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Posts posted by Audrey

  1. I saw this movie on opening day, and I will admit it, it was great.  I had my reservations going in and I completely expected it to be mediocre.  I was wrong.  The comedy was great and there was a good mix of that along with action.  I loved the new characters and enjoyed seeing the old ones.  My only problem was that the plot was thin, but they needed that to focus on new characters.  If the plot would have been huge with throwing new characters in, I feel it would have been too much.  Overall, great movie.  Definitely in the top 3 star wars movies for me.


    Final verdict is an A-.  I fully expect episodes 8 and 9 to be the best of them all.  I literally can't wait.  Such a good start to a new movie series in the star wars saga.

  2. 1 hour ago, baumer said:

    Not only is this the worst Hunger Games (and that's saying something), not only is this worse than any of the Hobbits, it's one of the worst films I've seen in my life.  Notjhing happens until about the 90 minute mark and it felt like the film just went on and on.  And the end of it just seemed so silly, so out of place.  It's like the writer just decided that there had to be a twist somehow.  Instead of us seeing a final battle or at least a confrontation between Snow and Katniss, we are left with President Coin telling Katniss that she gets to kill Snow but he tells her that they were both played for fools by Coin.  And so we don't get any final confrontation between them, instead we just see Snow get killed by an angry throng of villagers.  So horribly anti-climactic and so utterly disappointing.  


    Then there's Gale's exit, which I do not understand why it was written that way.  Somehow it looks like he did something wrong.  WTF.  I mean this is a guy who was fiercely loyal to Katniss all throughout the series and they conveniently cut him out of the picture so that her decision is easy.  


    You have all this build up for three films and you are waiting for some kind of huge and satisfying conclusion and instead what you get is a bunch of people talking, then talking some more, and more, and more, and more exposition, then Prem dies for reasons unexplained as to how she even got there and then you have the President decide that there's going to be another Hunger Games, after they just spend the last three books being pissed off that there was in the first place.  And the n Katniss throws a tantrum at her cat and even the cat looks at her like, "WTF are you saying?" I have no idea how this series got so popular.  It's absolutely fucking horrible.  


    Oh, and there's a scene where some albino looking four legged creatures attack them, and they have no guns, no knives and all they do is knock them around a bit.  Yes, a few people die but no one important.  And here's the funny thing, our "heroes" have guns, so why don't they just make a stand and shoot the albino dogs?  Instead they try to run.  STUPID STUPID STUPID.  Who wrote this screenplay, Damon Lindelof?


    Then finally at the end, we have a Harry Potter ending.  Horrible.


    I hate this film.  Hate it.



    Well I am a true fan and I suppose I can even agree with you on some of this?  Btw, did you read the book?  You would then know why katniss dismissed Gale as 


    He was involved in Prim's death.  The bomb thing he was planning in the beginning showed that.  



    I rated this movie second best after CF, but now that I think about it, it may actually be third best.  It just didn't keep my attention as much as it should have.  I actually think the trailer made it look better than it was. 

    • Like 2
  3. There is a simple reason for what happened.  The bandwagoners got off the wagon.  Once there were no more games, that was it.  Most didn't care after the games, and didn't care about the revolution.  That is why you didn't see this happening to harry potter and twilight.  You take a core element out of a series and there you go.  It's almost like taking vampires out of twilight.  In the end, it really is sad that many didn't care as the themes were always at least subtle in the first two movies.  Mockingjay just expanded them.  I also think many expected all four movies to be hunger games because the whole series is titled that.  Once they saw where the movies were headed the bandwagoners jumped ship.

  4. 4 hours ago, ShouldIBeHere said:

    Good movie with some of the best scenes of this cinematic year, however, its images often undermine the very same message it tries to bring across. Sometimes I wished for the shaky images of the first movie and that some of the action stuff could have been shown from a "smaller" perspective, not the action-blockbuster-wide-shots. 


