITERALLY the worst movie of all time according to the herd on the Internet, pulled in $220 million opening weekend. So unless you’re Sony, be smart and wait. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, SWXII said:

    JJ needs to run a much tighter ship for IX. No more storyline by working groups at Lucasfilm. Save that for the TV series.


    The entire saga is redeemable with some simple but elegant plot twists. TLJ was somewhat of a lost opportunity but I still think the best SW content is in front of us.


    Stepping off soap box now.



    Well we were just given the best Star Wars movie with TLJ so he has a tough task ahead of him with 9 to be even better. 


    Which means we probably just get ROTJ remixed and the complaints of being safe and where are the risks being taken, somehow forgetting TLJ.



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    • ...wtf 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, EpicBoom23 said:

    I don't think it's so simple. Yes, the fact that many schools were not out had some effect on the last week run, but it's just a part of the 'problem', we should not forget that this is the sequel for the biggest domestic smash ever, so some decrease is obvious and expected, but what is not expected is at best average WOM.
    And if schools problem will be fixed next week, average WOM is not going anywhere.:hahaha:


    Movie has great word of mouth. No matter how desperately you and others try to spin it. Looking forward to your disappearance when over the next two days alone it grosses would it did this weekend, never mind the rest of the week and then next weekend. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, TigerPaw said:



    WoM is very mixed, and I think Disney is looking at this very closely as well, thinking of ways to improve the next film. Like how they saved Thor.


    But fans... need to wake up and stop patting each other's back and keep pretending that the numbers are good and that the WoM is great. 

    Disney doesn’t care what a minority of hardcore nerds on the interwebz thinks. Rave reviews and good word of mouth is what matters. 


    And comparisons to Thor 2 are hilarious. TLJ’s opening weekend alone outgrossed the entirety of the domestic total for Thor 2. 

    • Like 1
  8. Seeing somebody try to say ESB wasn’t divisive upon release is hilarious. Movie split the fandom down the middle since it was darker and apparently not what the hardcore fans wanted. Took years for it to finally be seen as the masterpiece it is. 


    Thanks for the laugh though. 

    • Like 6
  9. 1 hour ago, MattW said:

    I'm looking forward to both Snyder and the Russo brothers being untethered from these franchises, see what they can do on the outside. 

    By the time the Russo bros are done with both Avengers movies, they will probably be feeling that fatigue. 


    Not every body can be like the new GOAT Villeneuve and seemingly go from one project to the next, which is understandable. GOAT status is not easily achieved. 

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    Taika's powah. It is immense.


    Tbh, I actually kinda hope that James Gunn gives up his Guardians 3 spot to Taika. Gunn has done a good job with the Guardians movies, but Taika is PERFECT for GOTG. Hell, Ragnarok was very reminiscent of Guardians (albeit not a direct rip-off like some people thought it was going to be, at least in tone).


    I don’t know if it’s possible for the Guardians franchise to get even more comedic. 


    Ah hell, why not. Fire up the hashtags. #TaikaForGOTG3

  11. 30 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


    Many just don't seem to realize that the appeal of the top JL characters is just far great and deeper than that of most of the Marvel characters. Really, it's amazing that Marvel has managed to make Thor, a character 90% of Americans had never heard of, into this massive money-making machine.


    But compared to Batman, Wonder Woman, and Super Man, house-hold names for the past 70+ years?


    DC makes BAD movies with those characters, like BvS, and it still does $330m DOM! They make a good one, like Batman 2012, it does $470m DOM, or $410m DOM like WW.


    You nailed it: For a Marvel character like Thor to beat JL, Thor has to be GREAT and JL has to be TRIPE. The appeal of the DC characters is just naturally far greater.

    Fortunately for Marvel and Disney, Thor IS an excellent film, so sure, it will make its big money. But it won't beat JL. 



    All spot on. If JL even ends up “just” being decent, it’s going to be massive. 

    People take to it like they did Wonder Woman? Game, set, match after just opening weekend. Getting to see WW again just a few months after her solo movie might also be enough to sell people. 

  12. Unless Justice League is catastrophically bad, which based on somewhat early word, it’s at worst looking to be decent, it’s clearing a billion worldwide. Wonder Woman cleared $820 million worldwide. Now add in the rest of the gang (plus Cyborg, for any fans he may have out there). It will be in the billion dollar club and probably fairly quickly. 

  13. I’m glad to see Chris Hemsworth finally has a good solo movie in the MCU. First one showed promise and had the fish out of water aspect working for it but it had plenty of room for improvement, which The Dark World totally squandered. Then he barely seemed to be in Age of Ultron until the big fight at the end. Only other time he was able to really show anything was the first Avengers movie. Kind of sad that Thor has seemed to be an afterthought in the MCU up until now. 

    • Like 4
  14. 36 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    I don't know why but I'm not excited for Thor and JL, which is weird because I'm a huge CBM fan.

    Two more comic book movies that are going to do well regardless of reviews. Like, I’ve been in heaven with all of the quality CBM movies we have gotten going back to the start of the Nolan Batman trilogy all the way through now, but yeah, it’s hard to get EXCITED about them anymore. Go see it, have a good time and that’s that. They never really stick with me afterwards anymore, certainly not the way I’m still thinking about BR 2049. Then you see these numbers for 2049 and it’s just disheartening. Thought provoking big budget movies are indeed a dying breed. Not even trying to go in on people who didn’t like 2049 or have no interest in seeing it. Just thoroughly disappointed that like Apes a few months ago, a movie is deemed “bleak and depressing” and it goes by the wayside and flops/disappoints at the box office. Can’t help but wonder if some of the blockbusters of the 70s through the early 90s ever even get made in this day and age. Probably not.



  15. Guess I should’ve specified I was more talking about the box office and legs. Between Apes and now BR 2049, its amazing to see longer, big budget movies that are also slower paced than you’d expect out of a 150+ million dollar movies. And one of them also being an R rated sci fi movie that’s nearly three hours long. What a time to be alive. Just hope BR has better legs than Apes did. 

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, JB33 said:

    Freaking people can't ever get off their phones, even in a movie. It's pathetic.


    I've generally had very good luck with my audiences over the years but I had my first really bad experience when I saw IT on opening night. These two girls sitting beside me were both peering on one of their phones throughout the whole movie. One of them was showing the other pictures or something. I'm thinking, "Why the fuck are you even here? To be hip and just to be able to say you want to see it?". I finally asked them to put the phone away And they did, but one of them still whipped it out a few times later on.


    At which point I would’ve loudly told them to get off the goddamn phone and if they go on it again, I will be getting management involved. Zero tolerance with people on a phone once the movie starts. Something is that fucking important, get up and go out in the hallway. Don’t sit there with the bright ass screen in a dark movie theater like an inconsiderate, self absorbed dickhead. Everywhere should just be like the Alamo Drafthouse and all these problems would cease to be. 

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