    The acting, as always, is very good and I particularly was surprised how much I have warmed to Peeta as a character and JH as an actor. Katniss can become a little bit annoying, especially after MJ1 (one of the reasons the split was a bad idea, the whole PTS stuff gets a bit old after a while) but of course JL is what elevates this whole franchise. Donald Sutherland just owns this role while his opponent Coin is - unfortunately - a bit of a caricature in Julianne Moore's portrayal. 


    The ending.... well, it robbed the books of much of its impact and it also harms the movies. But this will be a debate that fans will probably discuss for ages.



    Personally, I am satisfied with this after the bad movie that was MJ1. However, both the split as well as its increased blockbuster-feeling robs this last chapter of its potential to make the Hunger Games a truly great trilogy beyond the YA generation. Which is a bit of a disappointment as the attempt was pretty exciting to follow over the last years. For a truly great cinematic achievment the series peaked too early and wasn't carried out straight enough to its end. But there have been worse disappointments and none of them still look (and for the most part feel) so good, emotional and overall satisfying.




    Your qualms seem well justified, and I think your review was pretty fair.  I understand people have different opinions but the person who gave it a D+ (A D+ really? I mean I could understand/respect a C, but a D sounds a little too extreme IMO) sounds to be overreacting.  I mean, a lot of people gave Part 1 a C and some a D, and most think Part 2 is at least a small improvement over part 1 so it doesn't make any sense.

  5. 7 hours ago, Fullbuster said:

    Under MJ1? In the US or OS? That seems quite unlikely, not only it is a finale but it also has 3D and much better reviews...If Twilight BD2 could do it there is no reason MJ2 couldn't

    My thoughts exactly.  In the US people are saying it might be lower.  I'm like no lol.

  6. 5 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

    He said right in the post there were no trailers :lol:

    Lol sorry, all I saw was that the trailers arrived late.  Well if anyone sees it let me know.  I heard mockingjay part 2 is freaking epic and awesome so cant wait to see what was in the preview.

  7. 4 hours ago, Blankments said:


    November 5, 7:00 PM, 5% full

    University Place 8, Carbondale, IL

    Trailers (arrived late)
    The electricity went out a half hour prior to the showtime, so the film started at 7:20 without previews.

    Some laughs here and there, but the lack of crowd was noticeable.

    Did you get to see the preview for mockingjay part 2?

  8. 18 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


    "Mockingjay Part 2 is a satisfying conclusion both emotionally and cinematically to one of the most interesting franchises in Hollywood right now. As someone who walked into the theatre initially skeptical too, it ended up giving me everything I wanted."



    "Mockingjay - Part 2 may not have the relentless pace or quip-heavy approach of, say, a Marvel blockbuster, but what it does offer is an emotional gut-punch of a film that's a fitting send-off for one of modern-day cinema's great heroines."



    I the funny thing is too that these reviews I dint think have even been added yet.  More positive ones to go for RT.

    • Like 1
  9. 36 minutes ago, Arthur Pendragon said:

    I'm so disappointed, I wanted it to fail just to see Raphael crying out of despair ? But maybe the BO numbers will give me that pleasure ?

    Do you hate the movies or something?  Lol.  You know, you may not get to see it fail either.  The reviews are giving it good word of mouth, so you never know.

  10. Also, mockingjay part 2 now has 12 reviews 100 percent, average score of 7.5.  The score keeps going up as ppl add reviews etc.  I'm sure there will be a few rotten ones soon, but overall reviews are solid.  I think 4 of these are US critics too, hopefully they won't be too harsh on it.

  11. Another thing I wanted to add is that MJ2 is a more fitting finale than BD2BD2 was fine, and the best of the movies, but there wasn't any "epicness."  The battle wasn't even really a battle.  MJ2 will be more akin to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.  I think it will definitely be up there on that level with the action and "epic" feeling.


    BTW, how much do you see part 2 making over there?  I see part 1 made 22 mil, do you think over 30?

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